The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 535 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 535

"Wha~ it's really exciting to fly in winter!! You think it's not it! Aizawa-san! Yooo!!"

"Will you think about me anyway? It's cold!" Aizawa regretted not taking the sleeping bag with him.

"Hahahaha!!" Hawkes smiled quite heartlessly.

"Wait a minute! Fly down there a bit." Aizawa pointed to a forest.

"Is there anything over there?"

"Something dazzling seems to be over there."

"Alright, dive in!"

"Wow! Slow down!"

"Boom!" Aizawa Shouta was thrown into the snow, and a large human pit appeared.

"Hahahaha! Aizawa, your shape is amazing!"

"Wow!" Two binding cloths rushed out from the pit and tied Hawks's hands. With red eyes lit up, Hawks' wings suddenly couldn't move.

"Eh eh eh?! Boom!!" Hawkes was also dropped into the snow pit.

"It's very hilarious~ NO.3 Hawks."

"Cough cough cough, I was overcast for a while."

"Hurry up and keep up with me, we'll have to go back in five minutes." Aizawa Shouta got up from the snowdrift and walked to the place he thought was strange before.

"Bah, bah! A mouthful of snow, Aizawa, you are too much!"

"Stop talking nonsense, come here."

"Cut!" Hawkes said and got up from the snow pit.

"Gapa Gaba." Twisting his sore neck, Hawkes walked to Aizawa who was squatting on the ground not far away.

"Did you find anything?"

"A pool of blood." Aizawa tilted his head, revealing a small pool of blood.

"Hey, don't tell me there are still people killed here. The amount of blood shed is too little."

"Not necessarily, there are scraps of bandages, and a small piece of tape."

"It looks like it is indeed a human being, do you know where it is?"

"What? Are you still going to take him to the hospital?"

"Can't it?"

"I'm afraid he ran away before you found him." Aizawa raised a blood-stained bullet.

"Warhead? Shooting incident?"

"They have to start patrolling, who is there?!" The warhead hit a tree branch not far away.


"Tatatata!!" Taxue's footsteps sounded.

"Don't even want to run!!" Hawks' [quirk] was activated in an instant, and several feathers chased the footsteps away.

"Wait for me!" Aizawa Shouta also chased him. The two of them stayed away from this pool of blood.

"Huh~" A young man walked out from the shadow of the bushes. The young man dragged a person out. The young man looked at the place where Aizawa Shouta and Hawkes were far away, pinched the mask, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, the reaction of professional heroes is so bad?" The red eyes whispered, dragging the person around to leave.

"Ha, the responsiveness is not bad, professional heroes?" Just when Red Eye was about to move his feet, two voices fell from the tree and fell behind Red Eye.

"Hand over the people." Aizawa Shouta put on the goggles, and Hawkes let out a bubble.(Read more @

"A boy? How dare to start, really uneducated."

"It doesn't matter whether you have education or not, Silverwing Heroes, Hawkshorn."

"Since you know me, you should know that you can't escape."

"That's hard to say, anyway, this time I will definitely have a fight." Red Eye put down the camouflage uniform in his hands that were twisted into a rope, and folded his hands together.

"I'm... Forget it, I'm still an idiot without a name." Red Eye said as he bowed slowly.

"Whoo!" In the next second, a gust of wind blew across the forehead of the red-eyed head.

"Suddenly, you are really amazing." One foot passed through his head, red eyes stretched out his hand and grabbed Hawks's foot.

"Huh! Whoosh! Trouble you to go back the same way!"

"Heh." Hawks flipped in midair, and a few feathers flew towards the red eye instantly, and the two binding cloths also rushed towards the red eye.

"It's a professional heroes, it's really amazing, but it's still a bit short." Red-eyed feet crossed and jumped.

The body was constantly spinning, avoiding feathers and binding cloth.

"Spin, jump, I keep my eyes open...ahhh, I seem to have overplayed." After landing, Red Eye realized that the tongue that should have fallen behind him was bound and pulled over.

"Papa, it should be the first time that the two cooperated. They cooperated very well, but can you return that person to me?" Redeye clapped his hands and said.

"No." Hawks landed on the ground. He spread his wings and blocked Aizawa Shouta and the tongue. Hawks tilted his head slightly.

"Eraser Head, how is that person?"

