The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 180 I have never been afraid of Midoriya Izuku

Izuku and Leiyu stood still in a relatively flat place.

"Student Leiyu, can you tell me more about your [quirk]?"

"Why are you still planning to record?" As soon as Leiyu finished speaking, he saw Izuku take out a notebook and a pen from his back.


"This is my hobby, so please come to my classmates." Izuku asked with folded hands.

"All right, since it's student Midoriya's request, then I will tell you."

"Student Leiyu, you are too close, I can't write!" Leiyu leaned directly on Izuku's body.

"Damn! Why does that fellow Midoriya have an affair in other schools! Bastard!! I have never had such close contact with any girl! Manoko actually stuck on Izuku's arm like this!" Mineta Minoru He drooled jealously, and then quickly took out a camera from his crotch (?? Are you serious?) pocket, and took another snap.

"My [quirk] rain of tears is mainly based on my tears. When the [quirk] is activated, it will rain heavily within 100 meters centered on me. You have to feel the rest. , Midoriya classmate~"

'Wow! The frequency of that jitter is either C or D! Almost to the level of E! Midoriya's luck is great too! "Mineta-kun, can you collect your saliva?

"Boom!!" Mineta Minoru who was shooting was hit and flew out, and his nosebleeds splashed all over the floor smoothly.

"This classmate's attention is a bit low, he is clearly fighting, but his attention is elsewhere. It's really weak." The one who fought Mineta Minoru was the stronger one in Shijie's class.

"Ahem! I'm not a weak chicken!" Excuse me! Must be severely punished! ! Mineta Minoru wiped the blood from his nose, put the camera in his pocket first, and then picked two grapes from his head.

"Although I am a crane tail in strength! But I am not weak!!"

"Then come! Let me see the strength of U.A students!!"

"Ah, it's rare to see Mineta-kun burning up." Ida Tenya pushed the glasses on his face, and once again set his eyes on the opponent in front of him. His opponent was a very difficult and passionate opponent, Yelan Inasa. .

"Mr. Ida! Where are you looking! I'm coming!!" Yelan Inasa yelled, while forming a strong wind with [quirk], rushing towards Ida Tenya with the dust on the ground.

"You deserve to be a senior who can show up in the provisional license exam. Cover your eyes with wind and sand, and then use close combat skills? A good trick, but I am not paper-cut either! ’By the same method, Ida Tenya also concealed her figure in the smoke and dust. After all, aren’t you two fighters? How did you play with the invisibility of a ninja!

"Well, classmate Leiyu, I have finished recording, let's start training."

"Eh~ I want to know about Xiaojiu, too." As soon as Leiyu finished speaking, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, and thick clouds suddenly appeared on their heads.

"Wow! Sure enough, I don’t even like Xiaojiu! Wow ah ah ah ah!!!" Tear Yu’s tears burst down all of a sudden, at the moment when the tears fell on the ground, the clouds above his head. It began to rain heavily, which directly wetted the two of them. For a while, an inexplicable sadness rose from Izuku's heart, and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.(Read more @

"Suck, classmate Leiyu, don't cry, okay?"

"Wow!" The cloud cover is still widening, and the rain keeps falling.

‘Can rain inspire sadness in people’s hearts? Am I sad? Do I have a lot of things to grieve? Unknowingly, there were two more tears on Izuku's face, and the sad memory kept crashing against the closed door, and the memory was roaring, trying to rush out of the closed door.

"Tears..... Gu..." I wanted to stop Leiyu from crying, but opened his mouth with a crying sound, and Izuku violently covered his mouth with both hands.

"That's why no one wants to fight the rain of tears. Whoever likes to be fine can cry." The sword dancer teacher plans to take Izuku out of the range of rain of tears in two minutes.


‘Ontology, do you want to cry? ’

"I don't want to cry, but I can't help it..." Tears kept hitting the ground, Izuku's hand covering his mouth was also struggling, and the sad memory was still roaring, wanting to escape from the closed The door of memory rushed out.

‘Can’t cry, absolutely can’t cry! ’

‘But...I can’t help it! ! ’

"Wow!" Like a baby crying, Izuku knelt on the ground, raising his head and crying presumptuously, tears sprayed into the sky like a fountain.

"Main body! Your tear ducts are too developed too!" Red-eyed Izuku rushed out of Izuku's shadow, hurriedly comforting.

"But I can't help it anymore! Wow ah ah ah!!!" Izuku's cry was lower than the cry of tears, but because of the unchanging voice and the amount of tears like a fountain, it attracted Attention of everyone.

"Puff! Is this kid made of water?" The sword dancer looked at the tears that looked like a fountain, with cold sweat on his face.

"So crying, wouldn't it be lack of water?"

"The amount of water spray is as good as tears."

"The body, don't cry! It's embarrassing." Red-eyed Izuku said as he dragged his crying body away from this [Tear Rain] range.


"Why does Midoriya classmate cry so loudly? Suck it." Moshan Leiyu sniffed, and the thick clouds of rain on his head showed no sign of stopping.

"Although the [quirk] of tears can inspire sadness in the heart and cause crying to achieve the purpose of subduing Villain, the shortcomings are also obvious. If Villain does not have a sad mind, the [quirk] of tears is the biggest The effect is that it rained and got Villain's clothes wet, but now..." The sword dancer closed one eye and looked at Izuku who was crying like a fountain.

"This classmate Midoriya Izuku's [quirk] is obviously more than [strengthening]." His gaze was fixed on the body of the red-eyed Izuku who was dragging Izuku away.

"Why is Midoriya classmate crying so sad?" Tears of tears looked at Izuku who was being dragged away, and the black eyes under the wet pale green hair showed a light of curiosity.


'do not know why! I feel so sad! ! ’

"Ontology, don't cry!!" The red-eyed Izuku, who was really immobile, hugged the princess directly, and hugged himself, the little ancestor who was still crying very loudly.

"I should be the first one to worry about the main body so much." With a sigh, the red-eyed Izuku hugged Izuku and escaped from this place of sorrow.

As soon as he escaped from the range of [Tear Rain], Izuku's crying no longer was so loud, and his tears returned to normal levels.

"Uuuuu~ red eyes~"

"Everyone is such a big person, can you stop crying like this, it's embarrassing to be outside."

"But but~"

"Okay! You are the main body! The main body should look like the main body! Don't cry!" The red eye suddenly became like the big brother!

"Yeah!" Izuku was put down, he wiped the tears from his face, with a flush in the corners of his eyes, earnestly apologized to Moshan Leiyu who was still in the range of [Tear Rain].

"Sorry! Leiyu classmate, I lost this time! And thank you! I cried very happily this time!" Red-eyed Izuku didn't know when it turned into a black light and rushed into Izuku's eyebrows.

‘This time the door must be jailed! It must not be opened anymore! ’

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