Retrieving the data from the mechanics, Mobility Tianma tilted his head, and human thinking is really difficult to understand.

"Hmm...ha~ I slept so well~" Just when Mobility Pegasus was puzzled, Izuku woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, smashed his mouth, and felt sore. The sweet and sour taste is still in the mouth, a bit astringent.

"Ha~ It's rare to have no dreams, but I slept really well...Huh? This is my room? Doesn't Hong Jun have the key to my room? Mobile Pegasus, did you take me back?"

"When the master was you, you lay on the sofa on the first floor and saw it." When the mobile Tianma spoke, it was still a little bit of a preface.

"Why are you talking like this? Is there a virus invasion? Do you need my help?" Izuku scratched his head and sat up from the bed, taking off his ghost suit, which turned into a little gray-black in mid-air. The fragments finally disappeared.

"No! Master is troubled, no, I can fix it soon." The language system of the mobile Tianma would collapse every time it was reorganized, and he almost didn't want to care about this language module.

"Really? If you need help, remember to say it."

"%¥……*) Yes." You got messy code just now! ! It's absolutely garbled!

"I'm going back, packing my luggage, master."

"Ahhh~ If your language skills are not good, you can stop talking for the time being. It's very twisty to listen." Izuku said, walking from the bed to under the bed, pulling the suitcase from the bed and taking it out of the closet. A few clothes were put in the suitcase.

"By the way, it seems that the mobile Pegasus hasn't visited my house? Do you want to come?" The mobile Pegasus shook his head quickly, and Izuku's peripheral light saw the movement of the mobile Pegasus and smiled.

"It's also true. If my mother sees you like a mobile Pegasus, you might think that I have made bad friends."

"Dududu?!?!" Am I a bad face?

"It's not that you look like a bad person, because you have a cold look. Mom hopes that I can make friends with more people."

"Dudududu." So that's it, the mobile Tianma tilted his head.

"By the way, since the red eye is not there, mobile Pegasus, you can go to the supermarket with me, there are so many things to buy."

"???" Is there any necessary connection to this?

"Can't it?"

"Dudududu." The mobile Tianma nodded quickly, yes, of course.

"Knocking, Midoriya, are you awake?" Ida Tenya's voice was outside the door.

"Wake up, wake up."

"Just wake up. After packing your luggage, come to the first floor to participate in the horror story conference." Mineta Minoru rubbed his hands and said loudly.(Read more @

"Horror story?" Izuku stood up and opened the door.

"As it is the end of today's Halloween event, are you coming?"

"Of course! I love listening to stories!" Izuku said with a smile.

Five minutes later, Izuku, who had packed his luggage, dragged his suitcase to the first floor. On the sofa on the first floor, there were already a few classmates who had packed their luggage, including Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki who hadn’t packed their luggage. They watched. When I got to Izuku, his eyes flashed, Shoto Todoroki quickly lowered his head and continued to read the book, Bakugo Katsuki gave a tut, and his eyes rolled away.

‘Izuku woke up so soon? Is the medicine not effective enough? Sure enough, is it not enough to put the candy on the potion temporarily? ’

'cut! I knew I wouldn't fight with Yin and Yang, and I had to clean the school with this annoying guy. ’

"Yeah! Midoriya is down! Are you ready for the story? Or are you ready to be scared?" Mineta Minoru flexed his hands, a little excited.

"I also prepared a very good story. It will definitely surprise you!" Shang Ming also nodded, full of confidence.

"Wow Gadana, I believe the story of the two of you is absolutely good."

"Then Midoriya, how is your story prepared?"

"Ah? Me? Haha... I didn't think much because I was packing my clothes." Izuku scratched his head.

'Horror stories...' There are only some cruel memories in my mind. How can other people like to hear that kind of story? Izuku walked down holding the suitcase with a stiff and awkward smile. On the first floor.

"I didn't think about it. In fact, I really like watching horror movies, and the kind that I am afraid of and love to watch." Uraraka scratched his hair and said while carrying a bag and walked down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, can't I think of watching so many horror movies? I also have a good story. I can scare some idiot to pee his pants."


After a few more minutes, everyone gathered on the first floor and said that they were going to hold a horror story conference, but in fact few prepared stories, including the initiator Ida, who did not prepare a horror story. Everyone sat in a circle with hands. Holding Sato Rikido's baked biscuits and Yaoyorozu Momo's black tea, watching people who are preparing stories stand in the middle of the circle telling the story, Izuku is listening while eating the biscuits and drinking black tea. His eyes are a little hollow. , Are you in a daze?

‘The story of Kaminari-kun and Mineta-kun is very interesting. The story of Erlang is quite musical. The story of Tsuyu is related to rain. The story of Oshiro-kun is a bit general. Suddenly, a hand shook in front of his eyes.

"Hey! Feijiu, I'm back, it's you."

"Ah? Me? I don't have a story. The next one is...Huh? Jun Hong? Don't I remember the students next to Shoji and Chang An? Why did they become Xiao Sheng and Jun Hong?"

"They went to the toilet." Shoto Todoroki didn't lie, they did go to the toilet, and he and Durian's head grabbed the spot.

"Swish." Izuku said, picking up the last cookie in front of him.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." His eyes continued to empty, chewing the biscuits in his mouth dryly, not even knowing that there were cookie crumbs in the corners of his mouth.

"What are you thinking about Izuku?" After a while, watching Izuku still in a daze, Shoto Todoroki felt that the time was almost up. If I didn't start, Izuku might not be able to keep Izuku. He took out two toffee from his pocket. Passing it in front of Izuku, the other hand gently wiped off the crumbs from Izuku's face. What the hell is it naturally?

"I'm finished with the biscuits, do you want toffee?"

"Thank you Hongjun, but I have eaten too much candy today, I can't eat anymore, my teeth will break." Izuku smiled and rejected the two toffee he liked very much.

"But I want to know where Hong Jun got these toffee, and I want to buy some too." Izuku asked with a smile.

"At that time, I'll give you some order." Shoto Todoroki said naturally. Of course, that kind of sugar is not a cheap toffee, it can be regarded as a special toffee, which naturally costs a lot of money.

"Eh? Is it really okay? Thank you for the first time!" Izuku's smile is still very bright, people can't get tired of looking at it, Shoto Todoroki also picks the corners of his mouth, and wants to say something, when school is over The bell rang, and the story ended. The people who were going home carried their bags and suitcases, and walked out of the dormitory while chatting, leaving behind two self-made Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki. Uraraka Ochaco took a look and sat in place. Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki, who were a little confused, laughed in a low voice and let you guys fight, hehe, now I can finally brush up on Xiaojiu's favorability.

Walking out of the dormitory and out of the sight of the two annoying guys, Uraraka immediately leaned towards Izuku.

"Hey, Izuku, are you free on Saturday?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Izuku stepped back to the side, his face flushed a bit, still shy?

"We plan to go to the Long Corridor Supermarket together on Saturday. Would you like one?"

"Of course! I have something to buy too." Izuku said, nodding.

‘YES! ! ! None of those two guys messed up! I will definitely be able to get a good impression for a long time this time! ! I played that love game just for today! ! ’Please sack of beans! ! Hello! Uraraka, what did you do when my author was away? ! love game? !

"Then say so! At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather at the north gate of the Long Corridor Supermarket."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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