The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 229: Another Dance

"You said [Deku]? I just saw him walking out of the hotel, I don't know what he did?"

"Out of the hotel?" Shoto Todoroki frowned.

"U.A1-A class will follow me! See if that bastard dared to hurt our monitor!" Kirishima waved his hand, a dozen class 1-A students followed behind Kirishima, adding a bgm full Full of the underworld, we can bully the squad leader, but we can never bully outsiders! We also hope that the monitor can use it better!

"What! Feijiu that guy ran out of the hotel?!" Bakugo said loudly, holding a medical staff collar.

"It seems that he ran along the Bloodline to the fighting place." The medical staff pointed their finger in a direction.

"Bakugo! What happened?!" Kirishima asked loudly.

"Fei Jiu went to fight, damn it! That trash just likes to be nosy!"

‘Can’t you stay in the hotel? ! ’

"Let's go and find Midoriya." Shoto Todoroki said as he made an ice path and rushed out of the hotel before the others.

"No one in the class can be less! Walk around!" Shijie's students are also a group of passionate children, Ye Lan Inasa waved his hand, everyone in the class followed out of the hotel, a group of more than 30 people. Dangling walked out of the hotel towards the fighting place.

The Villain that appeared is indeed very tough. Villain has six arms in total, four arms on his back, and a buzzing chainsaw on each of the six arms.

"Quack! Hahaha! Go to die! Go to die! Laozi is Villain! This society is not saved! You rubbish Heroes! Give me death!" Villain stepped on a bleeding man under his feet. Heroes looked dangerous, and several other Shijie students were blocked by sword dancers and Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man, where is the leader of this team of students?"

"Leave it on your stomach. Several other teachers are on the way here. My spider silk can't do much on the chainsaw. Even if you tie him up, his chainsaw will cut the spider silk."

‘Next time I have to make some fire-resistant and cut-resistant spider silk. This feeling of helplessness is really unpleasant. At this time, Deadpool is not there and there is no way to start combat. ’

"Smelly boys, hurry back to me, this time Villain even the teacher thinks it is a bit tricky, you chicks, hurry up and get me back to the nest!"

"Teacher, we can help too!"

"Help me! [Heat Speed] and [Tenya] both stumbled on this Villain. Both of them are the main output of your team. You have a shield and two milks, plus an auxiliary. You are still there without the output Stay here! Not for death or ass! Get Laozi back!"

"Teacher, we are not playing games!"

"Anyway, get Laozi back!"

"Yes..." The four students helped each other to evacuate, and they had more or less scars on their bodies.

"Sword dancer, these words are a bit too hurtful." Spider-Man turned his head slightly and glanced at the four students. Hey, the low pressure is pervasive.

"Don't worry, their mentality is as thick as a wall, not that easy to break. Let's concentrate on dealing with this Villain now. [Return to bid] looks like it won't work."

"I'll hold him back first, and you will save [Return]!" Spider-Man said as he sprayed out an electric spider web.

"Haha! Only this kind of net can't beat me!! I want to reorganize the Heroes industry! Stain!! I inherit your thoughts ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Cobweb, while laughing wildly, raised two chainsaws, intending to cut Heroes directly into three equal parts.

"Buzzing~" The chainsaw slowly approached, the fear of death, and the fear of the murder weapon that had just injured him, the person in the armor was crying and desperate.

"I don't want to die!! Who will help me!!" The cry for help was obscured by the sound of chainsaws.

"Go to hell! Counterfeit Heroes!!"(Read more @

"Dang! Hey! Hey!" The chainsaw met his opponent, a protective cover made up of shadows.

"Finally caught up!" Izuku appeared in the alley behind Villain, with red eyes standing beside him, the clothes on his arms disappeared, revealing bright white arms.

"[Deku]? Didn't you let you stay in the hotel?!"

"How can you still be in the hotel when you encounter this kind of thing! What's more, he hurt my classmate! Red eyes!"

"Give me three seconds!"

"Okay." The red-eyed hands were constantly swinging, and hundreds of invisible silk threads woven from the shadow emerged from the shadow and gathered on Izuku's ten fingers.

"Hoho? This is it?" Izuku was a little surprised. The red eye would actually make this weapon. The silk thread weapon is the same as Milt’s [Bloodline], but it is shaped by shadows and is sharper than [Bloodline]. , The invisible [characteristics] brought a sense of danger to this weapon.

"At any rate, there are only four people left, how about a dance?" Red Eye smiled.

