The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 225 The patrol and Yagi Toshinori were picked up?

"Is it because of winter? I didn't see Villain at all." Guy Mi shook his clothes when he appeared.

"It's not enthusiastic at all! It's good to have a Villain!"

"Shut up, Ye Lan, patrol well." Meat Jingcang said with his hands behind his back. They have been patrolling the streets for nearly three hours, not to mention Villain, there is not even an old grandmother who needs to cross the road with a hand.

‘It’s so boring to death. Bakugo Katsuki also put his hands on the back of his head, and from time to time he turned to Izuku, who was only ten centimeters away from him.

‘Fei Jiu must be very boring, maybe even more impatient than I am. ’

Shoto Todoroki also felt a little boring, but his iceberg face that year was completely unrepresented, and he also looked at Midoriya quietly.

‘At noon, please go to lunch with Midoriya. You have to shake off the durian head next to it. ’

‘Ontology! Won't you be bored? ’Even the red eyes bored back to Izuku’s shadow.

'bored? Not at all. The corners of Izuku's mouth twitched slightly. The red-eyed boy's favorite thing is not to play cards and join in the fun. If he is led by the nose, maybe something will happen.

‘It’s so boring, so boring, so boring, so boring~ It seems that something interesting is going to happen! ! ’

'Interesting things? Which one are you referring to? Izuku thought of being chased by the symphonic duo with Koko.

‘Forget about that kind of thing. There was a drop of cold sweat from the red eyes. If the incident weren't for the cooperation of others, he and Kou Kou would have died at least, and according to the quirk of the body, it was absolutely... forget it.

‘Forget it, it’s fine now. "Red Eye decided not to mess around for the time being.

‘It’s almost the same. Izuku nodded, and the six people continued to patrol the street.

At 10:20 in the morning, Mr. Tsukauchi woke up from the sofa.

"His, my brain hurts." Tsukauchi lifted the coat covering his body. Late last night, he and All Might and the principal of the UA school had been discussing the issue of monsters, but in the end there was no result. , On the contrary, I couldn't hold back and fell asleep.

"Oh, Tsukauchai-san, good morning." The principal still sat in his office chair and drank black tea calmly, but the principal's black eyes betrayed him, and he couldn't get up at all.

"I thought about it all night, Tsukauchai-san, I think you should check for yourself whether those people are missing now, investigate their movements, and protect them is what you have to do."

"I see, eh? Where's Yagi?"(Read more @

"As soon as he woke up, he went to find his apprentice. Oh, yes, for this matter, please give a password to everyone in the police station.

"I know, but even if I say it, few people believe it." Tsukauchi pursed his lips and cleaned up the information and notebook on the coffee table.

"Excuse me, then."

"From last night until now, no one has been to my office." The principal said while drinking black tea.

"Kara." The office door was closed, and the principal put down the black tea in his hand and walked to the window.

"Villain Alliance, Ba Zhai Hui, another organization like this appeared after that, alas~" the principal said and shook his head.

"I don't know how long Yagi can last."

"Knock, principal." A knock came from outside the door.

When the principal was working with dark circles under his eyes, Toshinori Yagi dragged his tired body to the street looking for his disciple, Midoriya Izuku.

"Huh, I always feel that the duel was weird. There is absolutely nothing about Midoriya boy who knows nothing about him, and Shijie was attacked this time. They could easily capture some students, but why did Midoriya boy come out and attack? The direction changed in an instant. Is Midoriya boy an important target for them?" Toshinori Yagi can sometimes force it.

"Gululu." There was a protest in his stomach, and Yagi Toshinori remembered that he had basically eaten nothing except coffee from late at night until now.

"Ah~ I didn’t eat anything, so hungry." After touching his empty stomach, Yagi felt that he had to eat something. He walked vainly towards a nearby cake shop, but he hadn’t taken a few steps yet, his eyes I saw the shining Venus. The next second, Toshinori Yagi fell down. This fact tells us that no matter how late you stay up late, don't eat less.

"Papa', perche'quest'uomo e'steso qui? (Dad, why is this person lying here?)" Just a minute after Yagi Toshinori fell to the ground from starvation, a pair of foreign fathers and daughters came over. The girl looked at Yagi Toshinori lying on the ground with a puzzled face.

"Guardandolo così magro che avrebbe dovuto essere affamato e svenuto. (Seeing that he is so thin, he should have passed out of hunger)" The father in the hat looked at Yagi's face and said.

"Hai fame e sei svenuto? (Hungry?) Papa', sembra cosi'patetico, possiamo riportarlo indietro? (Dad, he looks so poor, can we take him back?)" The little girl used her secret Trick: Selling cute rays, with a 100% hit rate.

"Eve, ti ricordi cosa abbiamo fatto qui? (Eve, do you remember what we are here for?)" The father pressed his hat and looked at his daughter a little helplessly.

"Trova l'uomo che mi ha salvato in quel momento, Mamma... (find the person who rescued me at that time, but...)" The little girl made another move: hug her leg Selling cute, the hit rate is still 100%.

"Va bene, mia cara principessa, tutto dipende da te. (Okay, my dear little princess, everything is up to you)" Father smiled helplessly, and directly pulled Toshinori Yagi from the ground.

"Che luce! C'è davvero un buon pasto? (So light! Do you really have a good meal?)" The father carried Toshinori Yagi on his back, the little girl followed his father, and the two gradually walked away.

Yaoshou! All Might, uh no, Toshinori Yagi was picked up! Don't care about Midoriya! ! what? Is this not yours? Then I'm going to find the police uncle.

"Boom! Boom! Brush!" On the street, several surrounded Villains were doing their last resistance, holding several hostages in their hands.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise I will kill them!" Villain pinched a hostage's neck. With a little force, the hostage's neck could be squeezed.

"Goo...Help..." Hey, the hostages have foamed at the mouth, Heroes, what about your actions?

I saw Shoto Todoroki throw out a cone of ice, but in the next second, the cone was dissolved by the flames ejected from the palm of a Villain.

"Damn! Let go of the hostages!!" Bakugo Katsuki had just fired a blasting armor-piercing round, and another high-pressure water gun sprayed by Villain directly extinguished the blasting.

"There is no way to get close, Damn it!" Yelan Inasa also tried to attack Villain, but he was afraid of hurting the hostages, so there was no effective attack on Villain.

"What should I do at this time?"

"How about Midoriya?" Guy Mi appeared cautiously. She turned her head to look at a damaged wall, where the green figure was lying, with red eyes taking care of the unconscious body.

"Fuck! Laozi will break this group of bastards into pieces!!" Bakugo Katsuki didn't care about his image in everyone's eyes, staring at the Villain with a grim expression.

"I dare to hurt Midoriya...Is it okay to severely wound them?" Shoto Todoroki narrowed his eyes, hey, do you two care about the hostages struggling in the ghost gate?

"Kukukuku..." Suddenly, the red-eyed sneer attracted the attention of Villain and Heroes, and saw him walk out of the crashed wall briskly, his eyes blooming with more blood than ever before. Red, with the corners of his mouth rising, he sneered at the Villain who was about to die.

"How dare you to hurt the body, how brave are you?"

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