The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 228 The Last Day's Patrol

"Me? I'm here to'borrow' medicine." Deadpool said with a blushing face, obviously not the first time he did this kind of thing.

"Borrowing medicines? Isn't it usually buying medicines? Why borrow?"

"Hush, [Deku] This kind of thing can't be too loud. The things I want to'borrow' are painkillers and morphine. Those things are not so easy to buy, so I want to'borrow'. "Deadpool plugged Izuku's mouth with his black gloves that had been soaked in some unknown liquid, and whispered.


‘It’s like a combination of canned herring and sweat! It smells so bad! ’

"Look at you, my gloves smell bad, sniff, vomit! My mother! I remember I washed my gloves." Deadpool raised his hand and smelled it, even if his sense of smell deteriorated, You can also smell the unspeakable smell on the gloves.

"It looks like you have to use new laundry detergent. It must have a stronger smell." Deadpool said to himself, not caring about Izuku, who was about to be fainted.

"Alright, time is almost up, I have to sneak into the hospital to'borrow' medicines, Sa Yunara, little [Deku]" In the next second, Deadpool's eyes became sharper, a few moves, and Deadpool sighed. Jumped into the high wall of the hospital.

"Goo~ The smell of Mr. Deadpool's gloves is really weird!" Izuku retched while holding a telegraph pole in his hand.


"Izuku, are you okay!" At this time Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki finally came.

"[Deku] Are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital again?"

"No, it's just a bad smell, which makes me nauseous." Izuku wiped his nose and stood up straight.

"It's fine, Izuku, let's go to lunch together."

"Yin and Yang face! Laozi blows you up!"

"Boom!" The blasting and the ice chips flew together, and Izuku standing in the middle felt only cold and hot.

"It's easy to catch a cold like that, you can't fight in this kind of place!"

"Swipe!" Both of them were wrapped in spider silk and couldn't move.

"Fuck me!"

"You two! Give me a good memory of who you are! The temporary license can be cancelled at any time!" Spiderman punched both of them in the head. Although the two people are [quirk] very tough, they have similar tempers Not deal with.

"Don't embarrass Heroes! Give me a good reflection!"

"Swipe." The two were hung up, and they were treated the same as Deadpool.

"Palsy! Stinky spider! Let me down!!" Bakugo Katsuki is now like a cocoon that is moving around, as if it will break out of the cocoon in the next second and become a butterfly named Bakugo Katsuki.

Compared to him, the cocoon named Shoto Todoroki is obviously more ‘quiet’

"Izuku, wait for me for a while, I'll come out right away and take you to lunch." Shoto Todoroki was burning the spider silk with flames.

"Damn! Yin and Yang face! I will come out first if I want to come out!" Bakugo Katsuki also bombarded the spider silk with a small blast.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

"Boom boom boom!" The two of them seemed to be the first to break the cocoon and become a butterfly.

"Huh! It's super hot to run like this! Huh? Mr. Midoriya! Have you seen [Todoroki] and [Breakingly]? They ran over to find you first!" Yelan Inasa just ran over, not yet Seeing the guy wrapped in two cocoons, Izuku sighed helplessly, and pointed his finger at the telephone pole above his head. Both sides didn't ask for a favor, and they were both cut off by Spider-Man.(Read more @

"Oh?! Spider-Man! Did you do it?!"

"what's happenin?"

"I'm going to be hanged too! This looks super passionate!" This kid is hopeless!

"Boom! Boom! Patter!" The two simultaneously shattered the cocoon that wrapped them, and fell to the ground.

"Bah! Can this kind of thing stop me?!"

"Izuku, let's go eat together." Shoto Todoroki said and glanced at Spider-Man. We couldn't control us for twenty minutes. You are also a younger brother!

"It looks like I have to use something else to make some heat-resistant spider silk next time." Spider-Man wiped his nose with his hand.

"Okay, since the two of you have come out and everyone else has arrived, let's find a place to eat together!"

