The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 231 Back to U.A

Back on the U.A bus, Izuku leaned against the window and looked at the scenery. Mineta Minoru and Ida Tenya were sent back to U.A for treatment first. Even so, the bus still laughed and laughed.

"I'm telling you, I was very hungry at that time! One wears three..."

"Tsuyu-chan, look, this is the new perfume I bought over there! I spent three months of pocket money!"

"Yaoyorozu, do you have a way to wash my face clean and refreshing? I was muddyed by Villain yesterday, and now it feels a bit sticky and greasy."

"I told you to stay away from that guy and use this bottle of face cream."

"Hey, hey, hey! This is spicy enough! Do you want to taste Midoriya?" Sitting next to Izuku was Shang Ming. At this time, he was holding a bowl and he knew that he was eating something super spicy.

"No, no, I don't know how to eat spicy food." Izuku waved his hand as he said.

"If you can't eat spicy food, there will be a lot of delicious ones, Midoriya, you have to learn to eat spicy food." Kirishima said while stabbing Izuku with his elbow.

"Um... well, I will learn to eat spicy food." Izuku thought of the hot dry noodle incident, which was a bit embarrassing.

"By the way, this week you were away from school, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Shoto Todoroki went through the big hole in my room to play in your room. This is the key to your room." Kaminari said as he said. He took out the key to Izuku's room from his pocket, and if he took it out, Kaminari Denki felt two sharp eyes.

‘Asshole idiot face! Without taking out the key, let me go to your room to drill that ass hole! ’

‘When did Shang Ming get the key to Midoriya’s room? Am I not credible enough? ’

"Thank you Shang Ming for helping me keep the keys." Izuku took the keys and gave Kaminari Denki a warm smile.

‘This wave is worth it! ! ! Kaminari Denki rubbed his nose and felt as happy as having eaten two hundred catties of popping candy.

The bus moved slowly, and soon they saw the thick wall of U.A School.

"Hoho, I finally came back! I miss my big bed now!" Kaminari Denki cried out.

"Idiot face! You fucking give me peace!" Kaminari Denki was stunned by Bakugo Katsuki as soon as he spoke.

"Sangming-san, please be quiet." Shoto Todoroki, a handsome guy in Chimian, folded his chest with his hands and closed his eyes.

‘I’m at a loss as I am surrounded by two big guys. ’Kaminari Denki directed his help-seeking gaze to Izuku, but Izuku didn’t feel it at all.

‘Ontology! Hurry up and look over there! Suddenly red eyes popped out and pointed at the father and daughter.

"Naninani?" Izuku and Redeye directly pressed their faces to the glass, and suddenly, Izuku's eyes shrank sharply.

‘Allah, that’s not... her eyes are better? ’

‘Looks like I found a good doctor. ’

"Naninani? Midoriya, what are you looking at?" Shang Ming also put his face on the car window, there was nothing.


"Uh, I just saw a former acquaintance." Izuku retracted his gaze and said in a low voice.

"Papà, il muro del liceo eroico è così alto! Quanto è alto l'edificio! (Dad, the wall of UA High School is so tall! The building is so tall!)" Eve put one hand around her father's neck, one finger pointing The teaching building of UA High School not far away looked very excited.(Read more @

"Merita di essere una scuola di addestramento di eroi di fama mondiale. (It's worthy of being the famous Heroes cultivation school in the world) E'magnifico vederlo qui. (It just looks majestic from here.) "Ande Talking while walking with her daughter.

"Papa', quando possiamo andare da Jonah? (Dad, when can we go to Jonah?)"

"Aspetta un altro paio di giorni, mio ​​angioletto, quando avro'finito, vedro' Jonah. (Wait a few more days, my little angel, when I get things done, I can see Jonah.)" Ann De smoothed his daughter's hair with his hand and looked at the majestic teaching building again.

"La fortuna degli eroi (God Bless Heroes)"

After returning to the dormitory, Izuku put away his luggage for the first time, and then ran to the bathroom with a change of clothes.

"Finally, I'm back! I have to take a good bath!"

