Bakugo Katsuki washed his body, listened to the conversation between Red Eye and Izuku, and slowly sat down in the bath.

"Huh..." After a day of tiredness, taking a hot bath is really good for physical and mental health.

"Damn, Laozi obviously came here to learn how to be a Heroes, why do you have a shit Halloween event..." Bakugo Katsuki said, wiping out his wet hair and looking at leaning against The two figures next to the bath were obscured by the fog. He wanted to see Izuku's face clearly, so he couldn't help but moved to the two figures, then moved again, and finally sat directly next to Izuku. , Red eyes sleep soundly at this time, otherwise Bakugo Katsuki will definitely be thrown out by the shadow of the red eye now, but maybe, probably, maybe, the red eye is sleeping in a fake?

Through the water vapor, Bakugo Katsuki clearly saw the scarred right hand. Although the scar is very shallow, it still gives Bakugo Katsuki a dazzling feeling. Izuku's back is leaning against the tiles of the bath, but I don’t know why, Bakugo Katsuki I always feel that the skin on Izuku's back is a bit bruised. He thought about it, Fei Jiu's training in the last few days has not hurt his back. Is it an illusion?

If you have any doubts, please dispel doubts. Bakugo Katsuki didn't think much, and pulled Izuku's shoulders directly, exposing his back to his eyes. A large bruise, a blue bruise, obviously came out of it. Bakugo Katsuki frowned tightly.

"Hmm...Xiaosheng? When did you...huh?!" Izuku just wanted to stretch out his hand and rub his eyes, when he felt his back swept by a fiery stare, his spirit was abrupt. Zhen, quickly took his right hand out of Bakugo's hand, and immediately turned to look at Bakugo Katsuki.

"Xiao Sheng, what are you doing?" Fright and fear flashed in emerald green eyes.

"Who caused the injury on the back?" Bakugo Katsuki's voice at this time was like an angry lion, and the low voice almost made the hairs of Izuku's whole body explode.

"No... it's okay, Xiaosheng, I just accidentally fell."

"If you fall, can you get such a big bruise?" Bakugo Katsuki's frown deepened.

"Tell me, who the hell is that hurt you, waste a long time?" Bakugo Katsuki suddenly approached Izuku's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Om~" Izuku's brain suddenly became chaotic, and the heat in his ears made him feel a little at a loss. He quickly stepped back, his movements awakened the red eyes that had just been asleep.

"The body...huh?! What are you doing, Bakugo?!" The black shadow suddenly sprang out of the red-eyed body, forming multiple black hands, pushing Bakugo Katsuki away.

"Wow." Bakugo Katsuki was pushed away.

"Cut! Tell me! Waste a long time!"

"Boom boom boom!" A tiny explosion burst into Bakugo's hands, tearing the black hands apart, and Bakugo Katsuki rushed towards Izuku again.

"Tsk, trouble." With a red eye, the lower part of his body has begun to disappear. If he uses his strength again, he has to return to his body to restore his strength in advance.

"Red eyes, don't use it, Xiaosheng, I'm really fine." Izuku waved at Bakugo Katsuki, Shoto Todoroki also took a shower at this time and walked to the bath.

"What's going on?" Shoto Todoroki heard Izuku's shout, and walked quickly to the bath. As soon as he reached the bath, he saw the bruise on Izuku's back. He quickly jumped into the water and couldn't help but say. Izuku controlled it with his hands, his head resting on Izuku's shoulders, and he whispered into Izuku's ears.

"Izuku, what's wrong with your back? Can you tell me what happened?" The gentle voice made Izuku's body tense, and he couldn't guess that the next moment his childhood friend was behind him, and he was rushing to him in front of him. What will the young tamers who come here do?

"Main body, I'm sleepy, let's go back." Red eyes suddenly used his power again, and the black shadow instantly enveloped Izuku, and in the next second, the black shadow disappeared instantly.

"Izuku?"(Read more @

"Gan! Yin and Yang face! Where did Fei Jiu go?!"

"He... seems to be back to his room, what is going on with Izuku's back?"

"Laozi still wants to ask him!"