"Tsk!" Shoto Todoroki thinks this Spider-Man is really a bit horrible.

"Smelly spider! Hanging me up, Laozi hasn't settled with you yet!" Bakugo Katsuki rushed to Spider-Man, intending to teach the spider a lesson.

"Boom boom boom!" After the operation was completed, Bakugo Katsuki fell to the ground.

"Huh~ Fighting with humans is really fun." Spider-Man rubbed his hands, at least more fun than fighting the big green barbarian.

"Ahem~Smelly spider!" Bakugo Katsuki was lying on the ground. Just now, Spider-Man blocked a blast, and then directly punched him in the stomach with a KO!

"Spider-Man, your action is a bit heavy! Xiaosheng, are you okay!" Izuku first glanced at Spider-Man, and then pulled Bakugo Katsuki, who was lying on the ground, up.

"Gan! Spider-Man! Laozi will blow you up next time!" Bakugo Katsuki put a hand on Izuku's shoulder, and there was saliva spouting from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, oh, the hot-blooded boy, but he can easily be defeated by Villain." Spiderman clapped his hands, and Izuku took out a handkerchief from his belt and handed it to Bakugo.

"Wipe it, Xiao Sheng, his face is dirty."

‘Asshole Bakugo! Go to die! ! ! ’

‘Red eyes, keep your voice down. ’

'Humph! ’

"Laozib......." Bakugo Katsuki just wanted to say that he didn't need it. After thinking about it, he took the handkerchief, wiped the saliva on his face, and placed the handkerchief in his belt.

"Izuku, do you still have a handkerchief? I am also a bit dirty here."

"Yes, I brought two handkerchiefs." Izuku pulled out another handkerchief from his belt and handed it to Shoto Todoroki.

"Yo Xi, let's go to lunch together! I invite everyone to eat something delicious!" Spiderman raised his hand.

"Delicious? Is it a Mexican hand roll again?"

"How is it possible!" I clearly saw your hand trembling! You just want to treat a Mexican hand roll!

Afterwards, Spider-Man invited six other people to a steak shop.

"So, Spider-Man, you will treat you to special steak? You are not backed by Mr. Starrk's big backer, you can't even have the money for a steak?"

"Yes, yes, but my bank card was frozen by Mr. Starrk, 555~ I'm poor now, and my salary is still bought by the dead waiter! Now it's super poor! I'm so poor that I want to work and earn money! "

"It won't be that miserable." Izuku scratched his head.

"I'll take this meal." Shoto Todoroki took out a bank card from his belt.

"Eh? Really?!" Izuku said in surprise.

"No problem, it's all that bastard dad's money."

"Uh... it's not good to spend money casually." Izuku slammed his face and pressed his thoughts of paying for the steak after eating, and he didn't have much money.

"Then, order the best steak!! Roar! Extremely passionate!!"

"Before I eat the steak, I have a few more words to say." When everyone sat down, Spiderman raised a finger and said to everyone.

"Today's patrol ends at 5pm. Everyone will go back to the hotel at 5pm. If you encounter Villain, you can be late. After returning to the hotel, [Deku] You will be with your classmates from UA. Go back in the bus."

"Yeah, okay." Izuku sat there properly, and when he heard Spider-Man's words, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki felt bright.

"Ahhh~Little [Deku] is very fun, I really can't bear it~" Guy Mi appeared and drew his short hair with his hand.

"That is to say! If [Deku] comes to our school, he will definitely become a celebrity, not only [quirk] is great, but also has a very good personality."

"Otherwise [Deku] you come to our school!"

"He won't go!"

"Feijiu can only stay at U.A!!" Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki suddenly embraced Izuku who was sitting between them.

"The school status has not changed so easily, and I want to continue to study at U.A." Izuku said while waving his hand, his shoulder and neck hurt.

"Ah, that's a shame."

"Thank you, let the steak come!"

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