The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 325 Two Poor Cubs

"That... the injury on the back was just what I got during training at night. It's okay, it's really okay, it's okay." Izuku waved his hands again and again.

"It's okay, do you want me to give you medicine?" Shoto Todoroki sat on the chair, pursing his mouth, his expression still a little aggrieved, his hands leaned together, his head slightly lifted, looking at Izuku.

"I can take medicine by really can't, let the mobile Pegasus help me with the medicine..." Izuku's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and the mobile Pegasus standing next to the glass door feels like he will wait for a while. The job may not be guaranteed.

"Let the robot give you medicine? Feijiu, are you too trusting of your master's big iron bump? Actually think it can help you medicine?" Bakugo Katsuki put down Jiro's legs and got up from the bed. Give up the bed, obviously to make Izuku lie down.

"Izuku, let us help you with medicine, okay?"

‘Hey! Don't go too far, you two! ! Ontology, quickly reject them! ! Otherwise...Fuck! ! Bakugo, how the hell did you know that I put the medicine box there! Red eyes used Izuku's eyes to see clearly Bakugo Bakugo Katsuki took out the commonly used medicine kit from behind the table.

"This medicine box should have the things for treating bruises." Bakugo Katsuki put the medicine box on the table and started rummaging. Shoto Todoroki walked up to Izuku and reached out to hold Izuku's hand.

"Lie down on the bed, I'll help you with medicine."

‘The body quickly rejects them! ! Otherwise it will really happen! ! Izuku finally made up his mind and pulled his hand out of Shoto Todoroki's hand.

"Um... Xiaosheng and Hong-kun, would you please go out? If you apply the medicine, I can come by myself, please go out!" Both Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki were a little bit confused by Izuku's sudden loud voice. Up.

‘Oh oh oh! Nice job! Ontology! Recently I have been too indulging in them! If they are allowed to do this, it will definitely make them more unscrupulous! ’

"Waijiu you..."

"Mobile Pegasus, see off!"

"Sorry, both of you, the master is already angry, and I ask you to leave." The computer of the mobile Pegasus actually popped up a part of the data named ‘gloating’. Is there really a virus? It took a few steps forward, and with its steel body, drove out the two people who had entered without the approval of the red eyes.

"Hey! Feijiu! You fucking! Really dare?!"

"Izuku, wait a minute, wait a minute! I just want to help you get medicine."

"Unknown item found." Just when the mobile Tianma pushed them out of the room, the mobile Tianma found a bottle of something on the ground, a small bottle of dark yellow liquid, which was very conspicuous.

"This thing." Shoto Todoroki picked up the bottle quickly with eyes and hands, put it in his pocket, and his face slowly turned red.

"Um... Since Izuku doesn't need my help on medicine, then I will leave." Shoto Todoroki finished speaking, and immediately turned and left, feeling like he was running away in a hurry.

"Cut! Waste for a long time! Then you just wait for the robot to cut you into eight pieces! Humph!" Bakugo Katsuki kicked the thigh of the mobile Pegasus, then turned around and left. Originally, he came with him because of the Yin Yang face. It’s getting worse now, but in the next second, Bakugo Katsuki thinks of another trick to enter Izuku’s room. Naruto, that kid should not be asleep yet, even if he is asleep, Laozi will He quarreled, thinking so, the corners of Bakugo Katsuki's lips curled slightly, just slightly curled up.

"Kadong." The mobile Tianma closed the door and turned to look at Izuku who was standing in the room.(Read more @

"Master, do you need me to help you with medicine? Don't worry, I won't cut you into eight pieces." The electronic sound of the mobile Tianma was a little softer and more scared.

"I believe in you, Mobility Pegasus, and Red Eye also believes in you, but he doesn't believe in Xiaosheng and Hongjun."

‘The master believes in me. This instruction was sent to the high-level memory bank, and it would be impossible to retrieve it for a while.

"Then I will trouble you to help with the medicine." Izuku first put the clothes he hadn't changed into the closet, then sat on the edge of the bed, took off his pajamas, and lay down on the bed. His bruised back was exposed.

