In the end, neither Leiyu nor Izuku received an invitation from the wheel war. One was scared away by the [quirk] of Leiyu, and the other was scared by Izuku's tears. I have never seen a person cry so much. of.

"Gulululu." At this time, Izuku was lying in the big bathhouse of Shijie High School's bathroom, enjoying the massage service of red-eyed Izuku. Both of them are now naked.

"It's so comfortable~" A comfortable smile appeared on Izuku's face, as if he was about to fly comfortably.

"Don't move around, the acupuncture points are wrong, some of them are bitter."

"I always think that I am the ontology. The ontology has no consciousness of being the ontology at all." Red Eye sighed and continued to massage his little ancestor.

"Red eye, if only you could come out when I was a mercenary, my right shoulder was always hurting during that time."

"Nonsense, no matter how protective the rifle stock is, it will still have an impact. Others tie a mat on the right shoulder, so you don’t tie anything stupidly. It's not painful!"

"Red eyes, point your hands up, it's a little itchy."

"Hey! I won't help you! Take a shower and have lunch!"

"Huh? Don't say that. Give me a press."

"I heard that the canteen here also has pork chop rice. It should taste good."

"Really?! Then let's go quickly! There will be no more when it is late, right?" Izuku ran out of the bath with a splash.

"Yes, the charm of massage is not as good as a bowl of pork chop rice." Red-eyed Izuku shook his head and got into Izuku's shadow.

During lunch, Yelan Inasa took his lunch and came to the place where the three of Izuku sat.

"The game you played in the morning was really passionate!! But it's a shame that Midoriya-kun lost."

"Big husband, because classmate Leiyu is really amazing!" Izuku doesn't really matter. There are many people who are stronger than him, and he has to work hard.

"But having said that, Mr. Ye Lan, your cafeteria tastes really good! Even the pork chop rice is so delicious." Izuku said while eating a bite of white rice, it turned out to be the most delicious white rice!

"That is, although it can't compare to U.A's canteen, the chefs here are all master chefs for more than ten years." Ye Lan patted her chest and said proudly.

"Moreover, eating a bowl of steaming hot dry noodles after training will not only fill your stomach, but also warm up your blood again, Ula!" Without leaving the blood, the baby was saved without medicine. Carry it away. Next .

"So Ye Lan likes to eat hot dry noodles, don't know if it tastes good?"

"It tastes good, do you want to taste it?"

"Uh... next time, I will definitely try it next time!" Izuku said sorry to Yelan Inasa after the last bite of pork chop rice.

"By the way, Shijie High School's afternoon classes are so few, there are only one or two classes."

"Basically they are training classes and self-study classes, and the teacher will conduct a class test the next day after finishing the class." Roucang Jinger didn't know when he walked to the three of them.(Read more @

"Isn't it! It's so cruel?" Mineta Minoru said that he couldn't accept the exam the next day.

"That's why everyone will study hard in the self-study class. After all, you have to be arrested for tuition after failing a subject."

"Tutoring is not passionate at all! That's why everyone will work hard to learn knowledge in the tutoring class!" Yelan Inasa took a bite of hot dry noodles, which is a bit like Shoto Todoroki.

"So, it's up to everyone's self-consciousness." Ida Tenya picked up a fork and inserted a piece of steak into his mouth. The taste of the steak was similar to U.A's.

‘How can it be repaired! Why is there such a thing as a uniform here! You can only see the breasts wrapped in uniforms! ! Bastard! Mineta Minoru bit her handkerchief and glanced over the tight and fleshy girls.

"I'm full! Ida-san, let's go back and review together."

"Okay, wait for me." After sipping the drink on hand, Ida Tenya wiped her mouth with a tissue and followed Izuku's footsteps.

"Mineda-kun, do you want to go back and review together?"

"No, I have to go back to the dormitory first to see if the phone is fully charged." Mineta Minoru also wiped his mouth with a tissue. He had already finished eating. He stayed in the cafeteria just to see more girls, the kind with big breasts. .

"All right, but Mineta-kun is better to review it together. After all, you are ninth."

"Tsk! Sooner or later, I will explode Ida, the third place chrysanthemum!!" Mineta Minoru issued a dangerous statement.

"Waiting for you to chop off the other people first."

Five minutes later, Mineta Minoru twisted the handle of the room and walked into the room.

"Hoho! The phone is fully charged, so next! Hehe!" Hey, Mineta Minoru, do you want to sneak into the girls' dormitory again, Mineta Minoru?

"No, Shoto Todoroki said that if you post Midoriya videos and photos in the group every day, you will send me a new mobile phone when the exchange period is over. Found!! Huh? Wait, who am I talking to?"

Shaking his head, Mineta Minoru connected the phone to the camera, first uploaded the photos and videos taken in the morning to the phone, and then took out the PSP. Of course, the easy-to-find things like photos and videos had to be found after Midoriya went to bed. Send it again.

At 1:50 in the afternoon, Izuku and Ida saw Mineta swaying into the classroom playing with his mobile phone.

‘Mineda-kun is a bit too loose. ’

‘I don’t know if Mineta-kun has learned the lesson today, it feels a bit difficult. Izuku glanced at Mineta Minoru who was sitting on the seat and continued to look at the book.

‘But Mineta-kun must have been working hard where others can’t see it. Those who can enter U.A. are really hardworking people. "No, no, no, Mineta Minoru can enter U.A. It is entirely on the chest of Teacher Midnight, otherwise he will definitely not enter.

‘Cuckoo! Teacher Midnight's notebook has a new product. I wonder if I can go out when school is over? If I can go out, I will definitely buy a copy! 'You see.

At 3:45 in the afternoon, Izuku stretched his waist and made a ‘quack quack’ on his body.

‘Huh, I didn’t expect it to be this point. I always feel that time passes quickly. Izuku looked out the window, the deep blue sky and a few thin clouds, which seemed a bit lazy.

‘It would be nice if I could take a break. ’

‘What do you think, the three major organizations are chasing you ass! If you don't want to die, learn from the dead! I don’t know where the red eyes came out, so he tapped Izuku's head hard with his hands.

‘You can help me too, Red Eyes, I’ll leave it to you if I speak English! Izuku touched his head and handed the English book to Red Eye.

'Eh? ! I'd never come out if I knew it. The red eye curled his lips, took the English book, squatted behind Izuku, and opened the book like Izuku.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the school bell rang on time, and Izuku got up again and twisted his neck.

"Cack bang bang bang."

"Hmm! My neck is sore!" Izuku stood up, turned around, and packed his schoolbag.

‘From this point, it’s no different from U.A. Everyone is working hard anyway. Izuku rubbed his sore wrist.

"Ida-san, can I leave school when school is over again here?" Mineta Minoru asked Ida Tenya.

"It seems okay, but the curfew here is an hour earlier than U.A."

"Then let's go out and play! This is different from U.A. There must be a lot of fun!" Mineta wanted to see the difference between the beautiful big sister here and other places.

"Sure, but have you finished your homework?"

"I've written it a long time ago! Do you think my title of high school is for nothing?" Mineta Minoru wiped his nose, showing a proud look.

"Then go, Mr. Midoriya, do you want to come together?"

"Huh? Um! Okay! It's good to see how this is different from the city where U.A is located. Let's broaden your knowledge."

"Then it's decided! After returning to the dormitory, the three of us will go shopping outside."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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