The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 478 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 478

"Tap Tat Tat Tat!" Ma Tai blushed and stepped on the stairs of the dormitory. As he walked, he tidied up his hat. Shoto Todoroki looked at the little hat that appeared step by step along the stairs, his mouth curled. He also kind of wanted to see the kid who was scared by Izuku. It should be funny.

"Knock, knock, is Midoriya there?" Mu Tai knocked on the door cleverly, and asked Shoto Todoroki who was sitting on the sofa drinking hot tea.

"He is resting in the room upstairs." Shoto Todoroki pointed to the second floor, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but cocked because Izuku hid behind the door and made a silent hand gesture to him, which was very cute.

"Whew, then I'll go find him to play." Yan Tai squatted down and took off the thick children's boots, and walked a few steps into the dormitory. Izuku took this opportunity to quietly follow after Yu Tai, suddenly Some water poured out from Yu Tai's hands. Yu Tai slapped the water on his face. The cold water slapped his face, making his flushing face even redder.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?" A slightly warm breath trembles Tai Tai's whole body, and the hands that rest on his shoulders along the sound of breathing make Tai Tai's whole body tight.

"Yeah! Yuta! Long time no see~" Izuku yelled in a low voice, already squatting down, rubbing his cheeks with the same soft cheeks, even Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki did not receive this treatment.

Shoto Todoroki: I am envious of my real name. I curl my lips. I have to find a chance to let Izuku rub his cheek.

"Midoriya, brother." Mei Tai stiffly rubbed Izuku's cheeks, cold self and warm Izuku's cheeks kept rubbing, feeling that his heart was also warmed.

"It's been a long time, Xiao Yutai, why is your face so cold, you still have to warm up in a warm room, do you want to come to my room to keep warm?"

"Yeah!" Tai nodded vigorously, and Izuku stood up and took Tai's hand.

"Then go to my room and sit at the warming table." Izuku said and took Mita's hand and walked up to the second floor. Shoto Todoroki just wanted to get up and rubbed it, but he saw Ida Tenya and Sato Rikido walking. Came in.

"For such hard training, you have to take a bath and take a good rest."

"I agree, this is really too tired, fight with the teacher."

Shoto Todoroki took a look at these two sturdy people. When he turned his head to follow Izuku, Izuku had already closed his door.


In Izuku's room, Tai Tai stood in the corner of the room and watched Izuku put the warming table on the open space of the room and turned on the switch.

"Master, who is this?" Just as Tai Tai looked at Izuku wholeheartedly, a figure suddenly appeared on the balcony. The original blue optical mirror quickly turned red, and the alarm sounded in the computer instantly, which I had never seen before. Humanity! Dangerous! !

"This is a friend of mine. It's Tai Tai, Tai Tai. This is my escort robot, a mobile Pegasus. It's a good partner."

"Hello, Mr. Tai Tai." The alarm is lifted and the trust value test is turned on. The test is completed...The test is completed, the trust value: 87, which is the same as Mineta Minoru's ranking, and is recording... The recording is complete.


"Tai, come and sit down." Izuku got into the warming table first, felt the temperature, and waved his hand to let Mei sit in too.

"Eh? Um..." Mao Tai sat down honestly on the warming table, and the motorized Tianma turned back to a motorcycle.

"It's really been a long time since I saw you, Tai Tai, why are you here at U.A this time? Did you come to play?"

"It's not here to play! This time I go to U.A, but I have something important to do!" Yu Tai straightened his waist in an instant, this time he really didn't come to play!

"Is it important? Then you came to see Eri?" Izuku tilted his head, thinking about it, this is the only important thing for the kid, playing with another kid.

"Huh! It's not!!" Yu Tai put his hands around his chest fiercely, and shook his head vigorously.

"I've grown up! I won't play with other kids!!"(Read more @

‘Looks very angry, but the same as Xiaosheng. ’

‘Tsk, troublesome kid. Izuku's eyebrows bend, and he stretched out his hand to open the cupboard where he stored his snacks, took out two oranges from it, and handed one of them to Tai Tai.

"In winter, it's best to eat oranges, right."

"Well, what is it?" Yu Tai pointed to the energy bar that was only left in the cabinet.

"It looks like beef jerky."

