Luz carried a sniper rifle and rushed down from the sand slope, and quickly came to Izuku's side.

"How do you feel about Jonah, eh? Jonah has your mask off? This looks pretty cute."

"No road race! Take me back quickly. Although I can't die, I feel that my right arm is no longer conscious."

"Nervious? Come up quickly!" Lutz directly carried Izuku on his back and quickly left here.

"That guy is a waste of time?" Bakugo watched Luz and Izuku running farther and farther with a look of disbelief.

"Fei Jiu is injured? How are they going to treat Fei Jiu!" Bakugo also lifted his footsteps and followed Luz Izuku.

The desert is an annoying place. It is full of yellow sand. Fortunately, there is a black spot in front of it as a coordinate. It is a temporary medical tent made by Kou Kou and others.

"Not good! Jonah is injured!" Lutz broke into the medical tent with Izuku on his back without the gun.

"What?" Everyone in the medical tent stood up in surprise, including Uncle Rem, who had a plaster on his hands.

"Didn't I let you and Jonah be watched outside? How could it be like this?" Koko immediately walked up and touched Izuku's head.

"No, it's getting hot already, R!"

"Got it." R immediately took Izuku from Lutz and put him on a temporary hospital bed. Then R took out medical supplies from his small backpack.

"The nerve in the arm is completely necrotic, tranquilizer!"

"R, did I do something wrong?" Izuku was lying on the hospital bed.

"Stupid Jonah!" Koke was so anxious that he began to curse foul language.

"What the hell are you doing, Jonah?"

"He killed a squadron by himself."

Just after Luz finished speaking, everyone in the entire medical tent except R who gave Izuku a sedative was shocked.

"He killed a squadron chaser alone?" Uncle Rem looked incredulous, and the smoke in his mouth fell to the ground.

"It looks like Jonah has made great progress. It's time to increase training." Farme drew a tactical sword from behind.

"Tojo, our Villain this time, I remember it is called the'House of Technology', right." Koko's eyes flashed with blood.

"Within three minutes, I want all their information, and I want them to know that not everyone can touch the pet of our nine-man team."

"Woo, the eldest sister is angry."

"What... Mission..." The tranquilizer started to work, and Izuku's eyes were blurred, and he closed his eyes soon.

"Huh, huh, I finally ran there." Just as the murderous intent was exuding in the medical tent, Bakugo Katsuki finally ran outside the medical tent.

"No way, Jonah's right arm is completely necrotic, Rem, get the axe."(Read more @

"Here." An axe was handed over.

"Hey! What are you doing?!!!" Bakugo Katsuki saw this horrible scene as soon as he walked into the medical tent. Luz took Izuku's right hand, and R held his axe and chopped it down! !


At this moment, it seemed as if time was frozen, Bakugo Katsuki yelled, but no one heard it, as if he was not in this space.

"Puff!" The right arm was cut off with a piece of flesh and blood, and Luz and R were covered with blood, and Izuku's right cheek was also stained.

"What are you doing!!" Bakugo blasted a blast on Luz and R's faces with a furious look, but he didn't seem to be in this space, no matter how he bombarded the people in the tent with [quirk], Even if it can't be hit, his behavior is like a silent film.

"How can it be repaired!!" Bakugo finally knelt on the sand, looking at Izuku on the makeshift hospital bed, tears falling on the sand drop by drop.

"What are you doing! Waste Jiu!!"

"The wound has been treated." R took off the mask and threw the rotten flesh on the plate on the ground. What is the difference between doing this and throwing the rotten flesh directly on the ground?

R: Form! Form!

"Then I will start." R stretched out his right hand and activated Izuku’s bleeding wound [quirk]

"Puff, puff, puff!" The severed limbs were reborn, and the bones suddenly protruded from the fracture, followed by blood-red flesh. When the flesh was growing, several pieces were accidentally broken, and blood was sprayed on the sand.

"Cough cough." Izuku coughed suddenly and spewed two mouthfuls of blood.

"Lutz! Did you buy fakes for this damn tranquilizer!"

"How is it possible! The things Laozi buys are all genuine products, it's R your skills are not at home!"

"Fuck you!" Two guys over 1.8 meters tall fought in the medical tent.

"Tojo, haven't you found it yet?" The blood in Kou Kou's eyes was very bright.

"I found it, the location and firepower deployment have been sent to your personal terminals."

"So, do you start now?" Luz and R quickly separated. Luz picked up the sniper rifle that was thrown on the ground, and R picked up the gun that was placed next to the tent.

"I have contacted the company. The company said that the operation was within the permitted scope. I have arranged a rescue helicopter and it will be here in 20 minutes. Let's go first. I want that organization to fall apart!!" The murderous aura on Kou Kou was about to condense into a solid body.

"Yes!" Several people walked out of the medical tent carrying guns.

As R walked across the makeshift hospital bed, Izuku suddenly stretched out his left hand and held his wrist.

"R...Don't...Don't kill..." Izuku squinted and looked at R.

"No, Jonah, because mercenaries are mercenaries, one of their missions is to kill."

"Then... I also... do you want it?"

"No... you are not a mercenary, you are an angel." R leaned down and kissed Izuku's forehead gently.


Afterwards, the zipper of the tent was pulled up, leaving Izuku with a bloody face and Bakugo Katsuki kneeling on the ground. The cut arm was lying quietly in the sand, and the skin of Izuku's right arm began to recover.


"It hurts so much!!" Izuku's eyes widened.

"Cough cough." Another two mouthfuls of blood spurted out.

Bakugo Katsuki stood up. He slowly stretched out his hand. Just when he wanted to hold Izuku's left hand intact, Bakugo's hand went through the makeshift bed, like a ghost.

"Why...why!!" Bakugo yelled loudly, and he raised his fist and punched the sand under his feet.

Suddenly, the sand suddenly produced a whirlpool and sucked Bakugo Katsuki in.


"Go back to me!!"

After waking up from the dream, there were still a tear or two on Bakugo's face.

"What shit!?" Bakugo wiped the tears from his face with his hand, got up immediately, and opened the door.

The sun has slanted to the west, it is five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is some leftover lunch on the table.

After a hasty dinner, Bakugo Katsuki put on a coat and left the house.

"Smelly boy! Where are you going!"

"Wander outside!!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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