The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 226 Red Eyes Are Scary When Angry

"You dare to hurt your body, how brave are you?" said the red eye, walking towards Villain step by step.

"Help..." The hostage seemed to have only one breath left.

"Swish!" In the next second, the arm of the Villain who was holding the hostage was cut off, cut off by his own shadow, and the hostage fell on the ground, with a mixture of saliva and tears flowing on the ground. The crowd couldn't accept this reality all of a sudden, and they froze in place.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Villain shouted wildly with his right arm left.

"Which!" The hostage lying on the ground twitching was moved to his side by the red eye, and the red eye pulled out his ear.

"What are you screaming? It's not that you removed your entire shoulder." A group of shadows split from the screaming Villain's shadow, and the group of shadows came to the red eye against the arm that fell on the ground. Red Eyes bent down, picked up this arm, patted the dust on it, not caring about the blood still bleeding on the arm.

"This arm is treated as if you were holding the young man's interest, but the principal, I can ask you for it now!" The black shadow suddenly tied these Villain's feet firmly in place.

"The ontology once learned an interrogation technique from Farme, cutting Villain's body into raw fish one by one. No, human flesh slices. Seeing you are so strong, you can definitely cut out a lot of meat." The red eye faced the sunlight and raised his arm. The whole arm was covered with hairs. It was not good at all. A sharp sword appeared quietly from the shadows everywhere. The sword were floating on these Villain's. By his side, as long as the red eye gave an order, the sword could cut these Villains into pieces of scarlet flesh.

"Swipe!" A spider silk descended from the sky, and Spider-Man finally appeared. If he doesn't appear, something will happen.

"Red eye! You can't do this!"

"Why?" The red eye seemed to be deliberately waiting for Spider-Man's arrival. When he saw Spider-Man, he dropped his bloody arm and stared at Spider-Man with red eyes.

"what why?!"

"Why can't these Villains be killed?"

"When you control the Villains, we can't attack these Villains."

"Why?" The red-eyed eyes looked at Spider-Man tightly.

"They took the hostages, and they almost killed them again. If I hadn't come in time, the hostage would have died! What's more! They also injured the body! So! Why can't you kill them!"

"Why! Because I killed those guys! Then my own behavior is no different from Villain!"

"It's pretty much the same." Picking up his arm again, Red Eye raised his arm and came to Villain who was covering the wound of his broken arm.

"Click." The arm was thrown in front of this Villain, and the red eyes stared at the Villain stubbornly.

"The body does not allow killing, and the wounding is stopped by Spider-Man. Fortunately for you, next time...Oh, maybe there will be no next time!" Red Eye said while releasing aura and aura. Directly pressing these Villain and Heroes out of breath, red eyes cast a glance at the stiff Bakugo Katsuki.

"Hey, Bakugo Katsuki, what's the matter? Just such a little momentum will crush you like this?" The red eyes whispered, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he was very happy every time he saw Bakugo deflated.

"Red... red eye, can you close your aura?" Spider-Man said stiffly, turning his head.

"It's almost a bit. Anyway, after I get out of prison, be a good man for me, otherwise...I don't mind giving stray dogs some meat dishes at night." After that, several police cars and an escort car drove off. Coming over, there was also an ambulance that drove over, and the momentum of the red eye was instantly put away, and he returned to the red eye Izuku who did not follow the routine and liked to join in the fun.

"Sa Sa! The next step is to clean the battlefield. The cleaning staff will have to spend some things. The main body may not be able to patrol with you." The red-eyed hands swayed happily, and the steps bounced like going out. The children on the outing came to the unconscious Izuku with red eyes, picked him up carefully, and walked to the ambulance.(Read more @

"Why can't we patrol with us? How passionate a patrol is! Ask Midoriya to patrol together!" Ye Lan Inasa shouted very uninterestingly.

"The rib of the main body was broken. If you don't dislike it, try breaking one of your own ribs?" Red Eye rolled Ye Lan's eyes and sent Izuku to the ambulance. Wow~wow~wow~wow~wow' honking in the distance.

"The feeling of a broken rib is really so painful. No wonder the red eyes are so angry." As soon as Spider-Man heard that the rib was broken, he subconsciously touched his chest, and his rib was also broken.

