In the first game of the afternoon, Izuku played against his most vigilant guy: Shinso Hitoshi.

Standing on the battle stage, Izuku looked at Shinso Hitoshi on the opposite side with a serious face.

"So! First battle! Start!"

"Hey, I haven't asked your name yet." Shinso Hitoshi stepped back, trying to avoid Izuku's attack.

"DEKU." Izuku's mouth made no sound, but Shinso Hitoshi heard it.

"What kind of ability is this!"

"Ventrilophobia, I used to practice it when I was idle and nothing to do." Izuku's ventriloquism is very good.

"Your [quirk] is to manipulate people through dialogue, and dialogue relies on your mouth, so why don't I use a mouth?"

"Your skill is also very buggy!!" Izuku grabbed Shinso Hitoshi by the collar and threw him out of the field.

"Midoriya Izuku! Entering the second round!!!"

"The time is just right, otherwise I might be hypoxic. Good job, you." Izuku clapped his hands and walked off the field.

"Super strong." Shinso Hitoshi said so and walked off the field. "This guy is stronger than I thought!"

Izuku walked off the court, and when he entered the lounge, he took a lollipop from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

"Sure enough, are you still nervous?" Izuku said so and sat down on the lounge chair.

"How do you fight with classmate H afterwards? His abilities are too strong, and it seems that he can't use the abilities of the other half of his body."

‘A powerful attack that made him use that power unconsciously? ’

‘No, no, All Might’s power, you still have to persuade him if you haven’t used it proficiently. ’

‘Can you go all out after you convince him? I have a new idea. ’

"Sure enough, I still want to use all his power..."

The phone Izuku put on the table suddenly rang as a text message.

{Long time no see, I saw your figure on TV, it really looks so handsome! 057984}

Izuku paused when he saw the familiar number, and then began to reply.

{Aren't you in China? Why are you free to come back? 057983}

Their numbers are only one digit away, and they are also [no quirk] guys. It's hard to imagine that their meeting started by admitting the wrong number.

{Not yet, I have settled in China, it's really great here! Little Izuku, your idea is really great! Do you want to come and play too? }

{Hmm...Wait for my summer vacation, by the way, where did you settle down, sister? }

{Hainan Island! It’s really great here. You can wear swimwear every day! You can also see a lot of handsome guys, my rotten soul has already burned! }

"Cough cough!" Izuku coughed a few times. This god-sister he knew had a strange transvestism and was a rotten girl.

{Sister, won't the book you write be banned in China? }

{You underestimated me Izuku, how can I say your sister is also a best-selling novelist anyway! My sister overcame this difficulty easily. }

{Sister awesome! }

Izuku and his god sister tacitly did not mention that Izuku had a [quirk] thing.

{By the way, Izuku, I sent you a set of clothes. Remember to wear it. I won't talk about it beforehand. }

Izuku curled his lips. How could this goddamn sister also like to change his clothes like her grandmother.

"Okay, the next battle will be against classmate H. Now, what tricks are there to think about."

‘Although his power is very powerful, there are limits, isn’t it? Just push his limit out and defeat him, isn’t it good? ’(Read more @

"No, no, I feel..." Izuku looked at his feet, and if he was wandering in the abyss before, then Shoto Todoroki is half outside the prison and half in the prison. All he has to do is break the prison.

"So, now it's my turn to save others? What's the joke, just be yourself." Izuku shook his head and walked out of the lounge. It's time for him to play.

Walking in the passage, Izuku suddenly met classmate Hung’s father: Endeavour.

Looking at this guy who didn't know why he was particularly upset, Izuku didn't show him a good face.

"Oh, I found it." Endeavour looked at Izuku with a funny face.

"I see your active performance on the court. It's really outstanding. [Quirk] In terms of strength alone, it is already comparable to All Might."

"Sorry I have something else." Izuku lowered his head and walked around Endeavour.

"My Todoroki has the obligation to surpass All Might. The battle with you is a very interesting laboratory for him. Please don't make the game too ugly."

"Tsk tsk, can you let the offspring surpass you if you are not super? I am not All Might, and classmate B is not Endeavour you."

"This battle, the two of us will go all out." Izuku said as he walked to the gymnasium.

"You finally came." Izuku squinted as he walked onto the court.