When Red Eye and Izuku returned to the room, Izuku's body was still bare, and the red eyed body had only one head left, and it was still disappearing.

"Redeye, what did you send me back so quickly? I haven't wiped my body yet." Izuku got up from the ground and walked to the closet to get another cloth he had put in the closet.

"If you don't send you back, there will be a fight in the bathroom. It won't work. If I don't rest, I will have to sleep for a few days and nights to regain my strength. This time it's amazing... ..Branch..." The red eyes and even the head gradually disappeared, and he quickly turned into a black spot of light, but he hesitated when he rushed into the back of Izuku's head.

‘I...can I go back...? ’Perhaps it’s best to disappear now.

"Red eye?" Izuku didn't feel the doubt of the red eye. When he turned his head, the black spot of light touched the center of his brow.

"what happened to you?"

‘It’s okay..... Hurry up and change your clothes. If you catch a cold, it’s not good. ’

'okay. Izuku changed into pajamas and wiped the still watery hair with a towel.

‘But if you rest, I won’t be able to take medicine. ’

‘You can ask other classmates to help with medicine...but, the same is very troublesome...and, Bakugo and Hongjun, they will definitely come up soon. ’

‘You know, red-eyed, I don’t know how to tell them...hey, I can find a mobile pegasus for medicine. Squeezing the bridge of his nose, Izuku suddenly thought of the mobile Pegasus. Anyhow, the mobile Pegasus can help his master with other things besides fighting.

‘OK, the problem of medicine is solved, but you still have to solve Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki. ’

‘Do you want to tell them the truth? ’

‘Do you want to tell them that you did a big deal last night? I think they will use this as an excuse to enter your room directly. The red-eyed unhappy spit out an unhappy voice.

‘I don’t like them very much... Trouble...’ The communication between the two of them only took a few seconds, and the mobile Pegasus transformed from a motorcycle to a robot again.

"Master, do you need me to help you with medicine? Your bruise on the back needs treatment."

‘I hope that the treatment mentioned by this iron lump is not about putting some motor oil on your back. ’

"I'm afraid it won't work. Mobile Pegasus, not for the time being, please help me with medicine later." Izuku sat on the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose, and it was fine during the day. How could so many things happen at night?

‘Maybe, we shouldn’t have a bath? ’

‘You should rest your red eyes. Izuku sighed.

"Knock." When the door was knocked, Izuku could think with his toes that the two big guys standing outside now have super angry expressions, um... he can imagine Bakugo's angry expression , But Shoto Todoroki's face, which is almost facial paralysis, shouldn't show much angry expression.

"Wait a moment." Izuku stood up from the ground, pressed his face and opened the door.

When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was not Bakugo Katsuki's violent rage, he could put a bursting face on his face at any time, but a gloomy, even aggrieved face, Shoto Todoroki's face. Behind Shoto Todoroki is Bakugo's super upset face.

"The door is slow to open, Izuku, don't you like me?" Shoto Todoroki pursed his mouth, and his raised eyebrows wrinkled slightly. (What's the matter? Do you play such a crooked straight ball as soon as you come up?)

"No no! I don't like Hongjun!" Izuku waved his hand and said.

"That's good, Izuku, your clothes." Shoto Todoroki weighed the clothes in his hands and walked into the room. Bakugo Katsuki walked in behind Shoto Todoroki with his hands in his pockets.

‘It’s the second time they walked into the room today, isn’t it boring? ’

‘Shut up, I’m thinking of an excuse to convince them. ’

‘Try All Might? Just say to go for extra training? ’

‘It seems okay, wait a minute, practice more? ! I forgot to train at night! ’

‘Use this as an excuse to avoid training. I’m such a clever ghost! Hee hee hee! ’Red eyes rolled happily in Izuku's head.

‘Escaped by you! Izuku closed his eyes, squeezed his hands, looked at the two people who walked in, said red eyes in his heart, turned to look at the two people already sitting on the bed and on the chair, Bakugo Katsuki tilted his legs and stared. Looked at Izuku.

"Let's talk, Fei Jiu, what the hell is the injury on your back? Don't tell the just wait to be taken by me!"

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