The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 479 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 479

The big black hole connected to the school's commissary. After Izuku stepped out of the black hole, his head hit the glass door of the commissary.


"It hurts!!" Izuku bent down abruptly to cover his forehead, red eyes popped out behind Izuku and scratched his head.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought this door would open automatically."

"Dingdong~" The automatic door reacted for two seconds before opening, welcoming two new customers.

"Puff~It's really painful." Izuku rubbed his reddish forehead and walked into the canteen.

"Tomorrow's bento ingredients, I want to buy steak, curry powder, chili sauce, soba noodles, sesame oil..."

‘Ontology, have you forgotten that we no longer have a small vault and living expenses? ’The red-eyed face was dull looking at your own body, how can you buy things if you don’t have any living expenses? Do you want to use Koko's card again? The body has fallen.

"Yeah! How do I buy things then?!" Izuku clenched his left hand and slapped his right palm firmly, covering his forehead with red eyes. He had no idea about money.

"Ding Dong~" The phone in his pocket rang suddenly, and Izuku took the phone out of his pocket and looked at it.

‘What’s the matter? Red eyes jumped up and glanced at Izuku's phone.

"Mom, I went to see Dad again. It's honeymoon. She said that she would send me the living expenses in advance in December..."

"Ding Dong Dang ~ Collection, 80,000 yuan."

"Hmm... I always feel that my mother gave me three months of living expenses..."

"If you give it, just take it, and you have to give it...I think about it, what is the name of the purple-haired guy... Oh, yes, yes, Shinso Hitoshi bought it back, I must have it again Spend a sum of money." Red eyes floated by Izuku's side, took off one of his index fingers, flipped a glance, and then put it back.

"It's better to buy the ingredients for the bento first." Izuku twisted his neck and started walking in the supermarket to see if there were any suitable ingredients for curry rice and soba noodles.

In the dormitory of Class 1-A, Bakugo Katsuki tightened the bandage forcefully. This time it was really a misstep and he would hurt his wrist.

"Cut! Next time Laozi can kill Aizawa alone!" Standing up from the bed, Bakugo Katsuki glanced at the ingredients he had put in the cupboard.

"In this bento contest, Laozi will definitely get the first place! I have to compare the guy with the yin and yang face!" Bakugo Katsuki frowned and walked out of the room holding a few ingredients in the cupboard. He had to borrow one from Sato Rikido. kitchen.

Shoto Todoroki also returned to his room at this time. He doesn’t know how to make bento. The bento he made before was either made by his sister or by his chef. His fingers are not dipped in the spring water, and he is talking about our boss. . (It is possible to cook, but with me, he will not.)

Shoto Todoroki frowned and looked at the delicious food in the phone. It was very good. He couldn't make it, which was very embarrassing.(Read more @

"Can I only ask the chef at home? Wouldn't it be unfair? Well... it's better to try it. Let's make a simpler soba noodles...Pork chop rice ...I have to buy materials." Shoto Todoroki also stood up and changed into a kimono suitable for going out (Um... Mr. Bo, do you have any other clothes to wear? Shoto Todoroki: I am happy.) Walked out of the room.

When the time came to 4:48 in the afternoon, Wu Tai smashed his mouth, woke up from his sleep, straightened his body and rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah...Auntie, I want to go to the toilet..." Yu Tai sneezed, her nose came out from her nose, Yu Tai stared at her eyes and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. Tie shook his head.

"What am I? Hmm... By the way, I came to Midoriya's room to see him, eh... Where's Midoriya?" Mita rubbed his eyes and scanned the room. , No one was seen.

"Uh... have you gone out?" Yu Tai yawned and got up from the warming table, staggering to the door of the room.

"Click." The doorknob was twisted open, and Yu Tai walked out of the room.

"It doesn't seem to be in the corridor... um..."

"Dududu~dududu~" The watch that Yu Tai was wearing suddenly rang.

"Kera, auntie, ha~ what's wrong?"

"When are you coming back? Don't bother Midoriya and the others reading."

"It won't be noisy, I want to sleep in Midoriya for one night."

"No! I will pick you up now!"

"why not!!"

"No way, no way! Obedient!"

"No! Auntie is the most annoying!!" He slammed the phone hard, and with a very angry face, he made it up the stairs from the second floor to the first floor.

"Toot toot~" The busy tone from the phone made Mandalay cat stunned for a moment. She put down the phone, sighed, and Yeyan, who was sitting opposite her, pushed her glasses.

"Never mind ordinary children, Tai Tai is also a member of our training team. If the training items are leaked out, then this winter camping training will not be the same."

"I'm very sorry, I'm going to bring him back now." The Mandalay cat stood up from his seat, bowed to everyone, and walked out of the meeting room quickly.

"Click~Boom." Listening to the sound of the door of the conference room being closed, All Might pushed the document in his hand and looked at the principal who was sitting on the big seat.

"Principal, I still don't agree with taking the co-hosting result as the final grade."

"I think this is pretty good." Yeyan pushed his glasses and read the plan sent by the principal again.

"The results of these Heroes reserves are not limited to the test papers. The combined training not only allows them to grow, but also allows them to realize their shortcomings, and also allows them to know what it means to do within their capabilities. I agree with this plan.

"I don't agree. These training programs may not even be done by us adults. Is it really good to squeeze the children like this?"

"I think Heroes is still too weak now. Although many Heroes reservists in the second year of high school found part-time jobs in the office early, they all did some chores. People in several offices have complained, saying that we are in the second year of high school. The students of the Heroes subject in China feel a little bit useless, and I agree with this plan."

"Heroes are all from our U.A? What are the internships sent by other Heroes high schools? I don't agree."

Several other Heroes teachers expressed their opinions. The strange thing is that half of those who agree and disagree are divided.

"Sucking... the training plan can be adjusted temporarily according to the situation, but when there are no special circumstances, I still hope that everyone can follow the plan. After all, All Might is already in a semi-retired state, and we need to train as soon as possible. A group of mainstays who can take on important responsibilities have come out, so this time the plan is set." The principal took a sip of black tea, combined everyone's opinions, and then made a final decision.

"It looks like this can only be done."

"But on the security side, may I ask the principal, how many office people have we hired?"

"Four offices, two offices are involved in the training for students, and the other two offices are involved in the security work, and the heads of the two offices that train students are already here." The principal pointed out. Refers to the position where Yeyan and Mandalay cat sat before.

"Isn't it enough to call only two offices?"

"If there are too many people, it will still attract attention. The bait for this trap has long been put down. It depends on whether the Villain Alliance dared to swallow it."

"It still hurts to use students as bait."

"Execute the plan."


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