"So you, do you still plan to use half your power?" Izuku's voice was so small that only he could hear it.

"Now it's a duel between two high-score players!!! Midoriya Izuku vs. Shoto Todoroki, get ready!!!" The two bodies began to tighten.

"Start the fight!!!" Both sides decided to do their best to defeat the opponent at the moment of the fight.

It would be too dangerous to let his ‘that’ power come into play freely! ’

‘Is it open directly? ’

‘Anyway, you have to avoid the first attack! ’

The moment Izuku gave the order to start the fight, he began to constantly change his position and ran towards Shoto Todoroki.

"Can't let him get close!" With a stomping, the huge icicle flew towards Izuku.

"That's not right!" Izuku threw the icicles flying with one kick.

"It's so numb!" Izuku held his right foot and jumped on the spot.

"And it's so ice! Sure enough, let's change another way." Izuku chose to stay where he was. He stretched out his hand and started to deal with Shoto Todoroki seriously.

"Tsk, do you look down on me?" Shoto Todoroki stepped on the floor again, and another string of icicles rushed.

"Ahhh, Mr. Bang is really amazing!" Izuku pooled his power on one finger.

"Boom!!!" The icicle was instantly emptied.

"There are nine more opportunities." Izuku's eyes became serious.

"Play a protracted war?" Another icicle rushed over.

"Boom!!!" It was cleared again.

‘Eight more times! ’

"I will end the battle quickly." Boom rushed over suddenly, and an icicle froze Izuku's foot.

"It's too close!" Izuku had to use a fist in exchange for the retreat of the king.

"Boom!!" This impact directly forced Lord Boom back.

‘Tsk, the left hand is abolished, but the right hand still has three chances. Izuku lowered his head and calculated.

"Now just passive defense makes you so embarrassed." Jun Hong said while exhaling.

"I'm sorry, but thank you Midoriya, thanks to you, my dad is so angry."

"Now his expression is ugly." Boom looked at his own dad who was standing on the viewing platform, and then used the icicle.

"You...Where are you looking!!" Izuku directly hit the most powerful blow with three fingers this time, and almost shot Shoto Todoroki out of the field.

"[Quirk] is also a physical ability. Your body has a limit to the coldness it can resist, right." Izuku's purple hands trembled slightly.

"Moreover, can't you solve this with the heat on the left?"

"Everyone is fighting earnestly, all in order to win, all in order to get close to the goal, all in order to be the number one!"

"Want to win with only half of my power? I haven't been hurt by you once!!!" Izuku raised his head and stared at Shoto Todoroki.

"If this is the case, you might as well admit defeat!!!" Izuku said so, rushing to Hongjun.

"Cut!!" Jun Hong also rushed to Izuku, and the two sides started a hand-to-hand battle.

"Sure enough, does your body become sluggish after overuse? Still refuse to use your other half of your body? If so! Then I will surpass you!" Izuku punched Shoto Todoroki's stomach, banging directly Flew out two meters.

Jun Hong's memories began, the disgusting father, the terrifying mother, with burns on his face, he struggled to sit up.

"Let Dad—"

"That's your own power, isn't it?" Izuku's voice was soft, but Shoto Todoroki was still able to hear him. He was stunned. He suddenly thought of the All Might's that his mother and himself watched when he was a child. talk show.

"[ quirk] will indeed be passed on from parents to children, but... what is really important is not the inheritance itself. The important thing is to realize that your own flesh and blood must be your own!"

"What you want to do, do it well." The mother's words echoed in Hong Jun's mind.

"Boom!!" The other half of Jun Jun suddenly caught fire.

‘That’s the truth, well, it’s time to get serious. There is a smile on the corner of Izuku's mouth.

"Are you still laughing? I obviously want to win so much... who is actually joking about giving away charcoal to the opponent!" Amidst the flames, Jun Hong was also smiling.

"Now, you are completely physically, then I shouldn't hide anymore!" Izuku wiped the blood from his face with his arm.

"Knight. Heavy armor!" Green arcs radiated from all over Izuku's body, and the arcs were continuously spliced, gradually forming the appearance of a heavy armor.

"Knight. Epee!" A big green sword appeared in Izuku's already purple hands.

"Why is this guy doing so much showdown?" Even All Might, who was handed over to Izuku's power, was a little shocked.

"Next, go all out for a fight!"

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