The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 342: A Newcomer Joined Again, Still a Good-Backed Guy

Walking out of the gate of the school, the mobile Pegasus was already waiting for Izuku not far away.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow! Pay attention to your safety on the road."

"We are not kids anymore! Ida, you are more and more like an old mother! Hehe!"

"Xiaoan, let's go back to watch cartoons!"

" is good."

After saying goodbye to the others, the mobile Pegasus walked out from the corner and took over Izuku's suitcase, with a small blackboard on its chest that I didn't know where to come from.

"Mobile Pegasus, are you really not going to come to my house to sit?"

The mobile Tianma shook his head and wrote on the small blackboard with Shunlai's chalk: No, I will guard around the host's house.

"Guard... Actually it shouldn't be used..."

That won't work, this is my job, and the program requires me to do this.

"If you keep following the procedure, it feels like Deku, I don't like it." Izuku patted the revolver in the left hand of the mobile Tianma and walked towards the tram station with a smile.

‘Tip the thread, Deku? what is that? The mobile Pegasus tilted his head, the optical mirror was flashing, watching Izuku go away, the mobile Pegasus reacted at this moment, picked up the suitcase with one hand, and followed Izuku.

It’s not time to get off work, and the tram is not crowded. When Izuku and Mobility Tianma walked into the tram, there were still seats to sit on. When they sat on their seats, Izuku heard a sound different from ordinary trams. The sound was a little bit Ethereal, and a bit different from the sound of ordinary trams.

"The sound is pretty good." Izuku looked out the window of the tram, trying to find the tram, but there was only this tram on the tram route. There was no second tram at all. Where did the ethereal sound come from What about?

"Mobile Pegasus, did you hear a nice tram just now?" Izuku turned his head and asked Motor Pegasus for verification.

The mobile Tianma tilted its head, first checked the voice record of the previous minute, and then shook its head.

No sound is received, is there a problem with the owner?

"Is it because I heard it wrong?" Izuku tilted his head, and the tram started slowly.

"Om~" In the void, there was another ethereal tram.

The den line of the tram traveling through time and space was supposed to be on the route of time, but this time, it actually stopped and stopped at this point in time.

The tram quickly reached the place where Izuku lived, and Izuku and Shimo Tianma got off the tram.

"Well... it's another week..." Izuku stretched out after getting out of the car and took a deep breath of cold air.

"There should be nothing urgent this weekend, and I can finally get a good rest."

Last week, the host was really exhausted, so hurry up and go back to rest.

"Hi, hi~" Izuku took the suitcase, and the mobile Pegasus followed behind him.

Just as the door of the tram was about to close, two figures suddenly rushed out of the tram.

"Catch up, whirr." The tall man panted with his hands on his knees after he ran out of the tram.

'Hey! Ryotaro! When I get to this place, let me have fun! ’(Read more @

‘Hey! I heard the music! I'm going out to play this time! ’

‘Kids don’t play in the adult’s world. It should be my fisherman. ’

'Ok! Ryotaro, let me go out! Let those strange demons cry for our strength! ’

"But... Ah! My wallet!"

‘Ah, Ryotaro’s luck is still so bad, can you compete! ’

‘This is not the time to talk about this! Get your wallet back quickly. ‘Ryotaro ran to the platform of the tram while thinking. The little girl who was with him shook her head and ran along.

Pushing the suitcase, Izuku walked to the door and knocked on the door.

"Izuku should be back, Katsuki should be home too, I'll open the door." Yin Zi stood up from the sofa and smiled at Bakuko Mitsuki who was sitting on the sofa. Since Izuku and Katsuki went to UA to study, they both Home, uh, the two of them are getting closer and closer, almost to the extent that they go to the street to drink coffee and go shopping once in two days.

"If my brat goes home, I'll definitely know. He hasn't come back yet. There must be a problem."

"Katsuki is very well-behaved and won't be left by the teacher."

"That's... hey, it's me... ok, ok, I see, thank you teacher."

Yinzi opened the door, and Izuku smiled at his mother who was standing in the doorway.

