"All rise!!"

"Ha!" As soon as the three of Izuku walked into the classroom, they were shocked. Under the command of the squad leader, the whole class acted as if they were one person. They were all blackened because they were wearing black uniforms.


"Swipe!" The whole class raised their hands in salute at that moment.

‘I was shocked. It’s no wonder that Shijie High School is militarized. I didn’t expect militarization to be so powerful. ’

‘Big soldier, big head, so stupid! Suddenly I want to take them down. Is the body okay? Frighten them. ’

‘No, it’s not good for others to get the aura that is hard to come by. If you embarrass them again, you will be hated. ’

'Ok. The three of Izuku stepped onto the podium.

"sit down!"

"Wow." There was only a sound of the bench moving, which is worthy of a militarized school.

"Now applause welcome three students from U.A!"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!" The eyes of everyone were only precautions and targeting, and the blood in the eyes of Ye Lan Daozuo.

"Well, three classmates, please introduce yourself first." The sword dancer teacher looked at the three with a kind (fog) gaze.

"Okay, everyone, I’m Ida Tenya, the monitor of Class 1-A of UA Heroes, and the quirk is: [Engine] Please give me some advice." Ida Tenya said to the seniors of Class 2-A. bow.

"Hello classmates, I am Midoriya Izuku, a student of U.A Heroes Division 1-A. I like to eat pork chop rice. The quirk is: [Strengthening] I would also like to ask seniors for advice." Midoriya bowed as he did Ida.

"Hello everyone! I am Mineta Minoru! I am also a student of UA Heroes Division 1-A, and I am interested in watching pornography... In short, please remember me." Ida Tenya's threat flashed red. Mineta Minoru remembered the threat of Ida Tenya when he set off.

"Okay, three students, please take a seat." Three vacant seats were placed at the back of the class, and textbooks and workbooks were also placed on the table.

"Yes." Mineta Minoru bounced back to find a seat and sat down.

‘There are few accidents in books. Izuku sat in his seat, flipping through the textbooks on the desk.

‘And the knowledge in the books is very easy to understand, so this is the gap between U.A and Shijie? ’

The three of them looked at each other with smiles, they were all top ten students in the class.

"Well, everyone first turn to page 25 of the English book...The grammar explained yesterday..."

‘The way of explaining the textbook is also different from U.A’s, I feel so relaxed. ’

‘I can understand it completely, simple and simple. ’Mineta Minoru wants to take out his mobile phone from his pocket to play.

‘Will the teachers at Shijie High School only follow the scripts? This way it shouldn't cultivate knowledgeable Heroes. ’

"Okay! Brats! I know you are all tired of listening! So! Now everyone is on the training ground! Start training!!!"

"Oh oh!" The whole class suddenly exploded as if they had ordered a dynamite bucket.

"It turns out that training is bigger than everything? Is this really good?" Mr. Ida wanted to complain.

"The three of U.A. also go."

‘Is it targeted again? ’(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

‘It looks like this week’s time will not be easy. ’

"By the way! When training, you must not only wear combat uniforms, but also wear uniforms issued by the school."

"Excuse me, why is this!" Ida-jun raised his hand and asked.

"This is a tradition, and this is also a part of Shijie High School's training. Please follow it, okay! Hurry up and change the training clothes!" said the teacher of the sword dancer and walked out of the classroom with his textbook.

"Sir! yes sir!"

‘The people in this school are so strange. ’

"Let's go, let's change clothes too, I remember being here in the locker room."

"The dressing room...is it the same as ours?"

"Almost, but the cabinet over there is a bit bigger than ours. I remember our combat uniforms were put in the cabinet yesterday."

"Hurry up! Hurry up, I still want to peep into the girls' locker room!"

"You almost broke our U.A's reputation before class, do you know it!" Ida-jun's eyes began to glow red again.

"If Mineta-kun does this again, I will inform Mrs. Aizawa to take you back."

