The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 31 The Heroes Name

The green arc kept hitting the protective shield composed of ice and fire.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you dare to call me?" Izuku's voice felt a little arrogant.

"Cut, this kid's armor is really thick!" Boom was also helpless, even with the power on the left, he was still crushed and beaten by Izuku.

"Oh, is it because of the armor?" Izuku nodded when he heard the spit.

"Then I will put away this armor." The arc armor that wrapped Izuku inside slowly disappeared.

"Have a chance!!" The ice and fire Shuanglong suddenly shot Izuku from Hong Jun's hand. "The power of guarding turned into courage to attack, the heart of bravery, respond to my power!!" The green sword in Izuku's hand increased again.

"Eepee. Slap!" The green epee slapped on the field. The field was directly smashed. The wind pressure directly caused the ice and fire Ssangyong.

"What a strong wind pressure!" Shoto Todoroki couldn't resist this super strong wind pressure and was directly blown out.

"Huhuhuhu." Izuku's arms also turned purple, but he still stood there firmly.

"Winner! Midoriya Izuku!!!"

At this time, Izuku was completely unconscious, and stood there relying on his bewildered will. When Mr. Midnight announced that he was the winner, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and fell down.

‘If you faint now, you don’t have to fight against Xiaosheng. I can still get a third place, and the plan will work...’

When Izuku woke up, just as he thought, he got the third place smoothly. Changan, who was about to fight him, immediately abstained when he heard that he was fighting with Izuku.

"I don't want to fight with the knight, that kind of guy is crazy." That's what Chang An said to his dark shadow.

"Well, I got a third place anyway, and I made a profit." Izuku thought so and stood on the third place podium.

"Moreover, this award is still a medal given by All Might, a big profit!!!" Izuku looked at All Might, who was about to award himself a medal with excitement.

"You did a great job this time. The silver medal should have been for you."

"No, no, as a knight, humility is also necessary. The bronze medal is the bronze medal, at least better than the gold medal like Xiaosheng." Izuku looked at the first Bakugo Katsuki who was tied there.

"So that's the case, then this bronze medal is your reward this time, I hope you can make persistent efforts!"

"That... All Might, can you give me a hug?" Izuku blushed and made a small request to All Might.

"Of course there is no problem!" All Might naturally met Izuku's small request.


The sports festival is over, and the school is off for two days. Izuku has been struggling to spend these two days because his hands are still not good.

"The fork became so difficult to use all of a sudden, and I couldn't write a diary and do training. It was too bad." Izuku used the pen to write down his experience in the past two days with difficulty.

"By the way, my hands should be fine tomorrow, but it's time for class tomorrow."

Izuku looked out the window boringly. Because of his hand injury in the past two days, he couldn't even go out.(Read more @

"Dudu~" Alara, it's a text message from sister fuck.

{Izuku's performance on the playing field is really amazing, I really want to fly over and kiss you a few times now! ! }

{You don’t need it anymore. When I go to Hainan, I will have to rely on my sister to bring it. }

{Your little mouth is so sweet, by the way, the things I sent in the past should arrive tomorrow, pay attention to collect them. }


Izuku twitched. I still don't know what clothes my sister will send, so don't send it to the class.

It rained the next morning, and Izuku had to take the tram once.

"Well, it's so crowded here." Izuku squeezed into the car behind while playing with his mobile phone.

"Excuse me, are you Midoriya Izuku classmate?"

"I am, do you have anything to do?"

"Sure enough, it is Midoriya classmate!!!" The celebrity effect came into play here.

"Oh, I got tripped, and if I don't hurry, I'll be late." Izuku ran into the school helplessly.

At 7:30 in the morning, Izuku came to the class. At this time, there were already classmates in the class.

"I was stopped by a large group of people in the morning, and they asked me if I belonged to the Heroes branch."

"me too!"

"me too."

"Those adults are really annoying."

"Anyway, we have received attention, reputation, and experience of playing against people. We will be the most profitable session of this time."

"Why no one asks me? I work hard too!!!" Mineta Minoru jumped over there.

"Just forget it, lusty guy!!" Erlang Xiangxiang pulled two earphones over.

"It looks like everyone has been paying attention. That's great." Izuku whispered, sat back in his position, and began to take out the books for today's class.

"There is an information class today, and the head teacher is here. I don't know what he will talk about..."

"Okay, let's go to class!! Everyone quickly sit back to their seats."

"Yes~" The students all sat back in their positions, waiting for Teacher Aizawa Shouta's arrival.

"Class is in, sit down quickly, today's class is very important." Teacher Aizawa Shouta has no bandages on her face, and there is a deep scar on her left face.

"Teacher! Is your face okay?"

"Ah, it's that old woman who wrapped too much bandage." Teacher Aizawa touched the scar on her face.

"Well, this Heroes information class is a bit special."

'especially? Do you want to test again? ’

‘Allah Allah, I don’t know when my sister’s things will be delivered. ’

"About the drafting of the name of Heroes [Codename of Heroes]!!!"

The whole class of fryer, finally came an exciting! ! ! ! !

‘Ah, the name of Heroes, let’s forget about my name. Izuku slumped on the table, thinking boredly.

"Your Heroes name will be remembered by the world, so give me a good Heroes name." At this time, the door of Class 1-A was opened again. It was the 18th Forbidden Heroes Midnight, and it was too much to wear today.

"Then distribute the name board next, and you can come up and read your name after you finish writing your name. Of course, we won't accept the name that is too perverted."

"Cut, wayward lord!" Mineta Minoru cut.

"Ah, didn't you think of a name?" Izuku took the erasable pen and tablet that he distributed, and wrote all the names he wanted to use.

‘These names are absolutely not good! ! Izuku closed his eyes and erased all the names written on the board.

"Should use a pseudonym." Izuku wrote on the board.

"Jonah, DEKU, Deku, or..." Izuku clicked on the name on the board.

"Let's use this." Izuku nodded and erased Jonah's pseudonym, then arranged DEKU and Deku up and down, and finally wrote the word waste in the bottom corner.

"That's it." Izuku nodded and walked onto the stage with the board.

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