The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 230 The commotion before the end

After enjoying the delicious steak, there are only two hours left before the end of the patrol.

"So! In order for this patrol mission to be completed perfectly! Let's keep patrolling!" Izuku once again put on the school uniform of Shijie High School.

"Oh oh oh!! Continue the bloody patrol!! Let's go!!"

"In two hours, [Deku] will have to return to U.A. I am really reluctant."

"Guy Mi, do you remember the scene when the U.A three people just arrived at Shijie?" Roucang Jinger and Appearing Guy Mi walked at the back of the seven.

"Remember, what's wrong?"

"When those Villains were subdued by another [Deku] in the morning, that kind of was that person." The meat essence warehouse's eyes suddenly became very sharp.

"Wow, if you were just an ordinary U.A first-year student, you would definitely not have such a fierce aura."

"Midoriya Izuku, definitely not such a simple person, is [Deku] self-deprecating?"

"Well, as long as he is still a Heroes, at least he won't attack us."

Izuku felt Roucang's gaze turn his head.

"Quickly keep up, Mr. Roucang, show up Sang."

"Oh? Haha, here it comes!" Roucang and Appearance were taken aback for a moment, and then followed up with each other with a smile. Well, this is also good.

At 4:20 in the afternoon, Toshinori Yagi thanked Eve and his daughter.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me."

"Don't say that. We also want to thank you. You told us that Jonah is studying at U.A."

"Dad, shall we see Brother Jonah soon?"

"Not yet, Eve, Dad has to go to discuss some business."

"Then I will leave first." Toshinori Yagi bowed to the two and left.

As soon as Yagi Toshinori left, the successful man took out a satellite phone from his pocket.

"Sono Ander, posso entrare nell'eroica industria di supporto in Giappone. (I am Ander, I can enter the Heroes support industry in Japan) o comprero'personalmente una societa' di sostegno per gli eroi, e tu mi manderai via fax le informazioni dell'azienda che sono disponibili per eroiche uniformi da combattimento del liceo. (I will personally buy a Heroes support company, and you will fax me the company information for Heroes combat uniforms for UA High School)"

"Sì, il capo. (Yes the boss)"

"Eve, vedrai Jonah presto, aspetta qualche altro giorno, ok? (Eve, you can see Jonah soon, wait a few days, okay?)"

"Va bene, papa'. (OK, Dad)" Eve was a little unhappy, and Ender picked her up.

"Ma oggi possiamo visit are la periferia della Scuola Eroica. (But we can go and see the periphery of U.A school today.) Forza, mio ​​piccolo angelo. (Let’s go my little angel)"

"Lo sai che papàè il migliore! (I know that dad is the best!)" Eve rubbed Ande's face with her cheek, and Ande hugged his daughter in a fondly look.

"So shall we patrol again or go back to the hotel?"

"By the way, won't we be registered for our patrol this time? Isn't the Spider-Man our leader teacher? How can he score us?"

"Who knows! Feijiu! You fucking let go!"(Read more @

"I'll chase it right away!!" After Izuku finished talking, he turned to chase the Villain who escaped. In fact, it is not Villain, at most it is a thieves gang. A guy with [quirk] speeding up took advantage of Izuku's lack of preparation. Get out.

"Hehehe! Just relying on your short legs? Still want to chase me?" Villain who ran away watched Izuku getting further and further away from him, and laughed without speaking.

"Red eyes, hold him under control!" One of Izuku's eyes turned red, and with a wave of his left hand, from the shadow behind the Villain, several big black hands suddenly emerged, and directly grabbed the Villain.

"What's the matter! Let go of me! Let go of me!"

"Shut up." Two black hands covered the Villain's mouth, and the big black hands slowly dragged the Villain underground. A sense of fear instantly surged into my heart, and the unknown was the scariest.

"Uuuuuuuuu! (Help! Help!)" Darkness gradually shrouded.

"Sleep in the dark embrace." A hand sword hit Villain's neck, and Izuku violently covered his face with both hands.

"It's a shame! I actually said such a shameful line!"

"Is it embarrassing? I think this line is super handsome!" Red eyes flew out of the shadow, and Izuku's red eyes returned to emerald green.