"Huh! That red-eyed aura is so powerful! I also want to develop such a powerful aura, so super passionate!!" Ye Lan Inazuo waved his arms a few times and shouted loudly.

"Let's go, continue patrolling." The few people just wanted to leave, they were surrounded by a group of Heroes fans. This time, Bakugo Katsuki pushed away the crowd with a grim face and looked in the direction where the ambulance was leaving.

"Let's go, [explosively], the teammate has fallen, and the remaining team members have to take up his responsibilities and move on." Spiderman said, patted Bakugo on the shoulder.

"Cut! Got it! Let's go!" A palm slapped Spider-Man's hand, Bakugo Katsuki glanced at the pool of Bloodline whose arms had been cut off, and followed Spider-Man and others.

In the ambulance, medical staff are checking on Izuku.

"I have a broken rib, a scratch on my head, steady heartbeat and breathing. I am now in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up for the time being. My fingers are slightly red and swollen." A head nurse said while checking Izuku's condition, from time to time. Illuminate Izuku's eyes and throat with a flashlight.

"There is congestion in the nose and throat, the situation is very dangerous! Notify the doctor in the emergency department, open the Heroes emergency channel, the driver! Open the green channel!"

"Got it!" The horn of the ambulance became sharp, and the vehicles on the road gave way.

In the emergency department of the hospital, the nurse in the duty room received the call from the ambulance and immediately rushed to the doctor’s lounge where there was a long-staying doctor.

"Doctor! There is a Heroes who needs to open a Heroes emergency channel!"

"Gan! Laozi hasn't slept for half an hour, how come again?" The doctor scratched his head, sat up from the camp bed, put on a white coat and walked out of the lounge.

"How is the patient?"

"The situation is very bad, a rib is broken, there is congestion in the nasal cavity and throat, and there may be congestion in the respiratory tract, and the operating table is already open."

"How long will the patient get to the hospital?"

"five minutes."

Five minutes later, Izuku was admitted to the emergency department.

"Ah, why is this kid?" The doctor just put on the mask and frowned when he saw the patient being pushed in.

"Doctor Tou recognizes this patient?" The nurse looked at the doctor while tidying up the equipment to recover from the injury.

"This kid came here once in July and August. At that time, his injuries were on his arms and legs. Although the treatment was almost done at the time, he still had some sequelae. This kid camouflaged the sequelae very well, but he should still escape. But for the eyes of his family, he may not be suitable for acting." The doctor said, putting on white disposable gloves.

"The patient's clothes are combat uniforms. Does the combat uniform have any impenetrable materials?"

"There is no such material."

"Then check it out first." Doctor To nodded, and the fingers of both hands swayed, slowly reaching Izuku's chest, [Penetration] [quirk] started! The doctor's hand reached Izuku's chest, reaching his ribs.

"So, where is the broken rib?" The doctor closed his eyes and carefully touched Izuku's ribs. The broken ribs were very conspicuous, but the doctor couldn't touch the broken ribs. , Only felt a fracture on one rib.

"What the hell? Is the head nurse a false alarm? I only felt a fractured bone, and there was no sign of a broken rib." He pulled a hand from Izuku's chest and took some medicine from the plate in the nurse's hand.

"The head nurse also has more than ten years of experience as a medical worker, so he shouldn't go wrong."

"Anyway, this first aid is the most absurd Heroes first aid I have ever done." Put plaster and soluble bandage (private, black technology, can fix the wound of the bone, after the bone grows, it will fall off automatically, and then dissolve It drains from the pores and prepares medicine for hospital surgery.) Fix it to the place where Izuku's chest fractured.

"The internal wound is fine. Next." Pulling his hands out of Izuku's body, Dr. Tou opened his eyes and punched Izuku directly in the stomach.

"Puff!" The blood was sprayed out directly, splashing through the doctor's face.

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough! Cough cough cough!" Izuku clutched his stomach and coughed.

"Okay, that's it, transfer him to the general ward, and he can be discharged in the afternoon."


"Cough cough cough! Cough cough, thank you doctor!" Coughing up another mouthful of blood, Izuku thanked the doctor who was taking off his gloves with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay, you only need to get another shot in the afternoon to be discharged from the hospital."

"And... an injection?!" When Izuku heard the injection, his whole body became petrified.

"Haha." Doctor To feels like he has caught the veins of this new Heroes.

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