The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Fifty-Seven: Land Monster

"It's not that I'm in love with you. Anyway, if you hate it, you can hate it. Ben Guliang likes to whip you with his tentacles, scumbag."

Wang Yin's eyes are numb and lifeless, no matter what you say, it can't change the fact that he was forcibly swallowed by a banshee. When did this king ask you to fulfill your promise, this king never promised to swallow your innate essence.

Said sadly: "Do you know if this king is a man or a male demon... Thank you very much for giving this king such a rich source. This king really feels that the current physical strength and speed are at least ten times higher than before, maybe four times. Even Star Life can't catch up to this king."

"But this is not the evolution method that this king wants. You shouldn't swallow this king by force. Don't you know the truth that a twisted melon is not sweet?"

Zhang Miaomiao pretended not to see his sadness, and touched Wang Yin's body curiously and said.

"Why can't I swallow you by force? Haven't you swallowed many transfigured women and human women by force? What's the matter? It's our turn to swallow you by force. That's the way you are. Modern humans and monsters always call for equality between men and women , your thinking is equal, ass."

"But your monster body is so strange. Why is it different from other monsters? If you don't evolve the realm and blood demon power, just focus on the strength and speed evolution of the physical body, and why does Lanxing Tiandao change for you?"

Wang Yin just resents injustice, why is he so unfair to him, as the originator of the blue star demonization, the strength is actually not as good as an octopus that was knocked down and rebuilt after being knocked down in the world of mortals, and she forcibly swallowed the demon.

My heart became even sadder, tears streaming down my face: "I don't know if you believe me."

Zhang Miaomiao nodded: "I believe."

"Stop chatting, Lan Xing Tiandao should be angry if we keep chatting, Ben Guliang is leaving and bye."

Putting away the gauze covering the sky, Zhang Miaomiao's clothes and hair flowed automatically without wind, and the aura of a fairy-level life soared into the sky.

In the rumbling, the black does not slip away, and the color of the world changes. The body of the giant monster of the land is shaken by the coercion. All the human beings and monsters on the body are unable to stand up straight due to this momentum. Clouds covered the entire Blue Star, and lightning, thunder, and hurricanes roared.

The huge and incomparable dark witch who was fighting, and the giant elephant of the giant elephant kingdom stopped at the same time. I don't know how many miles there were huge eyes, and their spiritual senses were all staring at a certain position on the dark witch. The giant elephant was scared and backed away.

"How come there is a divine aura appearing on your body?"

The Dark Witch was also in a daze, but she didn't show any flaws on her face. She was majestic and unpredictable, and she concentrated on watching the change of a certain position on her body.

Zhang Miaomiao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It's fun, I'll let you know before I leave that Ben Guliang also left from Blue Star, hahaha...."

Her words reveal a deep reluctance for Lan Xing, and all the wildness on the surface is just to cover up the panic in her heart that she is about to leave her hometown where she has lived for thousands of years. Although her home planet is not Lan Xing, she opened her eyes from ignorance At that time, she lived in Lanxing, and Lanxing was her real hometown in her heart.

After speaking, he jumped up into the sky, turned into a dazzling meteor beam in the blink of an eye, and shot towards the deep space of the universe.

Wang Yin lay on the ground, staring at Zhang Miaomiao shooting away in a daze, with complex and difficult eyes.

This old Yinbi finally left. After leaving herself with an unhealed trauma, she left... She just left. How will I regain my confidence and recover from the trauma... a scumbag.

In desperation, a small black whirlwind rolled up beside him, wrapped in the black soil, and turned into a woman with a hot body and a black body. The woman looked up at the sky.

"You are a dragon kingdom monster, your friend is very powerful."

Wang Yin's expression is solemn, today the king must have run into evil, and just left an old Yinbi, and another one came unknowingly, turned around quickly and shook his wings, and was about to fly into the sky and leave here. .

Hum A shooting star just shot up from the ground, and fell back to the ground under the pressure of invisible gravity. Wang Yin was sweating profusely and her face was gloomy. The pitch-black woman giggled.

"Friends from my Wuhehei territory, it's not easy to leave without saying hello."

Oops, this is another existence that can limit the speed of this king. What a ghost, has Blue Star evolved into a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?

Feeling numb in his heart, he couldn't help but smile, facing the hot and dark woman again, drew a wooden frame shape with both hands, and performed a local bishop's ceremony in the country of birds.

"Hello, Layman, the little demon is not from the Dragon Kingdom. The little demon is from the demon clan of the Liuyang Bird Kingdom, and is a nationality of the Bird Kingdom. I don't know who the senior layman is. What are the orders for the little demon to stay?"

The dark woman smiled.

"That's my friend from the Bird Kingdom. Just because of the speed at which my friend broke out just now, I can keep my friend. Don't you know who I am, Wu Heihei?"

"Besides using the gravity of a country's homeland, what else can Blue Star limit the speed of a friend."

Wang Yin was stunned and asked tentatively, "You are a land witch of Heibuliuguo."

Facing Wang Yin's uncertain question, Wu Heihei nodded generously and admitted: "Yes, it is my country."

Wang Yin was speechless. Is this the clone of the witch of Hei Bu Liu Diu? It really is so dark, if you can't find the location at night, no wonder it is called Wu Hei Hei.

Looking at Wang Yin's rich expression, Wu Heihei, as a giant monster in a country, collided with the thoughts of countless creatures on his body, it can't be seen that Wang Yin's mind is in a mess.

Smilingly, he asked, "My friend, are you wondering, my country is so dark and not easy to lose sight of, can I see my country at night, right? Or maybe I'm wondering if I can find a location... giggle."

Being directly exposed by the dark witch on the opposite side, Wang Yin is embarrassed that Nima is going to die, do you have his heart or something.

Shaking his hands vigorously, he quickly denied it, and once again greeted Wu Hehei with the bishop of Xingniao Kingdom. Anyway, this king will not admit that he is a demon of Dragon Kingdom, and he will not lose face as a demon of Dragon Kingdom.

"No, no, nothing, the little demon has met Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, please don't wrong the little demon."


Wu Heihei's dark as coal face flashed thick teasing, Wang Yin didn't know why he was so sharp-eyed, and he could see the expression on his dark face.

Twisting his plump buttocks, Wu Hei's dark soil clone stepped up to Wang Yin's side, and circled around Wang Yin twice.

"Actually, I'm very curious. What's on your monster, it's worth the God who just came to talk to you to communicate and devour it. Is your source of life so unique?"

Wang Yin broke out in a cold sweat, Sister Hei, you can't follow the example of that octopus swallowing me by force, otherwise I will really find a piece of mud to kill me today.

With a stiff face, he replied: "The little demon said that the woman came to offer her natal essence to the little demon on her own initiative. Do you believe me, Mr. Wu?"

Wu Heihei rolled his eyes and looked at Wang Yin like an idiot: "Do you think this country is an idiot, or is this country really good at fooling around?"

"Okay, okay, I know you don't believe me, so you can think whatever you like."

Wang Yin spread his hands and expressed his freedom.

Wu Heihei: "But you seem to be very nervous, little monster, are you afraid of something?"

Rolling his eyes, covering his mouth and grinning: "Is it because I'm afraid that I will imitate that god, so I will force you to swallow it... Hahaha."

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