The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 499 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 499

Just three minutes after Izuku left the house, Bakugo Katsuki walked over carrying a food container with a very unhappy expression.

"MMP, that dead old woman, how could that idiot be at home now, absolutely ran out to train, and gave him breakfast, can't eat him!" Bakugo Katsuki babbled the doorbell of Midoriya Izuku's house.

"Dingdong~Dingdong~" The ringing of the door bell made the housekeeper who was doing sanitation a little puzzled.

"Is there anything Mr. Midoriya missed?" She wiped her wet hands with her body, and walked to the door.

"Mr. Midoriya, may I ask...who are you?"

"Who are you again?" Bakugo Katsuki carried the food container in one hand and the bag on his head that was punched out by his mother, and stared at the housekeeping staff.

At 8:08 in the morning, Izuku panted and ran to the entrance of the promenade supermarket, where Shinso Hitoshi was standing and playing with his mobile phone.

"Sorry, sorry, but the train was late. I didn't wait long, grumble." Izuku swallowed, Shinso Hitoshi looked at Izuku's clothes, comfortable plain clothes, and they really suit him. Shinso Hitoshi mentioned his own restraint cloth. .

"Well, it didn't take long." Shinso Hitoshi said, putting away his mobile phone and walking into the promenade supermarket.

"By the way, you haven't told me what you like. It would be good if you waste time in the promenade supermarket." Izuku swallowed two more saliva and quickly caught up with Shinso Hitoshi.

"You don't like to waste time?"

"Eh? Me? I'm afraid I prefer to spend my time on more important things, such as doing two more math problems or doing exercises."

"Do you like to use time purposefully?"

"Time is precious, just like the last live-in training. If my reaction slows down, Xiao Sheng will be taken away by the Villain Alliance."

"Is the attack of the Villain Alliance? I have heard from the people in Class B, but it is not comprehensive."

"Do you want to hear? That incident was really horrible, but don't waste time on things that have passed, let's hurry up and buy things." I don't know why, Izuku's subconscious has been reminding Izuku, Shinso Hitoshi is very dangerous.

"...Okay." Putting aside the doubts for a while, Shinso Hitoshi quickly walked to the elevator. He did have something to buy. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone help pay for it?

"Kurogiri, how many times have I said, I don't want this brand!" Shigaraki Tomura threw a tube of lipstick into the trash can and hammered the table in front of him hard.

"But I bought all the lipsticks in the Long Corridor Supermarket, and none of them have the brand you like."

"Go find it for me again!! Find me the entire promenade supermarket!! If you can't find it, you will ruin the promenade supermarket for me!!" Shigaraki Tomura sank back on the sofa, except for some broken pieces. There are some plans besides the lipstick.

"Just for a lipstick, I shouldn't have to ruin a supermarket." Kurogiri's pupils shook in mid-air. Shigaraki Tomura's temper was getting more and more grumpy, unlike his teacher.

"Hey, Kurogiri! Remember! Our purpose is to destroy the current society and the system! We are Villain! Villain will do whatever he wants! Do you know?! Kill the [Symbol of Peace]!!! Save the master Hahahaha!! Cough cough cough." After the madness, Shigaraki Tomura coughed a few times and waved to Kurogiri.

"Buy back the brand of lipstick I want as soon as possible."

"Yes, I know." Kurogiri responded, turning his head and walking into the black hole that had just opened.

"If not, ask someone to lift the supermarket for me!" Deadwood pinched a barb on his lips and tore it off forcefully, pain and blood flying away.

"...Okay." Kurogiri was considering whether to pull the magician from the computer department and directly shrink the entire supermarket.

Magician: You are my tool man! The supermarket is a toy!(Read more @

In the toilet on the first floor of the promenade supermarket, a big black hole appeared in the single room of the toilet. Kurogiri walked out of the big hole. He shook his hand and took out a mask from his pocket. A minute later, a man in his thirties The middle-aged man walked out of the toilet.

