The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 120: Questioning and the Long Corridor Supermarket

Bakugo Katsuki walked out of the house in his coat. He walked to a vending machine and bought a can of orange juice with his change.

Pour the orange juice into his stomach in one breath, and the cold orange juice made Bakugo Katsuki's hot head cool slightly.

"Damn it!" Bakugo smashed the jar against the wall.

"That's a dream, right! It's a dream that is rotten to the ground!!" A kick to the wall, the irritability still did not weaken by half.

"Homogai!!!" Now Bakugo was in a state of incompetence and rage. He kicked the wall a few more times, then put his foot down and walked towards Midoriya's house.

At the same time, Izuku also woke up from his dream.

"Ahhh~~ Sleeping really well." Izuku stretched out lazily, and then he yawned again.

"Reminiscent of dreams? Interesting." Izuku glanced at his legs, the wound was already scabled, and moved again. Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore. How has the wound healed so quickly?

"Izuku, I'm out for dinner." Yinzi's voice reached Izuku's ears.

"Mom is back? Didn't she play at Aunt Mitsuji's house?" Izuku took off the bandage, moved his feet, then got off the bed and walked out of the room.

"Come on, what's mommy's dinner today?"

"Seafood Pork Chop Rice."

"Awesome!" Izuku cheered and washed his hands and sat on the dining table. As soon as he picked up his chopsticks, he heard the doorbell ring.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong."

"Who?" Izuku-kun opened the door reluctantly. Standing at the door of the house was Bakugo Katsuki, who had already gone home.

"Xiaosheng, why are you here?" Izuku quickly sorted out his expression.

"The old lady asked me to bring this thing to you." Bakugo took out a bag from his back with a few apples in it, which he actually bought.

"Thank you Xiaosheng, mom, and Aunt Guangji for sending some apples." Izuku took the apples and welcomed Xiaosheng into the house.

"Oh, I didn't expect Katsuki to send Apple over so late, Izuku, take Katsuki to your room to play."

"Good." Bakugo followed Izuku into Izuku's room.

"Bang!" The door was closed.

"Why is Xiaosheng coming to my house so late?" Izuku lay on the bed and looked at Bakugo, who was sitting on the ground with a puzzled look, and threw a can of soda to him.

"It's nothing, just one thing needs to be confirmed." Bakugo drank the soda in one breath.

"What's the matter?" Izuku shook his feet.

"I had a dream. In the dream, Fei Jiu your right hand was cut off, and then you were born again."

"..." Izuku's eyes dimmed, then brightened again.

"Xiaosheng, what are you talking about? Dreams are dreams. They are all fake. Don't take it seriously." Izuku laughed and touched his nose with his right hand.

"By the way, do you want to eat at my house tonight? My mother made seafood pork chop rice." Izuku stood up and opened the door of the room.

"...No, I'll go home and eat." Bakugo squeezed the jar in his hand and walked out of the room.

"Katsuki, would you like to eat at my house?"

"No, I'll go back first." Bakugo walked out of Izuku's house without looking back.(Read more @

"Ontology, could it be that dream before..."

‘It’s just a moment to conceal it, anyway it’s just a dream. Izuku watched Bakugo forcefully shut the door.

"Hat ら し い!!!" Bakugo just walked out of Izuku's house, he started to go crazy again.

"Wai Jiu!! You damn dare to hide it from me!!" A heavy fist hit the ground, blasting a black stain.

"Laozi will definitely let you tell the truth!!"

The next morning, Izuku finished his morning exercises and sat on a chair to code words. There were not many manuscripts left, so I had to continue coding.

Just when Izuku finished coding the day after tomorrow's article, the phone rang suddenly, and the people in the group were @他.

Midoriya Izuku: What's wrong?

Uraraka Ochaco: Izuku-san, are you free this afternoon? Let's go shopping together.

Erlang Xiangxiang: Want to buy something? Add me.

Kaminari Denki: I also want to go shopping.

Mineta Minoru: Where do you go to buy things?

Uraraka Ochaco: Promenade Supermarket, shall I go with Izuku?

Izuku stroked his chin. Although he didn't have anything to buy, it was good to go shopping with everyone to increase his feelings.

Midoriya Izuku: I will go, so when will we meet at the promenade supermarket?

Uraraka Ochaco: At two o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at the supermarket in the corridor.

Uraraka Ochaco looked at the black screen of the phone and sighed for a long time. Can Nian, I didn’t expect that meeting with Midoriya was so difficult. I blamed those two guys, so she could only play with Midoriya. Under the banner of shopping.

‘Never let those two guys make trouble this time! While thinking about it, Uraraka Ochaco took out a summer dress from the closet that he didn't usually wear on weekdays.

‘This time I will use the dress to decide the outcome! ’

"I must learn about Midoriya-san's favorability!" Uraraka Ochaco raised his right hand to cheer for himself.

By the way, are you playing too many strategy games? Is the favorability really so good?

After putting on the dress, Uraraka Ochaco was stinky in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room.

"Hehe, as long as I put on some more makeup, I am a pretty girl." Uraraka said as he pulled out his makeup cabinet.

An hour later, Uraraka Ochaco looked at himself in the mirror almost the same as he was an hour before, and put down the light makeup lipstick on his hand.

"Beautiful girl, Uraraka Ochaco! Come on! I have light makeup!!"

Light makeup? It feels like it was an hour ago? Is light makeup just to make others invisible to your makeup? Indicates that you can't understand.

At 1:30 pm, Uraraka Ochaco walked out of the house while cheering himself up.

"I am leaving!"

"Be careful on the road, Izuku."

"I see, mom." Izuku carried his little backpack and walked out of the house.

At the same time, Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki also saw the message that Uraraka Ochaco in the group invited Izuku to play together.

‘Piece face! What the hell are you doing! ! Want to die? ! ! ’

"Unexpectedly, classmate Uraraka is also a strong enemy. ’

The two wrote in their notebooks to beware of Uraraka Ochaco, and then walked out of the house at the same time.

"Master Boom, where are you going?"

"Long Corridor Supermarket."

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Long Corridor Supermarket, drive Laozi faster!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Izuku came to the promenade supermarket.

"Well, this time is the hottest time." Izuku closed one eye, folded his right hand into a fan, and fanned himself.

‘It’s a bit hot. ’


"Allah, classmate Uraraka, you dressed very cute today, what about the others?" Izuku kindly greeted Uraraka.

‘Midoriya said I’m cute! Mr. Midoriya said I am cute! ! ’Uraraka classmate! The filter is too thick, what's the matter with this full-screen rose special effect! !

While thinking about it, Uraraka's face kept flushing and steam came out of his head.

"What's wrong? Classmate Uraraka, your face has become weird? Are you sick?" Izuku stretched out his right hand to touch Uraraka Ochaco's forehead.

"Pop!" Uraraka Ochaco slapped Izuku's hand away, turned and rushed into the crowd.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Uraraka disappeared before Izuku could react.

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