"Don't don't don't! I'll take the class well and don't be a demon!" If Mr. Aizawa takes it back, it must be a 20,000-character review, plus a bunch of super targeted training.

"Okay, Ida-san, don't scare Mineta-san, let's change the training uniform as soon as possible. It's too late but others will look down on it."

"Go fast."

In the dressing room, Izuku first took off his uniform, and then took off the white shirt he was wearing, with a white back and some strange white undulations. Mineta Minoru had been looking at the ointment on Midoriya's back.

‘........... What is going on with Midoriya on his back? ’

"Kun Mineta, hurry up and change clothes. Others have already gone out, eh? Mineta-kun, you have been looking at Midoriya-kun. Is there anything on him?"

"Huh? Mineta-kun, what do you want me to do? Is there anything?" He pulled up the zipper on his back. Izuku looked at Mineta Minoru, who was halfway through the training suit.

"No, no, I just think Midoriya may be born with the wrong gender, so how could Qian's back be a boy? It would be nice if it was a girl."


"Hurry up and change clothes, everyone else has gone out, there are only three of us left."

"Huh?! Is there anyone in the women's locker room?"

"I don't know, but even if it does, I won't let you pass Mineta-kun! We must not ruin our U.A's reputation!" Ida Tenya blocked Mineta Minoru's way out for the first time.

"I got it!" Izuku quickly put on training uniforms and uniforms and walked out of the locker room and came to the training ground of Shijie High School. The training ground here is much messier than that of UA, because there is no Cement Division teacher. It is being refurbished, so the training ground here has been in a state of chaos. There are pits and pits everywhere, and there are others that have grown grass and small flowers, which are completely deserted.

‘Is this the training ground of Shijie High School? ’

‘Sure it’s not a deserted auditorium? ’

‘There are all kinds of occasions here. As expected, Shijie, there are all kinds of venues. "This is obviously made like this by Shijie's students!" Ida, can you not be so good at brainstorming? ! The three of Izuku stood at the back of the class.

"Okay, everyone is here, so let's start today's training. Today's training subject is one-on-one combat. Please come to me to collect your number plates. Also, this training is a wheel battle. Every time you defeat your opponent, Anyone can choose another person to challenge."

'Wow! Targeted again! The three of Izuku can feel the maliciousness this class is full of against them.

The number plates were taken away one by one, and everyone in Shijie had joy and sorrow on their faces.

"Damn! Why am I playing with Hot Speed ​​again? I will be completely abused, OK!"

"Why, are you afraid of me?"

"If you have the ability, don't eat popsicles while you are playing!"

"That won't work, popsicles are a weapon for me to cool down."

‘I feel that as soon as I started training, everyone started to change a lot. ’

‘The scene suddenly turned into chaos. The red eyes are peeking around in the shadows.

"Next, Midoriya Izuku!"

"Yes!" Izuku yelled, then walked to the teacher and grabbed a number card.

"The twelfth, who is the twelfth?" Just after Izuku finished speaking, everyone in Shijie looked at Izuku with a deadly look on one side of their eyes.

"The twelfth? It's me." A girl with pale green hair and black uniform walked towards Izuku.

"Hello classmate! I'm Midoriya Izuku, please give me your advice!" Izuku bowed to the senior sister very well.

"Hello, I am moving the mountain to tears, and the quirk is: [Tears of Rain] Please also advise."

"Okay! Now start meditation training, remember to stay away from the rain of tears!"

"Teacher, may I ask, is Senior Tsie Yu very strong?" As a student of Ida who loves to learn, naturally he raised his hand and asked.

"Actually, it's not a question of being strong or not. The main reason is that the [quirk] of Tears of Rain is really a bit difficult." The sword dancer teacher buttoned his mask again.

‘That’s okay, let Tear Rain teach this doll and get the place back. ’The face under the mask is quite wretched, uncle police? Someone here wants to bully our little Midoriya! ! Don't care about it!

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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