"Soak in the bath~ The bath is the most comfortable!" Red eyes also appeared.

"I'll go to dinner after taking a bath~ I ate delicious pork chop rice~" Singing a totally incongruous song, Izuku happily walked into the bathroom, completely unaware that two wolves who were also planning to take a bath followed. .

"By the way, Red Eye, I really didn't expect Eve to be here."

"It should be Mr. Ender who is holding her, she looks good."

"And it looks like Eve's eyes have been healed. It's gratifying, gratifying, gratifying." Izuku dragged his clothes while chatting with Red Eye.

"Huh~" Taking off his shirt, the milky white body appeared in sight.

"Hurry up and go take a bath! Hurry up!" The red eyes had already been stripped off, and he was standing by the bath and shouting loudly.

"Come here." Throwing his pants into the basket, Izuku quickly rushed to the bath.

"Yo roar!" Izuku and Red Eye jumped into the bath at the same time, just like jumping into the swimming pool in summer.

"Hoop! Super comfortable hot tub!!" Red Eye raised his head from the bath and shouted happily.

"Sure enough, I still have to take a hot bath in winter to get comfortable!!" Izuku leaned against the edge of the bath, with his right foot resting on his left foot, watching the red eyes swimming around in the bath, like a retirement sitting on a bench. An uncle who is messing around with his grandson.

One advantage of the mist-filled bath is that it makes people think that there is only one person in this bath, so I can talk whatever he wants. Izuku touched the scar on his right chest and frowned.

"Red-eyed, I have always felt that Hex is not dead."

"How is it possible, the main body, the B-52 is bombed and washed, and the one that can survive in that state can only be called a monster." The red eyes slapped the spray, and the voice of the words directly covered Shoto Todoroki and The sound of Bakugo Katsuki entering the water.

"Really?" Izuku pursed his lips.

"I always feel that the doctor has a big picture."

"Huhu~ and I know that the main body used to be a mercenary. Except for Kou Kou and a few others, there should be no more people. Could it be that they were spotted during the mission?" The red eyes stopped playing in the water and slowly slipped. Go next to Izuku.

"Red eye, [phantom change] How is the situation now?"

"It's completely sealed in the nutrition cabin, and the shadow can't penetrate at all. In normal times, you can see a few guys with guns walking around."

"Aren't there any monsters like that, but soldiers are needed?"

"It is estimated that the number of monsters is a bit small, and people usually need to take care of that kind of place." Red Eye held a hand of hot water and patted his face.

"Sometimes you can see a few black coffins being pushed away by robots. The coffins should be the raw materials for making monsters."

"Coffin? Use dead people as raw materials?...The technology is higher than I thought." Izuku squeezed his chin, thinking of Qianxia and her master, two people who had died long ago. Survived unexpectedly, and attacked Shijie High School.

"In this way, I am even more worried. Although Hex was bombed and washed by the B-52, I didn't see half of the corpse. I didn't even find a finger bone. Maybe it was taken away by the doctor Up."

"Maybe it was blown to fly ashes?"

"Huh~" Izuku let out a mouthful of white mist.

"It's best if Hex isn't dead, I'm going to kill her personally!"

"Bang!" A fist hit the tile of the bath.

"Smashing." A tile was hammered to pieces, and the fragments fell into the bathtub.

"Hurry up and take a shower to have dinner~ Pork Chop Rice Pork Chop Rice!"

In the underground laboratory, SMART LADY is pushing a wheelchair to a higher-end cultivation area.

"You said Hex has signs of waking up, is it true? SMART LADY?"

"Yes, Doctor, her brain waves were very active during the same period of the two days. I think she should be able to enter the next phase of the experiment." SMART LADY's mouth was smiling.

"I have to awaken her personally and arrange the best time to awaken."

"No problem, Doctor, I'll make arrangements right away."

"I'll be here for a while, I want to appreciate my'masterpiece'"

"Yes~ I don't know when these ‘children’ can come out to play?" SMART LADY's mouth curled up with a wicked smile and left the training area.

"It's coming, it's coming... By the way, the symbiote doesn't seem to come back yet?"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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