"Is there a tune?" Izuku nodded, his fingers kept dancing, and the invisible silk thread was floating in the air.

"Of course." The red eye nodded a little at the shadow on the ground, and a speaker emerged from the shadow, and a slightly exciting music rang, attracting Villain's attention.

"Hahahaha! I really am a fool! I'd better take your surgery first!" Villain waved the chainsaw, slowly turned around, and screamed, holding the chainsaw towards Izuku and Redeye.

"I don't even want to listen to the prelude. I'm more impatient than Mr. Stain. Really, have you ever understood Mr. Stain's thoughts well! Bastard!!" Izuku and Redeye also rushed to the man with the chainsaw. Villain.

"Creating a society where real heroes appear is not for you to kill casually!" Izuku waved his hands at the same time, and hundreds of silk threads formed a net in the air.

"Go to hell!! Hahahaha!!!"

"A foolish lunatic, hehehe!!" The red eye was faster than Izuku, and he quickly rushed to Villain. Before the chainsaw hit him, he gave Villain's chin a bit with his knee. .

"Bang!" Red Eye stepped on this Villain's body again. With the momentum, Red Eye jumped into the air and caught the invisible thread.

"Kera!!! Hmm!" The sound of a cracked jaw rang.

"Papa, vomit!!" Red eyes grabbed the silk thread and fell to the ground, Villain's vomiting blood sounded in his ears.

"Ahhhhh, I vomited blood so quickly." Redeye rolled his hands twice and wrapped the silk thread around his hands.

"The net has been woven, let him subdue him!"

"You are the main body, you have the final say, hehehehehe!" The red-eyed expression suddenly turned Yan Yi, and the corners of her mouth widened.

"The song has just entered the highest stage!" Izuku and Redeye's hands jerked downwards, and the net floating in mid-air fell fiercely, wrapping the Villain.

"Buzzing~" Under the fine control of Red Eye and Izuku, the invisible thread jumped over the buzzing chainsaw, wrapped the whole body of Villain, and fixed him firmly in place.

"What did you do! Bastard! Let go of me!!"

"Oh, oh, don't ask Villain to ask questions like this. Lie down is the last word! Do you mean the main body?" Red eyes shook his hand, grinning at his main body.

"It's over and give him the last blow."

"Understood." Redeye and Izuku violently pulled the net tight, and Villain's body showed a scar made of silk threads.

"Let go of me! Let go!!"

"Swish! Swish!" Two figures, one green and one black, quickly approached the immobilized Villain, and they both kicked up at the same time.

"Boom!!" The backs of the two shoes, one red and one black, hit Villain's front face and the back of the head at the same time, making a loud noise.

"Ah ah ah ah~" Teeth mixed with blood and water flying in the air, and the two fell to the ground at the same time, with their right hands stroking their chests, the music ended, everything was so smooth and natural.

"The crusade is over." Izuku finished speaking, snapped his fingers, the thread trapping Villain disappeared, and Villain's body fell backward.

"Spiderman teacher! Sword dancer teacher! Are you all right!" Izuku just snapped his fingers handsomely and waved at Spiderman and the sword dancer

"Can you let someone put it through? It's hard to make a master, and it's all lost." Red eyes grinned, squatted down to look at the [return mark] who had fallen on the ground and was unconscious, and checked him. Physical and injury conditions.

"Yeah! [Deku]! Well done!!" Spider-Man did not hesitate to praise himself.

"Humph, good job." The sword dancer snorted.

"Red Eye, how is he?" Izuku walked to the side of Red Eye.

"It's okay, but the wound looks scary and it didn't hurt any bones." The red eye said to Izuku.

"Can it be handled urgently?"

"There are not many bandages, there are still some painkillers, and a can of hydrogen peroxide."

"Do you want to help?" Spider-Man and the Sword Dancer didn't know when they walked to Izuku and Red Eye's side.

"I also asked the Spider-Man teacher to tie up this Villain, carry the dangerous goods to the side, and call the hospital by the way. The sword dancer teacher can trouble me to flatten this Heroes with me, and the red eye is ready to apply the medicine." Izuku said as he said. Put the [return to bid] flat with the sword dancer.

"Damn! Feijiu! Where are you the fuck?! Where is Villain?! Laozi blows him up!" As soon as more than 30 people arrived at the scene, they saw Spider-Man using spider silk to fix him down. On the ground, Villain, Izuku, Red-Eyed, and the sword dancer were applying medicine to Heroes who fell on the ground.

The scene was a bit awkward all at once.

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