"The ointment used to treat bruises is on the third layer, the dark green bottle of ointment, please trouble you."

"It's not troublesome at all, master." After Izuku's instructions, the mobile Pegasus quickly got the ointment for treating bruises. It first scanned it, and then searched the effect of the ointment on the Internet, and finally The ointment was twisted away, and a little green ointment was squeezed out.

"Sorry, master, I started." The green ointment was applied to Izuku's back. The steel fingers slowly melted the ointment, using data and its own control system to apply the ointment to Izuku's back perfectly. It is absorbed by the pores on the back to maximize the strength of the medicine. This process is very long. It is so long that Izuku, who was full of energy, yawns. It is now ten o'clock in the evening. Generally speaking, this time, everyone is almost all When I go to bed, most of the people who don’t sleep are lying in bed and playing with mobile phones. Basically, they are in a state where I want to sleep but the mobile phone is so fun. Let me play for another half an hour. (At least I am in this state, Emma, ​​the phone is so fun, let me draw two pictures of Midoriya angels.)

"Ha~ Mobility Pegasus, isn't it okay?" Izuku yawned long, and the red eye didn't know which corner of his head to sleep.

"It's still 20 minutes before the owner's pores are completely absorbed. Now the room temperature is 27.5 degrees, and the owner can sleep for a while." A comfortable temperature makes people want to sleep more.

"Okay...ha~ I'm so sleepy..." Izuku hugged the pillow and slowly closed his eyes, the mobile Tianma carefully put the quilt on Izuku's thigh, and then walked to the balcony. , Closed the glass door.

The mechanic has been upset recently, and even his teammates have noticed this upset.

"Hey, look at the front intently, Mechanic." Shi Shuo grabbed the mechanic by the shoulder, which made him discover that there was a sewer under his feet without a manhole cover.

"Fuck, who is so uncivilized and stole the manhole cover?!"

"Ah?! Has anyone stolen the manhole cover?! Who?!" A municipal worker's head popped out of the sewer, uh, Mario, is that you?

"Uh! Sorry, sorry! I read it wrong and thought someone had stolen the manhole cover."

"That's good, but the nearest sewer is very fragile. There are many areas that need to be overhauled. You better be careful."

"Oh, thank you, let's go mechanic, let's go on patrol." Shi Shuo pulled the mechanic around the sewer entrance, and the special combat swords walked in front of them.

"Hey, mechanic, what did you do lately? My mind is completely off work, are you thinking about other things?" Shi Shuo whispered to the mechanic.

"Hmm... I was really thinking."

"Hey, tell me, I will help you keep it secret."

"Fart, whoever doesn't know the whole office has the biggest mouth." The mechanic said, searching for information on his cell phone as he walked.

"It seems that you stabbed the captain like rose sauce last time." The mechanic broke away Shi Shuo's hand after speaking.

"Hey~ It's ruthless. At any rate, the two of us have been working together for so many years." Shi Shuo caught up with the mechanic once again, quietly glanced at the mechanic's cell phone.

"A Liao, are you looking for that guy Tianma?"

"I haven't found any clues about that mechanical head. Whether it's a long time ago or the list of Heroes in recent years, he hasn't been in the list, and there is no one like him."

"Hmm...Is this guy who didn't get the Heroes license in high school and came out to be a Vigilante (volunteer police officer)?"

"It's not without this possibility... I'll look for it again."

The mobile Pegasus on the balcony was also swimming in the ocean of the Internet at this time. Suddenly, its network line sensed that someone was looking for it.

‘Scanning...Firewall is being broken...Alert alert! Found a multi-level mobile firewall, exiting! Buzzing! The firewall is blocked! ! ’

"Huh, there is a desperate guy who has hacked my phone? There is nowhere to vent it."

"Mechanic! Now is not the time to let you play with your phone! Come and help! This Villain needs your narcotic bomb!!"

"Come here! Good luck! But, don't want to take back the data you sent here." The mechanic put the phone back into the slot of the belt, and said as he took it from the weapon backpack. Two anesthesia guns were pulled out.

At night, it is still a carnival of many people.

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