The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 526 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 526

"Can you let him come out? I have something important to look for him." All Might looked at the mobile Pegasus seriously.

"Okay, I will bring the master over." Mobility Tianma nodded and turned to walk to Izuku's room.

"Hey, Yagi, do you really plan to take back [ONE FOR ALL]? If you take it back, you can change the successor. For example, the passing Million, your former assistant is chatting in your ears every day these days. Ah, by the way, is there no tea here?" Aizawa Shouta said, patted her knee, got up from the sofa, and walked into the kitchen.

"Click." The door of the room was opened, and the mobile Tianma walked into the room and stood by the bed.

"Master, Mr. All Might and Mr. Aizawa Shouta are here, Mr. All Might said there is something important to tell you."

"Ms. All Might is here?!!! So soon?! I have to get up!" Izuku struggled with his arms, straightened himself out of the bed, turned around, and just about to stand up, his feet softened involuntarily, almost He fell to the ground, but fortunately he was supported by a mobile Tianma.

"Let me take you out." The mobile Tianma picked up Izuku and placed a blanket on Izuku's legs.

"Pap, pap, pap." Steel footsteps echoed in this room.

"Midoriya boy? Huh?!"

"Good afternoon, Mrs. All Might." His lips or blood clot opened slightly, revealing his white teeth.

"Midoriya boy, what's the matter with your face?"

"There is too much blood and tears in the left eye, it's in the helmet again, it will be like this."

"The left eye is soaked with blood, it will not recover until tomorrow, and the feet temporarily lose consciousness and will recover tomorrow morning."

"Is the sequelae of becoming that guy once?"

"No, no, I just played too much, I'm really sorry, Mrs. All Might."

"You will say so low when you apologize."

"I'm so sorry!" Izuku lowered his head sharply.

"Because of what you did, I wanted to take back the [ONE FOR ALL] I gave you more than once and exchange it for someone else."

"I know, Yeyan-senpai told me that Tongxing Million senior is one of your candidate heirs."

"Uh! Yeyan guy!" Toshinori Yagi scratched his hair. At this moment, his thoughts of preaching were disrupted.

"All Might Sansan, I have a question." Izuku looked up again and looked at All Might. The blood clot near the mouth gradually fell to the ground.


"Tea is here." Three cups of green tea were placed on the table, and Aizawa Shouta rubbed the hands that still had tea leaves.

"Your family only has green tea to drink. It's a bit shabby, so hey, what's the problem with you."

"Nomu, is it a human?"(Read more @

"This...not count." Tonsori Yagi and Kasawa Shouta groaned, and finally Aizawa Shouta spoke.

"Nomu's physiological structure and the [quirk] it has are beyond the category that humans should have, and they don't have the characteristics that humans should have, so...not a human being."

"Monsters that are not human...Excuse me, can they be killed?"

"No! Midoriya boy! Your legal scores are very high, and you should also know that the law clearly stipulates that we cannot kill anyone, even if it is... Villain." Contradictory, Nomu, no People, according to the law, cannot kill people, so killing monsters that are not humans violates the law? No.

"The second question is, is the person who came back from the dead a human?"

"Resurrected from the dead...You are talking about the two people you met in Shijie High School...They are human."

"The third question, are the monsters made by Blue Butterfly, are they human?"

"do not know......"

"Okay, I get it." Izuku opened his lifeless left eye and lowered his head again.

"Please also Mr. All Might to give me another chance!"

It feels that the style of painting has changed in an instant. This sentence also made Aizawa Shouta and Toshinori Yagi confused. They didn't react until they were sent to the taxi by the mobile Pegasus.

"Hey, Yagi, can you feel it, that problem boy." There was a feeling of a sharp blade breaking.

"" Yagi pinched his chin.

"For a sword that is too sharp, it is better to let him restrain."

"Do you think that the sharpness of that guy Jonah has changed in the past two years?" The plane landed at Tokyo Airport, and Farme asked, while walking along the link corridor with Coco.

"He won't change. You saw it last time, and he was pretty accurate."

"But I still didn't kill those guys, Kou Kou, I recalled his action, there was a kind of rewinding the sword..."

"I said! He won't change! You shut up!" Kou Kou turned his head fiercely, gritted his teeth, and Farme was startled, and his heart thumped.

‘Kokoo like this is really cool! so beautiful! ! ’

"You guys are really damn daring." Just when Kou Kou and his group walked from the airport lobby to the taxi position, pushing the suitcases, the guy who can make Kou Kou laugh and play with it in his hands appeared. Up.

"Mr. Scarecrow, it's been a long time. I think about it. It's almost three months. Haven't you returned to the CIA to report on your job?" Kou Kou handed the briefcase to Farme without a trace. In a good mood, she didn't mind playing with the intelligence officer.

"Three months, tusk! I thought it was a damn one year! Where's Shangraty!"

"She, she's still eating and drinking in Switzerland, so happy." Kou Kou stretched out his hand.

"Wow! That guy!"

"So, the special intelligence officer of the CIA, Mr. Scarecrow, what is the matter with you?"

"Hmph, get in the car and I'll talk to you again. You have an unshirkable responsibility for this incident. Please prepare a fine for me!" A large black van drove over, and the mercenaries looked at their boss. , Kou Kou shrugged the first van that lifted his foot up.

"It's pretty cute."

"What are you talking about?!" Farme's eyes lit a flame, oh roar, you are also a rival in love, right? And it's still a lackey of the CIA, it should be fine if it is destroyed.

"Falme, don't touch our follower, we will have a good cooperation."

"It's almost a bit." Opening the door of the co-pilot, the Scarecrow sat down on the seat, took out a file from the cabinet in the van, and threw it to Kou Kou in the back seat.

"This was given to me by your young soldier. It has been verified and it is true."

"What is it?" Farme poked her head, and then was slapped back by Coco.

"Sit down." When Kou Kou said this, the whole person was a little weird, there was a feeling of gritted teeth.

"The above asked us to cooperate with you to completely disintegrate this organization, Gan, if it weren't for your young soldier's mess, I would have rested in Hawaii a long time ago!!! SHIT!!!"

"Tsk, I still want to complain, if it weren't because he was going to be some shit Heroes, I wouldn't have to come to this small country, it's so cold!" Kou Kou grinned his teeth as he said.

"So hey, where are you going this time?"

"The guy who broke the appointment is planning to go to Mount Fuji, please drive to Mount Fuji."

"You're really welcome." The Scarecrow lit a cigarette for himself and opened the window.

"Then go to Mount Fuji and drive."

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