The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 227 Eve and Lunch Time

"Papa', quest'uomo deve aver fame da molto tempo, e'cosi' magro. (Dad, this man must have been hungry for a long time, he is so thin) E'cosi' patetico. (He is so pitiful.)" Fan In a daze, Toshinori Yagi heard a little girl's voice, and the little girl's voice was crying.

"Pattern." It seemed to be the sound of something falling to the ground.

‘I’m hungry and fainted? Yagi opened his eyes slightly, and he found himself lying on a bed with a brown coat and scarf beside the bed.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" the little girl's cry sounded in her ears, as the NO.1 Heroes, how could this happen? Toshinori Yagi pushed her body up with his hands, and the back of his hand suddenly came in pain, Toshinori Yagi Only then did I realize that a needle was pierced into the back of his hand, and the needle was connected to a bottle.

"Glucose? (Glucose) Where am I?"

"Papà! Quell'uomo si è svegliato! (Dad! This person is awake!)" The little girl cried out happily when she saw Toshinori Yagi, wiped off her tears, and rushed out of the room happily, with tears In Yagi Toshinori's unbelievable gaze, it turned into a small diamond and fell on the ground.

“I hope you can keep this secret, sir. (I hope you can keep this secret, sir.)” A man who looked like a successful person sat beside Toshinori Yagi with a bowl of Italian bisque. The girl followed behind this person.

"Can you speak Japanese? Sir? (Can you speak Japanese? Sir?)" Tonori Yagi spoke in a twisted English, and his thin but thick hand stretched out of the bed.

"Of course, hoo, I finally met someone who is willing to speak Japanese to us." The successful person let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you very much for saving me. I was fainted from hunger." Yagi Toshinori thanked him sincerely.

"It can be seen, sir, I hope you never tell me about my daughter after you go out...what is it called? [quirk]?"

"Yes, this is... this lady's [quirk]?"

"My name is Eve, hehe." The little girl poked a head out from behind the successful person and smiled. That smile made Toshinori Yagi familiar.

"Why can't you name Miss Eve's [quirk]? People who have this kind of [quirk] are very popular." Yagi said, suddenly he felt that the eyes of successful people became a little lost, and then became alert.

"It’s because Eve’s [quirk] is so popular that Eve was kidnapped and taken away. It was only two years ago that my little princess returned to me. Ah, having said so much, I forgot that there was soup. Yes, you can drink some first, Eve, you sit here for a while, and I will sort out those'nasty things'.” The successful person said while passing the Italian bisque to Toshinori Yagi, then got up and went Take a broom.

"Sir, I still don't know what your name is?" Eve sat on the chair, looking at Toshinori Yagi with a naive expression.

"Yagi Toshinori, Eve just calls me Yagi." Yagi Toshinori smiled and looked at Eve.

"Eve, how old are you?"

"Eight years old!" Eve gave a finger with a happy face.

"Eight years old?" Toshinori Yagi looked at Eve, who was almost the same as a five- or six-year-old. He didn't look like eight years old.

"Mr. Yagi, the soup won't taste good when it's cold! Drink the soup quickly." Eve looked at Toshinori Yagi seriously.

"Ah, I'm sorry," said Toshinori Yagi, taking a spoon to drink the soup.

"By the way, is Mr. Yagi poor?"

"Puff!" How do you talk, kid!

"Ahem, I'm not poor." On the contrary, I am very rich.(Read more @

"Then why would Mr. Yagi be hungry and faint on the road?" This is a little bit stuck.

"I didn't eat breakfast in the morning, so I fainted."

"Does Mr. Yagi often skip breakfast?" Eve's eyes are still so natural that people can't lie.


"It's wrong to skip breakfast often! This is what Jonah's brother told me." Eve patted Yagi's arm with his hand, and said happily.

"Brother Jonah is the one who rescued me! He is very good! We came to this country this time to find Brother Jonah!" When it comes to Jonah, Eve's face is like a flower blooming.

"Jonah?" After drinking the soup, Yagi Toshinori looked at Eve with a puzzled look, his name was a bit familiar and roared.

"This is this. He once said that his home is in this country. I don't know if Mr. Yagi has seen it." The successful person took out a photo from his pocket and handed it over.

"this is......"

At 1:03 in the afternoon, Izuku thanked the doctor and nurse who treated him.

"So, I'm leaving!"

"Safe journey!"

"Don't make too much movement." Doctor Tou and the nurse waved in greeting, and Izuku ran out of the hospital while waving.

"Okay, next is the idle time to go to bed~" Doctor Too stretched out.

"Doctor Tou, I remember you had another blind date in the afternoon, don't you go?" The nurse looked at Doctor Tou with a smile from the corner of his eyes.

"Fart! It's all these bad names that my parents gave me. Now every girl sees me and asks if I can check her!"

That's right, Doctor Too's real name is Doctor Too.

‘I don’t know what happened to the others? ’

‘You should think about what you should eat at noon. You’re so hungry. Just as Red Eye thought about it, Izuku’s phone rang, and Izuku took the phone out of his belt. The caller was Shoto Todoroki.

"Mosimosi, Jun, what's the matter?" Izuku's voice is still full of vitality.

"It's time for lunch, do you need me to bring you food?" Shoto Todoroki felt relieved when he heard Midoriya's full-fledged voice, and he asked.

"No, my injury is not serious and I have been discharged! But it is indeed time for lunch. There are many restaurants on the hospital side."

"It's not healthy to eat those things, where are you now?"

"I'll just have something to eat here."

"Wai Jiu! You fucking dare to try that trash!" Bakugo Katsuki's voice came from the phone.

"Ha, Xiao Sheng is also here."

"Izuku, where are you now? I'll pick you up."

"Laozi go too!"

"What are you going!"

"Boom boom boom." An ice wall stood up instantly, blocking the angry Bakugo.

"I'm in XXX, will Xiao Sheng come here too?" Bakugo only heard the last sentence after a blast broke through the ice wall.

"He won't go there." Shoto Todoroki said, stomping his feet, and an ice path appeared. In the next second, Shoto Todoroki slid far away on the ice path.

"Damn! Laozi will go! Lychee head! Laozi killed you!!" Bakugo Katsuki chased Shoto Todoroki with a super fierce face.

"Oh oh oh! They can run too! They are so passionate!! I want to run too!!"

As a result, it became a one-kilometer rush of six people, and Spider-Man used spider silk to sway between the buildings to speed up.

"Why is Mr. Deadpool here?" Izuku looked at Deadpool who was looking at the trash can and didn't know what he was doing.

"Eh?! Why are you kid here?" Deadpool quickly lifted his pants and turned to see Izuku in a green combat uniform.

"Aren't you supposed to go on patrol with Spider-Man?"

"I encountered Villain on the way and got injured and was just discharged from the hospital. After all, why is Mr. Deadpool here?"

"Me? I'm here to'borrow' medicine." Deadpool said without blushing and breathing.

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