"You're handsome!" Smashing the red-eyed head hard, Izuku dragged the fainted Villain to find someone else to meet.

"Wai Jiu! Your fucking speed is too slow!" Bakugo Katsuki stepped on a Villain's head, this Villain was scorched and looked like over-fried.

"Speaking of just dealing with a theft gang, is it necessary to mobilize people like this?" Roucang Jinger's left hand is behind him, and his right hand is holding a sphere condensed by Villain.

"Oh oh oh! Super hot blood! Let you fly higher!!" The two Villains that Yelan Inasa dealt with had been wandering in the sky for several minutes, and they had fainted long ago.

"Give these Villains to the police, and you should be able to go back." Shoto Todoroki let out a cold breath, holding a Villain's arm in his right hand, and this Villain has been frozen into ice.

"Meat Cang, you shouldn’t say that sentence just now." There was also a Villain who appeared at Guy Mi’s feet and fell there, but compared to Villain at Bakugo Katsuki’s feet, this Villain received better treatment. Bakugo dealt with Villain well, at least it was not scorched by blasting.

"Why isn't Mr. Police coming yet? Is it because of a traffic jam on the road?"

"I do not know."

"Thank you, give me a favor!" Several policemen passed through the crowd and came to the preparation Heroes.

"Sorry, the police car broke down halfway, just leave these people to us." The police showed their bright white handcuffs, and Emma can finally detain individuals normally.

At 4:58 pm, the six people returned to the hotel happily. Just outside the hotel, they saw an ambulance parked there, where the medical staff was removing Mineta Minoru from the ambulance. He was lying. On the hospital bed, his eyes were closed tightly, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth indicated that he was having a good dream.

"[Grape juice] What's wrong?" As soon as I saw my classmate lying on the hospital bed, Izuku walked over.

"[Grape Juice] was fascinated by Villain's Hypnosis powder while patrolling, and is still asleep now."

"What about [Tenya]?" Izuku did not see Ida Tenya either.

"They seem to be patrolling outside, but they should be back soon."

"Doctor! Where is the doctor?!" Suddenly Ida Tenya's eager voice came from behind. He was carrying a prepared Heroes who was injured all over his body, it was hot.

"what's happenin?!"

"Hurry up and save [Heatspeed]! He just received Villain's blow right away! Hurry up and save him!" The eyes in the helmet were grim and bloodshot, and several medical staff quickly ran over and took it. Hot speed.

"What's the matter? What about the others?!"

"Others are still fighting against Villain..."

"Bang!" Before the words were finished, Ida Tenya suddenly fell down. At this moment, everyone saw that the armor Ida Tenya was wearing had been cut open with a large opening, and the red blood was constantly leaking out.

"Damn it! Tourniquet! Tourniquet!"

"What the hell could Villain hurt the monitor?" Izuku was a little surprised.

"Has the professional heroes not gone yet?!"

"Are we still waiting here?"

"Where is the sword dancer teacher!"

"He seems to have gone to support too!"

"What should we do now?!" After all, these reserve heroes are only fifteen-year-old students, and they lose their own opinions when they encounter problems.

‘Ontology, are we going to help? ’

"That needs to be said..." Izuku took off his Shijie uniform and took off the military cap on his head.

"Let me see, which guy dared to move my classmate!" Izuku straightened his hair and walked out of the hotel and walked past Ida Tenya who had fallen into a coma. Izuku's eyes narrowed.

‘Villain is in bad luck this time! Hee hee hee! A red light flashed in Izuku's shadow.

"Damn! They give Laozi quiet!" Bakugo Katsuki ejected flames and explosions with both hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"A bunch of idiots! A bunch of mobs! Just this little mess scared you? It's all fucking rubbish!"

"I agree with that." Shoto Todoroki leaned against the wall of the hotel and nodded with his arms folded.

"Damn! Those who have the guts to support those guys with Laozi, and those who don't have the guts to let Laozi stay in this broken place!" Bakugo Katsuki had just finished speaking, and his sordid eyes swept over the people who were still in the hotel.

'Oh shit! Where did Feijiu go! Stay here for Laozi! ’

"Well, has anyone seen Midoriya?"

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