The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 37: Defeat and Promise

Izuku rushed towards the sibling duo like lightning.

"Sister, this guy is stupid than me, dare to rush over."

"Hurry up and get him, and then grab the money transport truck!" My sister became a little impatient.

"Yes, sister." The frequency and the number of squares thrown by the big guy has increased.

"Cut, can I only use it?" Izuku said, throwing out the pens in his hand, and the pens wrapped in the square fell on the ground, opening a path for Izuku.

"Sister, I can't seem to stop him!"

"In the end, you still have to rely on me!" I saw that the masked sister stretched out her left hand, and the squares that had been flying indiscriminately in the air flew toward Izuku neatly.

"Does that woman's [quirk] control the cube? Isn't it the right one of this big man’s [quirk]..." Izuku thought, struggling to avoid the cube that rushed towards him.

'The problem now is how to solve the two people, the main thing is how to defeat the two people. I don’t have much pen in my hand, so I just rushed directly to their faces. One person can smash with a punch, but how do I rush over? , There is no other way, only this trick. Izuku raised his right foot.

"Foot Wind Blade!!" As soon as he took the split, a visible wind blade rushed towards the sibling duo.

"Return to defense!" For a while, dozens of brown squares formed a wall in front of the sibling duo. The wind blade hit the square wall, and the two forces were constantly wrestling. Suddenly, several squares cut the wind blade. Surrounded, the cube fell directly to the ground, and there was a hole in the square wall. At this time, the sibling duo saw Izuku rushing from the hole in the square wall, and the green arc illuminated their faces. .


Twenty minutes later, when the police and professional Heroes arrived on the scene, they only saw two tied up Villains, a cube on the ground, and a burning taiyaki shop.

"Which guy did this good thing?" The police and professional Heroes looked dumbfounded.

On the way back, Izuku frowned as he watched the back of the bleeding hand. Although the wound was not big, it would not be good if it was infected. To be on the safe side, Izuku took out a bandage from his pocket and put it on the wound. , And then ran back to Gran Torino's residence with the bag of Taiyaki.

"I am back."

"Oh~ who are you?"

In the morning of the next day, Izuku walked into the classroom as usual. Although it was only two classes, it was still necessary.

"Hello, have you heard? The guy Bakugo has been styling by Best Jeanist, and it is absolutely funny to use the strongest hair glue."

"Really? I have never seen Bakugo with hair spray before."

Izuku sat back in his seat, opened the book, and began to read it.

But it didn't take long to watch, Boom walked over. It seemed that he had just arrived. Before he could even put down his schoolbag, he walked over to Midoriya.

"Izuku, how did your professional practice feel yesterday?"

"It's okay... The person who trained me is a bit weird." Izuku put his left hand on the injured right hand without leaving a trace. This unusual move made Mr. Hung discover the anomaly, and he went straight to it. Pulling up Izuku's right hand, looking at the one-centimeter scar on Izuku's hand, Hong Jun's expression was obviously in a daze, and then he took Izuku's hand to take him to the health room.

"Boom! The treatment girl hasn't been to the health room yet." Izuku shook his hand, trying to get his right hand out.(Read more @

"How long has your wound been?"

"That's just yesterday afternoon until now. You can let go, Hon-kun." Just when Izuku wanted to take his right hand out of Hon-kun's hand, Bakugo opened the door of the class. His hair was not rooted like usual. Standing upright, it fits his head to give Bakugo a snug hairstyle.

"...Puff hahahaha! Sure enough, Bakugo's hairstyle is so funny."

"Hahahahaha! Sorry, I can't bear it anymore, hahahaha!" Kirishima and Kaminari's facial functions were disordered, and their expressions almost changed with a smile.

"As long as I want to, what kind of Best Jeanist did it for me!!" Just when Bakugo looked at you all, he saw the nasty half of his face holding Fei Jiu's hand and didn't know what to do. , The distance between the two people is very close, I don't know why, Izuku feels Hong Jun is holding his hand tighter.

Bakugo exploded at the time, and the hair that was originally docile exploded in an instant. Bakugo threw away his schoolbag and rushed over.

"Yin and Yang face! What are you TM doing! Sinai!!!" There was another flutter in the class.

After the monitor waited for the boys to separate the two violent elements, everyone discovered that Izuku didn't know when he hid in the corner of the classroom, holding his head in his hands and thinking about it.

"Don't...Don't hit me...Don't hit me..." Izuku lowered his head and said, tears falling from Izuku's face to the ground continuously, saying, 'Papa' sound.


"The shadow area in Izuku's heart is incalculable."

"The dark past..."

"This is the pot of Bakugo and Kojun. How do I change Izuku from crying bag to Revolving Heaven? This is your responsibility. No one is allowed to leave. Mineta Minoru, Sero, block the gate." Yaoyorozu Momo's expression was very gloomy. , When did I make you two cry my class pet, hurry up and apologize to me! !

"Yes!" The tape and black grapes directly sealed the door, and now no one can go.

"Whoever takes care of the waste for a long time will go." Bakugo sat on a chair not far from Izuku, looking at Izuku who was squatting on the corner of the wall and thinking with disdain. Laozi ignored the waste.

"Izuku, we should go, otherwise the wound will be infected~" Hong Jun said softly to Izuku.

"Um..." Izuku couldn't talk to people at all at this time, and only knew how to cry.

"The knot has not disappeared, everything is unpredictable." Chang An shook his head.

"Fei Jiu, have you cried enough? Do you have lollipops?"

Izuku's body shook suddenly and turned to look at Bakugo, who was sitting there holding a lollipop.

"Lollipop? Is it for me? Thank you Xiaosheng!" Izuku took the lollipop and ate it happily.

"That's the end?"

"What's the matter with feeling a bit bad."

"Isn't the slot why Bakugo suddenly took out a lollipop?"

"This round is a victory! The young tame and dye race is high!!"

"This one actually lost, how can it be repaired!! Jun Bang, you are too useless!"

"Fortunately, I was always tamed and dyed, happy and happy."

"Ahhh, Jun Hong sometimes still doesn't get along with his friends, and he doesn't even know what his friends like."

"Now you can open the door."

Ten minutes later, Midoriya, Bakugo and Hong Jun came to the health room and found the treatment girl.

"Why do you come to me almost every day, my place is almost becoming your second home!" The treatment girl is a little upset, why are you here every day?

"I'm sorry, the treatment girl, something happened yesterday." Izuku, with a bandage on his hand, scratched his head.

"Well, I heard that you defeated the sibling duo yesterday, right now, your popularity is very hot." The treatment girl nodded.

"In order to protect the safety of the citizens and the cash transport vehicle, these small injuries are tolerable." Izuku rubbed his head and laughed.

"Hmm...but next time you deal with Villain, you have to wait for the arrival of the professional heroes and the police, otherwise what should you do if the two guys run away?"

"Yes, I will pay attention next time."

The two uncomfortable guys stood quietly outside the health care room.

‘On the first day of practice, Izuku killed a pair of Villains, it’s really fast. ’

‘Fei Jiu, this guy is faster than me, he is the guy Best Jeanist! ’

Both of them nodded.

‘This time I must defeat (Boom Fei) more Villain than Izuku (Fei Jiu), and then (surpass) to catch him! Keep him by your side...’

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