The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 536 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 536

"Nine minutes have passed. Ms. Aizawa, what happened to them?" Izuku sat in his seat and looked out the window.

"They don't come back, let's go first! Let them walk by with their feet! Hahaha!" Mineta Minoru laughed rather arrogantly.

"Who said we let us walk over by ourselves?" A familiar voice came, and Mineta Minoru was so scared that he couldn't move.

"Ten minutes, we were on time, driver, drove." Hawkes said, kicking Aizawa Shouta who was walking in front of him, and he was a little concerned about what happened before.

"Kadong~" The wheels began to turn, and a black rabbit watched the car gradually move away. It rubbed its ears with its front paws, and then turned into black smoke and dissipated in the sky.

"I don't know if Jonah has done it yet?" Dr. Amada took a cigarette.

"Doctor, even if you use cigarette butts as a signal, you can't smoke so much in one breath, right?" Rant resignedly pressed cigarette butts on the snow.

"This is very harmful to the environment." Just as Rant finished speaking, he was knocked on the head.

"How can a cigarette costing five hundred dollars a box be so simple? Have you heard of bioenergy conversion technology?"


"There are three or five seeds buried in the butt of this cigarette. The butt is a nutrient soil made of cells. The water needed is saliva."

"Does it only need the water of the saliva?"

"Of course not, here, isn't there a large patch of snow here?"


"Kachachachachacha, what are you two talking about?" The red eye dragged the tongue and walked over.

"Talking about sustainability, Jonah, what is behind you?"

"It's just a tongue. Try him in a safe place, Doctor, are you interested?"

"I'm not interested in a guy whose whole body smells like a mess. Go and go." Amada said while throwing the cigarette butt on the ground, turning his head and leaving.


"Jonah, you are going to drag him like this, the amount of bleeding is a bit heavy."

"Don't worry, you won't die within ten hours. After that, you have to see whether the mouth of the hard-mouthed man is hard or not."

"Forget it, you have to find a place to rest before it gets dark, doctor, how long is it from the destination?"

"Um... let me see... at least I have to go for another day."


"After all, we...have gone the other way..."(Read more @

"I'm down!" The red eye almost knelt down to Dr. Amada Minami. Will you always look at the map?

"It's almost the same anyway. It's not a big deal to go for a day longer, haha, haha." The dry laughter was too obvious, I learned from Kou Kou.

"Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if you don't follow the designated route. If there are more corpses in the mountains, it will be troublesome, let's go." Red Eye forced a reason to himself.

"Jonah, the guy in your hand should just give it to me. Anyway, it's just a drag."

"Whatever." Redeye handed over the camouflage uniform in his hand.

"Children shouldn't be killed casually." Lang said while tying a rope to his hand.

"You talk too much, and." The red eye tilted his head.

"Am I an ordinary kid?" The corners of the red eyes and lips curled up.

"If it is an adult with this kind of thought, it is really married and has a child. This kind of person is not suitable for the battlefield." Red Eye continued to move forward.

"It will die soon."

"There are really a lot of young soldiers on the battlefield. If you still hold this idea, Mr. Lante, you can't protect Dr. Amada Minami. If you can't protect it, it means that it will hinder the progress of Koko's actions and hinder the progress. People..." The red-eyed body also had a murderous look, and the red-eyed head turned his head, his eyes were filled with deathly silence.

"I will definitely weed out, so, Mr. Landt, please trouble you, can you not be so useless?"

"Grumbling." Rand swallowed and nodded stiffly. Sure enough, Jonah is still the same as before.

The bus drove on the snowy road for another half an hour, and finally stopped at the destination of this combined training, a hotel covered with heavy snow.

"Boom! Get out of the car! Don't sleep!"

"Gan, who slept?!" Everyone was making ears hurt by Hawks's voice. You are not Teacher Mike, why are you so loud?

"I know, I know." Everyone pulled off the seat belts around their waists and got out of the car with their suitcases. When they got out of the car, everyone felt the malice against them in the winter.

"It's cold!!"

"This is a god~for us~test...Aye!"

Of course, there are two abnormal styles.

"Oh oh oh oh! Is this the training ground?! I'm starting to boil with enthusiasm!!"

"It's absolutely super manly here! I'm super cool!!" Kirishima immediately began to take off his clothes.

"One piece!! Bakugo!" As soon as Kirishima turned his head, he saw Bakugo Katsuki swinging his feet, with a yellow-green scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Go to death! Laozi won't accompany you if you want to catch a cold!" Bakugo Katsuki shook his head as he said, shaking off a little snow falling on his head.

"Cut~That! Midoriya! Let's take one!" Kirishima smiled, and put his arm around Midoriya's shoulder.

"You still have to sort your luggage first."

"The people in Class A are so boring." Tie Zhe folded his arms around his chest, his original long-sleeved coat wrapped around his waist.

"You two are going crazy. Don't rely on others. Now announce the rules of the house. Just like in summer accommodation, you have to cook your own lunch and dinner. Boys and girls live in three places. There is nothing like that. This time, one person and one room are all tatami mats. When you sleep, you should be honest. There are cold water waterfalls and hot springs at the back of the hotel. You can take a bath and rest at any time. Milk is also provided. Today’s dinner will be provided to you as the last time. Come on, in the afternoon...Come down for dinner at five o'clock, then rest, and start the formal training tomorrow. Do you understand?"


"The bedding is placed in the room. Everyone must find a place to sleep that night. They cannot be changed from that day. If they change the position randomly, he will be fined to sleep in the toilet for a week."

"One week?! Wow! The teacher is too cruel!!" Everyone started to whisper. Some people wanted to find a good place to sleep, and some people made it completely indifferent, such as Izuku.

"Okay, chicks, hurry into the nest." Aizawa Shouta clapped her hands and turned to the Hawks who were discussing something.

"Let's go, let's go! Let's put everything away first, and then visit this hotel!" Ida Tenya shouted and walked into the hotel first.

"I don't know if I'm used to sleeping on the bedding. Fortunately, I brought my own pillow."

"Wai Jiu, how old is he still bringing his own pillow?"

"Hehe~ I'm afraid to recognize the bed, but I probably won't." Izuku smiled, and a snowflake fell on the tip of his nose and turned into a transparent water drop.

"It's impossible to recognize the bed..."

"Let's go." Everyone clamored and walked into the hotel. The hotel has four floors. The first floor is the public area. From the second floor is the female dormitory. The third floor is class A. Boys take priority. The fourth floor is dominated by the boys in Class B, but the important point is that there are no toilets on all floors except the first floor.

"Then what if my stomach hurts?!"

"You can endure going to the toilet on the first floor. You can pull your pants on. But there is an elevator. You can't pull on your pants, right?"

"No, it won't." As soon as Mr. Aizawa got serious, the deterrent power of the dead fish-eye was overwhelming.

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