"What happened to Uraraka classmate?" Izuku scratched his head. Today he is wearing a light green shirt and a pair of black trousers.

‘I don’t know, Uncle Rem said that women’s minds are the hardest to understand, now I know. ’

"Don't worry about so much, I'm almost dying of thirst, let's buy a bottle of water first." As soon as Izuku lifted his foot, his hand bowl was caught. Turning his head to see, it was Uraraka's classmate who was still flushing. .

"Classmate Uraraka?"

"Izuku-kun, shall we go and drink milk tea together?" Uraraka Ochaco said this sentence almost struggling.

"Drink milk tea? That's okay." Izuku laughed. It's been a long time since I had milk tea, but I still prefer coffee, um, except for black coffee.

"Then I know that there is an Internet celebrity milk tea shop here, I will take you there."

‘Hoho, the first step to get good impressions is done! While holding Izuku’s hand, Uraraka walked into the Internet celebrity milk tea shop.

"Welcome, what would you like to drink?" The waiter walked over and asked the two of them sitting on the seats by the window.

"I want a cup of dirty tea." Uraraka Ochaco said with a finger up.

"Give me a latte."

"Does Xiaojiu like coffee?" While waiting for tea, Uraraka Ochaco asked with his head lying on the table looking at Izuku.

"Well, I prefer the refreshing effect of coffee. When I study in the evening, I usually drink a cup of coffee and then study until two in the morning." Izuku said as he took out a book of English from his backpack. Fiction, look through it.

"Do you go to bed at two in the morning? But in that case, wouldn't the rest period be short? No wonder Xiaojiu's dark circles are thick." Uraraka said as he took out a small mirror from his pocket, yes. Izuku was approved.

"Is the dark circles thick? I think it's okay." Izuku looked at his dark circles in the small mirror, at least it was better than not sleeping every day when he was a mercenary.

"That's not okay! Even if you are a boy, what you need to take care of is to take care of it!"

"Tea for both of you." Dirty tea and coffee latte were brought up.

"Huh! You'll go and tidy up with me later." Uraraka Ochaco picked up her dirty tea and drank it.

"Hey~ why?" Izuku looked helplessly and picked up the latte he ordered. The woman's heart, the needle on the seabed, couldn't understand it.

"Hurry up and drink it!"

"Hi, hey~" After quickly drank the latte and settled the bill, Izuku was pulled out of the milk tea shop by Uraraka Ochaco.

‘What am I doing? ! Why does the body move involuntarily? ’

"Obviously I want to see the cute look of Midoriya-kun after washing his face and putting on makeup, stop pretending! ! 'One! General!

Izuku was held by Uraraka Ochaco and walked away with a face full of helplessness.

‘I just drank the latte so quickly, it didn’t feel at all. ’

‘Coffee latte is to be tasted carefully! Blame Uraraka classmate! ! ’

‘Don’t say that, Uraraka is actually doing good for me, isn’t it? ’

‘Hmph, I hope so, don’t cause trouble again. ’

When Izuku was taken to the makeup shop by Uraraka Ochaco, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki arrived at the promenade supermarket at the same time.

"Where is that pie face!!!"

"Where did Izuku be taken by Uraraka." Shoto Todoroki got out of the car and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Shoto Todoroki: Midoriya, where are you now?

Bakugo Katsuki: A long time! Do you fucking want to die? You are dead! !

Mineta Minoru: Oh, Uraraka, what did you do that is maddening, I saw Bakugo in the promenade supermarket and it was going crazy.

Midoriya Izuku: I was taken up to the third floor by classmate Uraraka, saying that I was going to put on makeup or something.

Kaminari Denki: Uh...I saw Shoto Todoroki, why did half of his clothes burn out?

Mineta Minoru: Bakugo gave himself a burst and calmed down.

Uraraka Ochaco: Today Izuku-kun is me! Don't think about any of you! !

Kaminari Denki: Shoto Todoroki didn't even change his clothes and went straight to take the elevator.

Mineta Minoru: Hmm...It's another big show, Shang Ming, do you want to go see it together?

