The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 527 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 527

After sending away All Might and Toshinori Yagi, the mobile Tianma carried Izuku into the bathroom, filled the bathtub with hot water, and carefully put Izuku into the bathtub.

"The water temperature has reached 28 degrees, master, do you feel it?"

"Well, the water temperature is just right, thank you." Izuku turned his head and looked at the mobile Pegasus standing next to him. The blood clots on his face gradually peeled off due to the hot water vapor and fell into the pool to smudge a layer of blood red.

"Water vapor will short-circuit your wiring. Get out quickly."

"...Yes." A blue light flashed through the optical mirror of the mobile Tianma, nodded, turned and walked towards the door.

"Crack, snap."

The door was closed, Izuku sighed, stretched out a slightly paralyzed hand, tore the blood clot off his face, and threw it into the bath.

" hurts, huh...but I finally saved [ONE FOR ALL], it's despicable, right? But I really want to be Heroes..." Izuku covered his face and slowly lay down in the bath.

Looking at the vague blood above the pool, Izuku felt a suffocation.

‘Is this the punishment for doing wrong? Heroes, be self-discipline...I know, I will be self-discipline. ’

"Huh!" Coming out of the bath, Izuku took a big breath, and the salty blood spread on the tip of his tongue.

"I have to wipe my body, I don't know if I can get up." Izuku pressed his hands on the edge of the bath.

"Twenty minutes have passed. It is better to take a bath from 20 to 30 minutes," said Mobile Tianma. He put the hot sushi on the plate, put it on the table, and rang. The door of the bathroom.

"Master, have you finished soaking? Can you take a shower?"

"Crack." The bathroom door was opened. Izuku was wrapped in a bath towel and walked out with a towel on his head.

"I didn't expect to be able to walk so quickly. My physique is really good." Izuku said while smiling at the mobile Pegasus.

"The degree of physical damage has reached 39%, and the recovery of 3% is a miracle."

"Can the left eye see something vaguely, miracle?"

"Can you fight? Master?"

"How is it possible." Izuku shrugged his shoulders, his skin pulled apart, his nerves received the painful command again, and the white strap around his waist was loosened.

"Even you said that you won't be able to recover until tomorrow afternoon. How could it be so fast? There is no way." Izuku stretched out his hand and waved, then sat down on the sofa at a slow pace.

"I'm so hungry, Mobility Pegasus, please bring the sushi here." Izuku picked up the remote control as he spoke.(Read more @

"Hey~Welcome to the live broadcast of "Danger I'm Here", everyone should have seen it, the Nomu Tower behind me." The camera temporarily moved away from the host holding his nose, which was close to five meters. The Nomu Kyodo official, even if Izuku saw it again, he was a little surprised.

"Allah, I actually killed... Did FAIZ kill so many Nomu? It's huge."

"Master, sushi is here." Sushi was placed on the coffee table.

"Thanks." The optical mirror of the mobile Tianma was also transferred to the TV.

"Let's interview the people nearby who have just returned to their houses." The camera turned to several young people who pointed at the Beijing official.

"Ah? Um... Although I am very grateful to the person who solved Nomu to protect our safety, but this look really makes people have a nightmare."

"How many Nomu is there? After all, it's because the people who kill these Nomu are too terrifying, and I'm a little scared."

"This kind of thing really makes people have nightmares!!"

"Naるほど (So that's it.) No wonder All Might won't let me kill, and I have to consider ordinary people's thoughts." Izuku threw a piece of sushi into his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

"Master, aren't you going to go to live-in training tomorrow morning? Don't you pack your bags?"

"Because I can't move now, please help me clean up." Izuku's hands clasped together, and the knuckles made a creaking sound.

"Understood, do I need to bring something?"

"Change of clothes, water glass, and..." Izuku's attention gradually shifted, and he returned to the TV.

"Understood, I will prepare now." Mobile Tianma turned and walked to the room.

"The next program is everyone's favorite, "Heroes face to face, please tell the truth"! This time, we invited someone to teach at UA! [Symbol of Peace]! Let's call out his name together!! All Might!!!" The whole studio went crazy, cheers and screams kept coming.

"Puff!!" The white dry ice sprayed out a figure that was shot out by the light, and the familiar figure appeared.

"Oh oh oh! All Might three three! Ouch!!" Izuku almost fell to the ground.

"It's been almost a year since we last met, Mr. All Might, you are quite inactive these days."

"Well, that's because teaching is really tired." All Might sat down on the chair and stretched out his hand.

"Well, our face-to-face meeting this time is not just a greeting. Are you ready? I'm going to make a move!" The host waved his notebook.

"I'm looking forward to it! Oh! Yu Zhisang!" All Might still smiled at the host.

"Oh! It looks wonderful!" Izuku shook his aching hand and rested his head on the armrest of the sofa.

"Ha ha ha ha." Just lying on the sofa and eating delicious sushi is also quite comfortable.

At 7:20 in the evening, the mobile Pegasus, with the luggage completely packed, pushed the suitcase out of Izuku's room and returned to the living room.

"Master, the suitcase is packed."

"Huh..." Izuku rolled over on the sofa, the sushi in his hand fell on the ground, and the TV was still showing the evening news.

"This Nomu riot has resulted in 25 Heroes wounded, three Heroes seriously wounded, and 50 civilians injured. Among them, ten people have entered the ICU because of burns...Kacha." The TV was used by the mobile Tianma. The electromagnetic wave turns off the TV.

"Master, if you sleep here, you might catch a cold..."


"Understood." Mobile Tianma slowed his own voice to a minimum, took out a blanket from Izuku's room, and carefully put it on Izuku's body.

"Good dreams...Master." Mobile Tianma whispered, walked slowly to the door, and quietly opened the door.

"Click." The mobile Tianma carefully closed the door. After leaving Midoriya's house, it immediately activated the ejector on its back.

"Boom!" The flame of the jet was a bit unstable, and the motorized Pegasus started again, and a paw caught on the jet was directly burned to ashes.

‘You have to hurry up to deal with the Beijing official, otherwise it will cause troubles for the owner and the civilians, burning with gasoline...’ The mobile Tianma did something that will definitely be a hot search for tomorrow.

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