"What kind of beef jerky? That's chocolate. I can't eat more. If you eat too much, you will gain weight." Izuku puffed up his mouth and patted his stomach, his abs.

"Being Heroes, can't you just eat whatever you want?" Mei Tai looked at Izuku before he started to peel the orange.

"That’s not it, like Sunto-kun’s [quirk], he has to eat sugar, the senior of high school, Tamaki Amajiki, he has to eat a lot of food, and then use his [quirk] to reproduce the food on him , The strength is quite strong, is one of the BIG.3 among senior high school seniors." Izuku said while peeling the orange.

"Who are the other two?"

"Passing Million senior and Fluctuation Spiral senior, huh? What does Yu Tai ask this for? Interested in Heroes?"

"Only a little bit!" Mei Tai stretched out a hand, with two fingers facing each other, reaching out in front of Izuku.

"Only a little bit! Remember it for me!!"

‘Hmm, only a little bit, which is also very good. Izuku smiled and nodded, put the peeled orange in front of Tai Tai, and narrowed his eyes.

"The orange has been peeled, hurry up and eat it."

"Yeah." Mei Tai smashed a piece of orange and put it in his mouth, a bit sour.

"Ahhh~ the warming table is so comfortable, I was sucked and said." Izuku lay on the warming table softly, took out his mobile phone from his pajamas pocket, and flipped through the news.

"Ha ha ha ha, Midoriya, brother, is it tired to be Heroes?"

"It's really tiring, but it's my dream." Taking a glance at Tai Tai who is still eating oranges, Izuku turned his gaze back to the phone, but today there seems to be no major news. In the short video of nutrition, Izuku framed his arm and slowly closed his eyes.

"Hey, I don't know much for the sake of dreams, Brother Midoriya? Midoriya?" Yu Tai finished eating the oranges in his hand, and looked up to see the sleeping Izuku, a little stunned.

"Hoo~" There was a small snoring sound, and Tai carefully came out of the warming table and sat next to Izuku.

‘The sleeping face is stupid. "Brother, you really look like Bakugo like this. Looking at Izuku's sleeping face, Yu Tai also yawned, sat on the warming table, and fell asleep with Izuku.

[Jonah! Move quickly! ! ]

[Oh! ] Jonah carrying a big backpack, running fast on the deck full of containers, the villain Falme is chasing behind him, his math teacher and English teacher Tojo and Ugo are also looking in the container Looking at him.

[If caught! The All Might figure in your backpack is about to be removed by me! ! ]

‘Never! That's a hit! ! ’Jonah is running faster.

[Falme! He is over there for the second container group! ! Kou Kou shouted loudly, and Uncle Rem stood beside Kou Kou and spit out smoke rings.

[You open the plug-in here, beware that Jonah is angry. ]

[Don't worry about your uncle, Mao! Run to the right! ]

[Kou Kou, lunch is ready, let Jonah and the others stop and get ready to eat. ]

[Tsk! I want you to talk more! Falme! ]

[Oh. Falme was standing behind a container with a foot outstretched. Jonah didn't react and was tripped and fell to the ground.

[Today’s lunch is a bento. ]

‘Bento, right! Tomorrow we will have a lunch match with Xiaosheng and Hongjun. In the next moment, the illusory dream collapsed and consciousness returned. Izuku opened one eye slightly and yawned.

‘Ha~ I have to prepare the materials for the bento game tomorrow. I have to make a bento at night. I don’t know how long Yutai will stay here. Should I have dinner here...huh? Tai Tai? After a few seconds, Izuku sat up straight and glanced at Tai, who was lying next to him on the warm table and sleeping like him. Izuku was still a little confused.

‘Is it warmer because two people sleep together? ’

‘The materials of the bento...what bento does the main body want to do? ’

‘Steak curry and rice, I have to buy some ingredients, uh...If you want to, you have to prepare soba noodles. ’

"It looks like you have to buy a lot of things. Izuku yawned and tapped Tai's face lightly with his fingers.

"Um...huh~ I don't like it...only a little bit..."

"Puff, it's really like Xiaosheng."

‘Go to the commissary, you have to buy a lot of things. A big black hole appeared in the air. Izuku took off his yukata and put on a short sleeve made of cotton and a pair of black trousers. It was very irrelevant.

"Let's go, let's buy the materials for the bento." Izuku said, walking into the big black hole.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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