Kaminari Denki: I won't go, I'm sorry, I was almost killed by Bakugo last time I was involved in the incident, and it was Midoriya who helped out.

Mineta Minoru: Then I will go live.

Kaminari Denki: Good luck, don't be killed by Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo.

Erlang Xiangxiang: I seem to have missed a lot of things, idiot, come and help me carry things.

Kaminari Denki: Good.

Mineta Minoru: Licking the dog, licking to the last nothing.

Kaminari Denki: I still have a place to lick, you?

Mineta Minoru: I'm heartbroken.

Mineta Minoru got on the elevator with an uncomfortable expression. Next time I want to find a book on Mingming, don't even think about it. Go and buy it yourself, idiot. Next time, let you kneel on the ground and call me Dad! !

In the makeup shop on the third floor of the Long Corridor Supermarket, Izuku is struggling to accept the waiter's face-wiping service.

"Although this kid's face is very tender, there are still a lot of dirty things that haven't been wiped out."

‘What does the tender face have to do with dirty things! ! Hurry up and take things away, it hurts to rub! ! ’

"Look, you see, there are a lot of dirty things that have been rubbed off your face since a long time." Uraraka Ochaco said while holding a used face cloth, which was covered with dirty things.

"What are those?" Izuku reluctantly opened his eyes, and glanced at the wipes, a little unbelievable.

"Some necrotic cells and dead skin. I didn't expect that you are only a teenager. There are so many dead cells and dead skin." The waiter said while wiping Izuku's face with a wiping cloth.

"Ahem, this should be fine." Izuku coughed awkwardly. I can't tell you that I haven't slept well in the past few years, so there are so many dead skins.

"It's almost done, the next step is to put on makeup. In fact, you have a good foundation. Paint a makeup. You are a very cute girl."

"Puff!" Uraraka almost laughed when he heard what the waiter said.

"Um...I am a boy now."

‘Uraraka, why are you smiling! ’

"Eh! Boy? How come your face is so soft." When I heard Izuku personally said that he was a boy, the waiter immediately changed his face, and kept rubbing his fingers on Izuku's face.

"Well, I can't put on makeup yet? Can I leave without applying makeup?" Izuku felt that his face was about to be punctured.

"Apply makeup, of course you have to put on makeup." The waiter did not know where he took out a few cosmetics.

"[Quirk]: Perfect makeup!" The waiter's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his hands kept moving on Izuku's face.

"Itching!" Izuku finally couldn't bear it anymore, he pushed the waiter away and sat up on the recliner.

"Ah sneeze!!" Izuku sneezed hard.

"What's wrong, my nose is getting very itchy." Izuku rubbed his nose, and then saw himself after putting on makeup. It didn't seem to have changed much, that is, the dark circles are gone. If you look carefully, , The pockmarks on both cheeks became lighter.

"That's what it looks like." After paying, Izuku walked out of the makeup shop with his hands in his pockets, Uraraka Ochaco followed Izuku shyly with his head down.

"What's the matter? Is my change so big?" Izuku touched his face, looking at Uraraka Ochaco, who was blushing behind, a little puzzled.

"Hmm... how do you say? Midoriya-san, who has no dark circles under his eyes, feels particularly sunny and handsome."

"Is there such a big change?" Izuku touched his face again, feeling a little uncomfortable, so he should wipe it off later.

"Then where are we going down there?"

"Are you looking for a fight, Fei Jiu?"

"Izuku, don't go with others."

Two inexplicable breaths appeared behind Izuku.

"Familiar voice, Masaka!" Izuku turned his head hard.

"Wow! It really is Xiaosheng and Hongjun!" Izuku almost cried out, rushing to the stairs quickly, are you two ghosts? The lingering spirits! !

"Feijiu, you fucking dare to run!" Bakugo chased after him.

"You are not allowed to chase over." Shoto Todoroki used [quirk] to freeze Uraraka Ochaco's feet, and then followed him.

"It's you two again!!!"

‘It’s so difficult for me to get good impressions! ! Let me swipe it and it will die! ! ’

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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