"Mom, I'm back!"

"Welcome back, come in quickly, and I will prepare dinner right away."

"Is it pork chop rice?"

"No, it's udon this time, because Mitsuji will also eat at our house."

"Will Auntie Guangji eat at our house too?"

"Why, isn't it welcome? Little Izuku?" Hair that was almost the same as Bakugo Katsuki came out of the sofa.

"No no! Of course I welcome Aunt Guangji very much!"

"Then come here and let me rub it?"

Izuku's face was a bit awkward, but he still put his schoolbag and suitcase on the ground, and sat next to Guangji obediently. Mitsuji smiled, put his hands on Izuku's face, and began to rub.

"Puff Lulu Lulu~" Izuku couldn't stand it after being rubbed for thirty seconds. The smell was a bit too sweet, which made him panic.

"Puff~ I just like to see you look like Izuku."

"Puff, Puff, Puff~ Aunt Guangji, I'm so uncomfortable~"

"I'm helping you take care of Izuku, don't resist!"

"Puff..." Izuku gave up resisting, after all, he couldn't resist.

Let’s look away from Izuku’s house. Let’s take a look at the UA school. First of all, the school building. Because of the Halloween event, some of the fallen candies fell on the ground. These things need to be cleaned up. The two people who were fined for sweeping were assigned tasks. Shoto Todoroki took care of the fourth and fifth floors, Bakugo Katsuki cleaned up the first and second floors, and the third floor was cleaned up by two people. Both of them are working hard to clean up, and strive to get these things tonight. Clean up.

"How can you fix it! Go to hell! Sugar cubes!!!" Bakugo Katsuki was now wearing a towel on his head, holding a shovel in his hand, and cleaning the sugar cubes on the second floor with a grim look.

"Huh, why are so many people throwing sugar around?" Shoto Todoroki was wearing a kimono, holding a mop and a broom, and talking while doing the sanitation on the fourth floor. Even in winter, two of them were doing it. I still secreted some sweat when I was hygienic. As for why some people littered sugar, uh... this pot can be thrown to red eyes. His headless knight costume attracted a large number of fans, and many people threw it at him Sugar is like throwing soybeans to drive away ghosts.

"Da da, hoo! It's finally sorted out~" Spider-Man sitting in the office finally sorted out the copywriting that needed to be sorted out. He pulled off his mask and let out a long sigh, then took it from the table. A roll of Mexican meat rolls.

"Hackle, harp, harp."

"Little spider, I've been hanging with you for a long time, can't you give me a taste?" A group of white guys are dangling in the air, a white caterpillar with a red head.

"Then you have to make things clear, where did you take Jonah?"

"This kind of thing is a matter of professional ethics, you can't tell Little Spider, please give me a bite."

"If you don't tell me, I won't give you food. Just stay here at night. You still have professional ethics. What is your professional ethics as a shameless mercenary?" Spider-Man said, took another bite of the meat roll and picked it up My lesson plan walked out of the staff office.

"Little spider, discuss it again!"

"No discussion! Bang!" Spider-Man closed his eyes and closed the door of the faculty office forcefully. When he opened his eyes, he saw a durian, ah no, a pair of red eyes were looking at him.

"Mr. Spiderman, good evening."

"You...haha, good evening to you too, what are you doing here?"

"Teacher Spider-Man, are you blind? I'm doing hygiene, don't you see it?"

‘This student is so unpleasant! ’

"Teacher, please raise your foot, you have a candy under your foot."

"Sorry." The Spider-Man teacher immediately removed his feet, and a piece of candy stuck to the ground. Spider-Man was a little puzzled. Isn't this work usually done by people who do hygiene? Why would Bakugo classmate do such a thing?

"Why, Bakugo, would you do such a thing?"

"Fighting was punished by the teacher to sweep the school."

"Hey, durian head, have you finished packing, go and clean up the third floor together, oh, Mr. Spiderman." Shoto Todoroki greeted Spiderman well.

"Hello, classmate Boom, do you need help?" Spider-Man squinted his eyes and said.

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