The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 573 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 573


"Damn it! Others! Get away from the forest, it's a symbiote!!"


"Ghahahaha!! Spiderman!! I want to possess you!! I want to eat you!"

"Wow~ Spider-Man, is that one of yours? It seems to be plotting against you." Izuku smiled, and took out a big sword from the shadow behind him.

"It's my old opponent in the USA, the symbiote. That guy has always planned to possess me, and can't let him possess other people."

"Does your spider sensor no longer work?"

"For living people, my spider senses are quite useful, but..."

"It doesn't work for the dead! Hahahaha! Because I possess the dead! Even myself feels super evil! So! Spider-Man! Give your body out!!"

"What you think is so beautiful!!" Three sword slashed at the symbiote who had just walked out.

"So tall! Taller than All Might!" The crowd was startled by the tall body of the symbiote.

"It's about the same height as USJ's Nomu!" Yaoyorozu Momo said, pulling Shiozaki Ibara, who had passed out, into his arms.

"The flesh is so hard!" Izuku had this idea immediately after hearing the physical contact between Tachi and the symbiote, and an somersault fell beside Bakugo Katsuki.

"Xiaosheng! Go and find the teacher!"

"I'm here." Aizawa Shouta also walked to Izuku's side.

"Can't let him come near!" Spiderman jumped up and two spider silks controlled the symbiote's hands.

"Electric shock mode!!! Ah ah ah ah!!!" Electric current flows from Spider-Man's body along the spider's silk to the symbiote.

"Muslim! This time I chose the body! But dead! Not afraid at all!!" The symbiote laughed and pulled Spider-Man over.

"Break it for me!! My favorite is to cut the beard!!" Deadpool took a sword and cut off the spider silk directly, and a princess hugged Spider-Man.

"Mr. Aizawa, this guy doesn't seem to have a [quirk], it’s not something you can solve."

"If you can't eliminate [quirk], I still have fists."

"Don't look down on other teachers, and where did you get this sword? It looks good, where did it come from?" Hawks didn't know when he returned to the battlefield, flapping his wings.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for for for a for for a fear for the sound, this guy is afraid of the sound!

"It hurts!!"

"I don't know if it is afraid of noise."

"Sucking!! Hearing oooooooo!!" Just when the symbiote decided to attack Spider-Man again, the symbiote suddenly knelt to the ground.

"How many times do you want me to say that you will listen! Prioritize the completion of the task, and you can do whatever else you want!!" In the underground laboratory, the doctor's robotic arm pressed a switch.

"Damn it! A guy with a head!"

"Now please let me down!"

"Beat the water dog!" The three sword slashed at the symbiote again.

"When?!" Aizawa Shouta and Bakugo Katsuki turned their heads at the same time, and Midoriya Izuku, who was supposed to be standing next to them, suddenly disappeared.(Read more @

"Swipe! Dangdang!"

"Tsk! It's really super hard."

"I just cut down the sword, and the sword is full of disgusting slime." Izuku shook the slime from his hand and fell to the ground.

"Damn! Let me do it! Wait for me to go back! I'm going to be the first to tear you out!!" The symbiote roared meaninglessly, and he suddenly raised his head and turned to look at the sword. Midoriya Izuku.

"This is the target person, right! Come over to me!!" The symbiote raised its left hand, and several long whips flew from its left hand, trying to catch Izuku.

"That's not good! I won't be caught by you!" Izuku put the sword across in front of him, and quickly slashed out several long whips, but there was still a long whip tied to Izuku's. Waist, the black mucus gradually transferred from that long side to Izuku's body.

"Can't give it to him! Put down my students!!" Spider-Man grabbed the sword from Deadpool and slashed at the whip.

"Wow! Can you only take off your clothes?!" Without hesitation, he took off the sweater, the hot feeling on the back was even worse, and a few drops of mucus still reluctantly remained on Izuku's face.

"What a disgusting thing! Is there no other way other than slashing with a sword?" Izuku wiped hard and wiped the mucus off his face.

"Didn't you talk about using noise?! You idiot!" Deadpool did not know where to get a loudspeaker and a mobile phone, clicked on the ghost video in the mobile phone, and the symbiote slowly stood up.

"Is this useful?"

"It's useless to think about it! Bagua Road!!! Bang bang bang!!!"

"Die me!! Flash bomb!!" A violent flash bomb exploded in front of everyone.

"Blasting catapult!!" In the flash, Bakugo Katsuki grabbed the symbiote's head and gave the symbiote a violent blow.

"Bang!!!" His head hit the ground.

"Hmm! Eyes!!! I'm almost blind!!" Deadpool let go of his hands and covered his eyes.

"Oh! My phone!!!"

After ten seconds, everyone's vision became clear.

"Wow!" The huge foot kicked Bakugo Katsuki away.

"Don't fucking get in the way!!"

"Xiaosheng!!" Two [Black Whips] instantly grabbed Bakugo Katsuki's feet.

"Wow!!" Izuku was also pulled out, and the two fell to the place where the hotel was originally located.

"It hurts~ How are you, Xiaosheng?"

"Laozi.... Laozi is not that easy to die! That guy! Really super strong, Ah?! Hmm!" Bakugo Katsuki just wanted to get up, suddenly tilted to the side involuntarily, and an iron door was lifted. Open, silver hair appeared in Izuku's eyes.

"Brother Midoriya! Are you okay!" Eri quickly ran to Izuku in small steps.

"Eri! I thought you had an accident! Where did you hide before?" Izuku gave little Eri a hug.

"I was in the basement with Brother Million."

"Cough! You fucking come here to help!" Bakugo Katsuki coughed up blood.

"Okay! Wait! Xiaosheng, where are you injured?!"

"Damn! Don't worry about it! Hurry up and remove the broken iron door for Laozi!"

"That won't work! Eri, can you use [quirk]?"

"Probably..." Eri carefully touched the horns that grew on his forehead.

"Wait for a long time! Laozi fucking said you don't have to worry about it!!"

"Xiaosheng, you have to receive treatment, Eri, please, I'll get it there, Xiaosheng! Protect Eri later."

"Damn it! Feijiu, stop for me!!"

"Hey! It's scary!!" There were tears in the corners of Eri's eyes, but his hands were still placed on Bakugo Katsuki's feet, [quirk] started, and the horns on Eri's forehead slowly disappeared. Fortunately, Eri's horns at this time It's only two to three centimeters. If it is longer, I don't know what Bakugo Katsuki will be backtracked by Eri's [Quirk].

"Spider-Man! Can only the voice solve it now?!" Aizawa Shouta jumped back a few steps sharply, only a small piece of his restraint cloth remained, and it was not painful to hit this guy with his fist.

"With noise, I only beat him this way."

"When you talk about noise, you have to talk about musical instruments, but I don't know any musical instruments. Does whistling count?"

"For noise, you should call Mike Mike, but that fellow is not here!"

"Zheng!!" A crisp sound attracted everyone's attention.

"Give me a chance to play!" Izuku drew out a five-string lute from the shadow.

"I'm pretty good at playing the piano!"

‘One five-string may not be enough, redeye has to come back! ’

"Hey! Symbiote!! Didn't you look for me?" Izuku flipped the five-string lute in his hand and shook it hard.

"If you have the ability, come here! I wonder if you like Sanxian?"

"Haw?" The black rabbit didn't know when he jumped to Izuku's feet, rubbing his head against Izuku's pants.

"Now is not the time to play with you! Hurry up and call the red eye back!" Izuku lifted the rabbit's ears and shook it vigorously.

"Midoriya-san! You can't treat rabbits like that!" Koda Koji, are you sure that the black rabbit is a real rabbit?

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