The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 498 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 498

In the early morning of the next day, the cold wind blowing in from the window caused Izuku, who was sleeping soundly, to sniffle.

"It's so cold..." He rolled over, and groped to tear off the pajamas that had been half lifted up due to poor sleeping conditions.

"The quilt...Huh? Where's my quilt?" I opened one eye slightly, and Izuku fumbled on the bed, trying to find the quilt to cover himself, only to find the quilt under his body.

After another cold wind blew, Izuku shivered, and got off the bed subconsciously, half-squinted his eyes, set the bed, put on slippers and walked out of the room.

"Mom, today’s breakfast, uh... forgot, mom went to find dad, but I also have to go for training, what should I do about the hygiene at home?"

"Toot toot~Toot toot~" The phone in the room rang as a text message. Izuku quickly turned around to get the phone and almost knocked his knee.

"Who sent it? I almost fell." Izuku knelt on the ground and turned on the phone.

[Little Izuku, for these two weeks of hygiene, my mother has called a familiar housekeeping aunt over to do it. Don’t worry, the mother who is spending the holiday with her father, come on. 】

"This kind of tone of leaving a letter, well, at least, I don't need to worry about the hygiene at home anymore, training and training!!! All for the sake of becoming a better Heroes!!! Go on!!!" said in the loudest voice With the wish he wanted to achieve, Izuku quickly changed into training clothes, ran out of the house without even eating breakfast, and started the morning training.

"Doctor, you can't keep pressing on Jonah's thigh, it will make his thigh blood not clear." When Rand woke up in his sleep, he saw that the person he was going to protect directly took the whole body. The body was pressed on Jonah's body, completely ignoring his feelings.

"Big husband, husband, just like the doctor, shh~ the doctor is still asleep." Redeye was talking loudly, but when he saw that the doctor was still asleep, he quickly lowered his voice.

"But, this way, the doctor is too shameless."

"Stop talking about this, where's Mr. Driver? It's morning, so I should leave."

"After he got up, he went to buy us breakfast, do you want to eat it?"

"I'm not very hungry, but the guy with me often skips breakfast, so he still has to buy it back."

"Wow, by the way, what is the name of the guy you partnered with?"

"He, uh... he is used to calling him red eyes."

"Red eyes? Strange name, it should be a pseudonym."

"Well, who knows."

"Come on, breakfast is here, super fresh laver rice." The driver quickly rushed into the car with the bought breakfast. Just about to turn around and offer the laver rice to the doctor in the back seat, he found that the doctor had paid back. Falling asleep.(Read more @

"Sorry, doctors are usually used to get up when they go to bed until noon. Give me breakfast first." Rand took the breakfast, and the driver nodded embarrassingly, and immediately went into work and pulled on the seat belt. If you twist, the taxi's engine will start.

"We have to wait a little longer. This kind of weather will make the engine heat up, otherwise it will break down easily." As the driver said, he stuck a piece of chewing gum under the seat with his little finger. Inside the chewing gum, a red object was standing. Glowing.

"Well, no problem, Jonah, here, this is breakfast."

"Ari Gado, hello, red eye, I sent breakfast over, remember to eat." Red eye, while pursing his mouth, opened a black hole in mid-air, and appeared in front of Izuku who was training.

"Ah? Oh, thank you." Izuku was a little puzzled, why the red eye can accurately put the [Portal] in front of him. Isn't it said that if the distance is too far, the use of [quirk] will become inaccurate?

‘Hehehe, I used a bit of my own shadow, it’s pretty accurate. ’

‘Will it cause harm to yourself? ’

‘If it’s just a little bit, it won’t be a big problem. ’

"Hurry up and pick it up, it's very sour to hold it like this."

"Hi, thank you so much." Izuku took the breakfast sent by Red Eye, found a flat rock on the river beach, and sat down, eating rice covered with seaweed while calling his mother with his mobile phone.

"The call you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please call again later..."

"Can you only send text messages?" Izuku clicked on the text message and began to edit the message:

[Starting from next Monday, I will have a two-week winter camping training. I can only rely on the housekeeping aunt for the hygiene at home. I will prepare things. Please don't worry about me. Midoriya Izuku, come on. After finishing writing, Izuku put away his phone and quickly finished the seaweed rice. Izuku clapped his hands, took out a tactical sword from his back, and started training on his own.

At 7:08 in the morning, Izuku jogged all the way back to his home, only to see a woman who looked like something was going on standing at the door of the house.

"Good morning." The woman nodded to Izuku, then pointed to the door of Izuku's house.

"Excuse me, where has the owner of this house gone?"

"Are you doing housekeeping?" Izuku stopped slowly.

"Yes, I am a member of a housekeeping company, and I am familiar with Miss Midoriya Yinzi. This time she entrusted me to do housekeeping for this house. May I ask if you are."

"I am her son, Midoriya Izuku, and it is nice to meet you." Izuku opened the door with the key and the two walked into the house.

At 7:30 in the morning, Shinso Hitoshi walked out of the bathroom. He changed into his favorite purple sweater and a pair of black trousers, put on the bondage cloth that never left his body, and took the key to the house. Walked out of the house quickly and quietly.

"Click, repairable! This door is really hard to open." On the way to the tram station, Shinso Hitoshi ran into a thief who was picking the lock.

"Hello." Shinso Hitoshi raised the restraint cloth and shouted loudly.

"Huh?!" The thief raised his head, and many unlocking tools appeared on the backs of his right and left hands. It seemed that this was his [quirk].

"Boy! Don't be nosy!!" The thief quickly took out a fruit sword from his pocket and pointed it at Shinso Hitoshi.

"I have important things today, so I don't have time to worry about my business. Go ahead and surrender." Shinso Hitoshi said, tugging his restraint cloth, and the restraining cloth quickly stretched out, hanging the trophies of the thief on the ground to his neck. On, the [quirk] was activated in the next second, and the thief's body quickly fell into a stiff state, and he walked to the nearest police booth step by step with the stolen trophies in his eyes.

"You can stop at the police booth."

"...Yes..." The dry voice was like a corpse.

"Um... the tram is coming soon." Shinso Hitoshi glanced at his watch on his left wrist, and walked quickly towards the tram stop.

At 7:38 in the morning, after explaining the place to be cleaned, Izuku rushed out of the house with a small bag on his back.

"Then, I'll beg you at home!"

"Pay attention to safety on the road." The person from the housekeeping company bowed to Izuku who ran out of the house, turned his head and began to clean up the room, doing sanitation.

"Ah, I didn't expect that I wasted fifteen minutes of time. I didn't even take a shower. I must be a little stinky. I can only leave soon after the purchase. I hope that you have not made it to the long corridor supermarket." As Izuku said, there was a green electric arc at his feet, turning into a green glow and running wildly on the road.

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