The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 38 Other People's Current Situation and Self-Analysis

In the afternoon, Izuku and Gran Torino were in that dilapidated little building while drinking black tea and eating taiyaki.

"Do you know where your weakness is now?" Gran Torino asked after taking a sip of black tea.

"I know, the black tea is not delicious."

"I am not asking this!!"

"If the teacher you asked is [ONE FOR ALL], then my problem is that I have too few nirvana skills. Once Villain analyzes it, he can easily stop it. After all, I have not yet reached the strength of All Might. How much." Izuku rubbed the cup of black tea with his index finger.

"After all, your control ability is already top-notch, and only the technology is left, and the technology is all accumulated by playing against Villain. Therefore, starting tomorrow, I will take you to other cities for normal operations. Professional experience, um, this black tea tastes good."

"Teacher likes it." Izuku also raised his teacup and drank, still a little worse than sister's tea.

After a while, Taiyaki was divided between Izuku and Gran torino. Izuku consciously carried the dishes to wash the dishes, while Gran torino sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch it.

"Today's hot spot has long known... now it is news about Villain. The Heroes killer is still on the move. Sixteen Heroes have been killed and injured. The police internal analysis department sent a message. They believe that the Heroes killer Stain is very likely. Go to third-tier cities such as Bosu City, hoping that the police and other Heroes can conduct patrols in the third-tier cities..."

Izuku, who was washing the dishes, couldn't help but think of his monitor Ida Tenya when he heard the news.

‘I remember Ida’s brother was severely injured by this Heroes killer Stain, and now Ida is just going to have a professional experience in Hosu City, so I’m really worried about him. ’

"Huh!! Bring back my cartoons!!! I want to watch cartoons!!!" Gran Torino almost smashed this TV. It is clear that cartoons should be broadcast at this time, so why should you replace it with hot news! !

"Teacher, don't be angry. I already have a TV show that the teacher loves to watch. You watch it first?" Izuku took out his mobile phone from his pocket, called up Gran Torino's favorite cartoon, and then switched the mobile phone. Passed it to Gran Torino.

"Huh, you still have a conscience." Gran Torino curled his lips and took the phone, watching the cartoon.

"I don't know how others are doing now?"

Shoto Todoroki at this time.

He chose his father's office. Although he was still quite unhappy with his father, he still chose to learn from his father in order to complete the professional experience and obtain a better combat experience.

"Boom!!!" A cone of ice flew by, and Villain, who was still extremely arrogant, was nailed to the wall by the cone. Shoto Todoroki shook off the icy debris on his hand. This was the third wave of Villain he had defeated.

"Master Boom, your ability is really easy to use." Today, he teamed up with a Heroes who used fire. He just knocked out a Villain and saw Shoto Todoroki nailing Villain to the wall with a cone of ice. .

"Don't call me young master, I don't want to recognize him as a father unless it's blood relationship." Shoto Todoroki touched the burn mark on his left face, that smelly old man.

‘Hey, it seems that the relationship between the boss and the young master is very difficult to ease, after all, something like that happened. Heroes, who teamed up with Hongjun, shut his mouth very well and stopped mentioning this topic.(Read more @

"Then, Todoroki, leave it to the police here. We have to continue patrolling."

"Yeah." Shoto Todoroki looked cold, ‘I don’t know how Izuku is. ’

At this time, Bakugo is patrolling with Best Jeanist, and Bakugo's hair is combed by Best Jeanist.

"As a member of our firm, we must have a good image. We don't want to have a grumpy guy who will always be our partner, so your personality must be changed, even if it is NO.1 All Might. An approachable look, since you want to surpass him, then you must do better than him..." Best Jeanist said seriously to Bakugo who was following him.

‘This guy is really annoying! ! Bakugo followed Best Jeanist with an unhappy expression. They are now walking in the downtown area. From time to time, a few children would greet Best Jeanist.

"Who do you think is the one behind Best Jeanist? He looks so ugly!"

"Maybe it's a Villain. I was caught by Best Jeanist and taken to the police station by him." A few little kids with no eyesight talked about Bakugo without hesitation.

"Who do you guys say is Villain!!!" Bakugo exploded again, but Laozi wants to surpass the No.1 Heroes, how could it be Villain! !

"Wow!!" The little kid was so scared by Bakugo that he screamed and didn't dare to move at all.

"Bakugo, how many times have you said that, your image is very bad now." Best Jeanist turned to look at the Bakugo who was scaring the child, and patted his forehead with his hand. I shouldn't have hired this guy in. The image of the firm is in jeopardy.

"Hurry up, today's patrol is not halfway through."

"Cut!" Bakugo gave a cut and turned to follow Best Jeanist.

‘I don’t know what happened to that waste. ’

After returning home, Izuku stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in his room.

‘What do you think of Gran Torino’s nirvana? ’

‘Actually, we have enough nirvana skills, and we still have hole cards, so we don’t need to use false ones. ’

‘But, it’s not just us, but everyone else is making progress. What if someone makes progress faster than me? ’

‘Isn’t it impossible, so develop more nirvana skills? But what else can we develop? ’

‘Try if you can put [quirk] into a ball, and then throw the ball at Villain like Xiaosheng? ’

‘But don’t we have bows and arrows? ’

‘The bow and arrow movement is too big, either the bow movement becomes smaller, or the bow and arrow’s power is increased. ’

"No matter how you look at it, the latter item is easy to achieve..."

‘’s true that the latter item is easy to achieve, but we must not only rely on bows and arrows. In addition to heavy swords and heavy armors, we must have another defensive nirvana that can be used for a long time. ’

‘Um... let me think about...’ Izuku pinched his chin and started walking back and forth in the room.

‘You’re right, my current special moves are the one that kills with one hit. If we encounter Villain who can be the same as Nomu, we must have the ability to fight Villain for a long time. ’

‘In fact, you can also cover [quirk] on your own fists to form a glove like a tiger. ’

‘It can also form a medium-sized sword that is hard enough. ’

‘Or change the heavy armor to light armor, which not only has hardness but also flexibility. ’

‘By the way, tomorrow we are going out with Gran Torino, so it’s just time to experiment. ’

‘Don’t you worry about Ida Tenya? ’

‘Of course I’m worried, but what's the use of worrying? We won’t go patrolling there tomorrow. ’

‘I can only hope that classmate Ida will not be dazzled by anger. You should prepare more. I always have a bad premonition. ’

‘I’ve got it, then I’m going to make preparations, and good night to me. ’

'good night. ’

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