"Multiple skin traumas, the fatal wound is a bite wound on the waist. After three hours at most, this person will die from excessive blood loss."

"Ahhhhh, how can it be so exaggerated as what you said, I will also be able to treat him, I can help him to live for another seven hours, after all, I want to ask him about something." Red Eye said as he pulled out He took the M4 and the tactical sword on his back.

"Since the language doesn't work, you can only really hit it." Redeye raised the gun, and a bullet hit Hawks' feet.

"This is a warning. If you don't return people to me, even if you are professional heroes, you will still be able to beat them."

‘It’s too much trouble if you can’t fight. ’

"You are, try it!" Dozens of feathers rose from the wings and rushed towards the red eye.

"Really, it's so troublesome." Redeye rushed towards Hawkes with his tactical sword as he opened fire.

"Hawks, get out of the way!"

"Hey, hey, don't you think I helped you block the bullet?" Hawks waved his hands while controlling his wings, and tilted his head slightly.

"This boy, he is not accurate at all, and all the bullets hit his feet."

"Hoho, I didn't have the right head, because I don't like to use guns too much, bang!!" A straight fist hit Hawkes' face fiercely.

"Puff!" Hawks slumped backwards and spouted saliva.

'speed! So fast! ’

‘Is it fast? Of course it's unpleasant, I just used the shadow, when you were distracted, it suddenly appeared in front of you and gave you a punch. ’

‘[ quirk] Is it speed? Aizawa Shouta’s hair floated.


"Hey! So scary, so scary~" The voice appeared behind Aizawa Shouta.

"Whoo! Boom!" The sound of arms and legs colliding.

‘What a thin clothes! ’

"Whoo!" Two feathers flew by again, red eyes quickly pulled over the camouflage uniform on the tongue, and pulled the tongue in front of him as a shield.

"Cut!" The feathers diverged fiercely and tied to the tree trunks on both sides.

"It's so dangerous~ I'm driving! There is Nara!" The red eye waved to the ground and a white smoke exploded in front of Aizawa Shouta and Hawkes.

"If the professional heroes are killed, it will be very troublesome, so please. Don't add too much work to me, OK?" Two strange cold winds blew Aizawa Shouta and Hawkes' necks.

"Damn it!" Hawkes touched his neck, HSIT! That is a warning! It is definitely a warning!

"Tsk, Hawks, I'm going back."

"Huh?! Just go back like this?!"

"This time it's just incidental. I have to look good on the boys." Aizawa Shouta turned around first and took out the phone from his pocket at the same time.

"Hello? Are we just letting go? Is that a human life?!"

"I checked that person before, guess who is that guy?"

"Even Villain has to rescue! Eraser Head! You let me down!"

"If you have the ability, you can chase after it. Ba Zhaihui seems to have restarted, and they seem to be looking for someone. This matter must be notified to Heroes who are repairing the ground." Aizawa Shouta held it before opening it. On the right hand, a photo that was half eroded by blood, can't see the human face.

"Ba Zhai Hui? Oh, that's the organization that a bunch of firms encircled and suppressed before. Hasn't it been disbanded?"

"Can you change the quantifier of your'bundle'? Hey, this is Eraser Head. Please turn on the speaker. I have something to talk about." Aizawa Shouta buttoned his nose.

"The speaker is turned on, Senior Aizawa." Spider-Man put the phone on the table and greeted the people who were repairing the floor to come over.

"Little spider, what are you doing?" Deadpool closed a copy of "Mercenary Fashion" in his hand, walked quickly to the side of Spider-Man, and put a hand supernaturally on Spider-Man's shoulder.

"Is there something wrong?" The crowd gathered together.

"I noticed signs of the resumption of the Basai Society during the patrol just now. An unknown person dragged the Basai Society away. I need you to patrol the vicinity of Mount Fuji to see if there are any people who behave abnormally on Mount Fuji. ."

"Wait, Eraser Head, how do you know that guy is from the Eight Vegetarian Association?"

"Who would use such an ugly beak for the back of the photo?" Aizawa Shouta turned the photo upside down, and it happened to be a dark beak, which was obviously from an official of the Basai Society.

"All right." Hawkes grabbed Aizawa's shoulders.

"It's only a minute before the assembly time, I don't want to be late, let's go!"

"Eh?! Woo!" The two figures flew into the sky, wishing Aizawa not to be frozen into popsicles in the sky.

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