On the second floor of the promenade supermarket, at the clothing store, Izuku followed Shinso Hitoshi along with gloves of different colors and styles.

"Wow, do you want to buy gloves?"

"Ms. Aizawa Shouta said that gorgeous things can attract Villain's attention, thereby neglecting my own [quirk]"

"But isn't Xinchao you already have a binding cloth? Isn't it gorgeous enough?"

Shinso Hitoshi stared at Izuku, and Izuku scratched his head.

"Well, the bondage cloth is actually not gorgeous at all, and it feels a bit dirty."

"Sure enough, you think so too, so I want to change my appearance." Shinso Hitoshi said as he took off a pair of flamboyant gloves from the shelf, obviously punk style, all studded on them Rivets, there is a skull stitched with white thread in the center of the back of the hand.

"How is it?" Shinso Hitoshi put on the gloves and stretched out his hands for Izuku to take a look.

"Hmm...I don't think it will work well. Black gloves are a bit too common in Heroes. I don't recommend that you wear them."

"Really?" Shinso Hitoshi nodded and took off his gloves.

"As a Heroes of the language department, you should not care about your Combat Suit very much." Izuku tilted his head and looked up and down Shinso Hitoshi's figure. Unless it is dictated by the [quirk], most Heroes' figures are Very well-proportioned or very strong, and such a figure is very attractive.

"I don't care very much, I want to learn Aizawa teacher."

‘Ms. Aizawa?’ Izuku thought of Mr. Aizawa’s unwashed combat uniforms that seemed to be more likely to be in actual days a week, and touched his nose.

"It's good if you like it, but the quality of the things you buy in the supermarket is not very good. It's better to order from the support company."

"I don't know how to draw a combat uniform design, Midoriya, can you draw one for me?"

"Huh? Combat uniform? Can it be handed to me?"

"Your combat uniform should be designed by yourself, it's well designed."

"Really? Haha, I'm only responsible for the design. My mother helped me make the combat uniform."

"Auntie is very clever."

"Hehe." Izuku's eyes curled into a waning moon, and there was a sweet smile between his eyebrows.

"Then, can I give you the design of my combat uniform? Midoriya Izuku classmate."

"I'll give it a try. If you really make a combat uniform from the clothes I designed, I hope you can correct me a lot."

"Okay, then I beg you." The agreement was so set.

"Then what do you want to buy?"

"I also want to buy some lip balm. In winter, my mouth is easy to dry and crack, not to mention the dormancy training to be carried out afterwards." Shinso Hitoshi said as he walked out of the clothing store.

"Wait a minute, in other words, your class B will also be training with our class A?"

"Is our class B bad?" Shinso Hitoshi was a little unhappy, what is your class B, class AB was originally Heroes, OK?

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean that, I mean, it's great to be able to train with Class B!"

"Really?" Shinso Hitoshi brushed the hair around his ears, and Izuku squeezed his nose.

‘Ah, I feel like I’ve said the wrong thing again, it’s really hard to know the emotions of the heart-worried man. ’

"Midoriya, do you like to apply lipstick?" Shinso Hitoshi turned his head slightly and asked Izuku behind him.

"Lipstick, I don't usually apply it. I only apply it in winter or when my mouth is particularly dry."

"Are there any brands you can recommend?"

"I have a brand that feels good before, and I have given it to someone to use, and it feels good."

"Who is it for?"

"A friend who is not very familiar, usually does not meet very often."

"Oh...Where did you buy that lipstick?"

"I remember it was in that shop, um..." Izuku touched his lips. They were also a little chapped. It's better to apply some lipstick.

"I think I have to buy a lipstick too."

"After buying the lipstick, go and see what movie discs are available for rent. I am used to watching movie discs at home."

"Yeah, good." The two went downstairs quickly. They had to say that boys shopping was faster than girls shopping. It only took half an hour to decide what they needed.

"Excuse me, is this brand of lip balm available?"

"Sorry, we don't sell this brand of lip balm, but we have a higher grade lip balm. Please consider it."

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