The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 574 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 574

When All Might and the female assistant walked to the flower field, Kou Kou and her team also came to the flower field.

"Hoho, it's almost the same place as last time."

"Coco and Farme are going to handover, and the others are on guard." Rem said, pulling the tripod of the sniper rifle in his hand and lying directly on the ground with one eye staring at the sniper scope.

"Understood, Mao, let's go there."

"OK, Ugo, you and Willie should just go there."

"After getting this ticket, let's go to eat barbecue. The birds have faded out of their mouths these days."

"I'm with Uncle Rem."

"Tsk, you don't need to move your feet."

"I will go down first with Kou Kou." Farme said, and the princess hugged Kou Kou and slid all the way to the bottom of this small valley.

"Mr. Yagi, someone seems to have come down there too."

"Puff~ Can you see who is over there?" Toshinori Yagi coughed, and his body became bigger again.

"It looks like the famous arms queen Koko Hekmedia, we have to speed up a bit."

"OK!! Those few should be in the middle! I'll pass first!!" All Might stepped on his feet and his body flew up.

"Oh, it's All Might, it's really high."

"Can't trample on my butterfly!!!" Dr. Amada Nan shouted loudly, and the butterfly next to her turned several times around her.

"Will this reduce my favor? I can only slow down the landing." All Might said, his feet were constantly stomping on the air, and barely landed on the ground without hurting the flowers or butterflies.

But the moment he landed on the ground, the muzzle of a pistol suddenly appeared in front of All Might.

"Identity, name, and what to do, tell me everything!"

"Hey! What a murderer! I'm All Might! Wait a minute! Shouldn't you be at the lodging location? Midoriya,"

"Shut up! Now! Report the purpose of your coming here!" Red Eye unlocked the pistol and pressed a finger to the trigger.

"Jonah! Fortunately for you!" Farme and Koko fell to the ground, and Farme yelled in surprise when he saw the red eyes, but the head was slapped.

"That kid is not Jonah. After the bright spot, Jonah will not put his finger on the trigger even if he unlocks the firearm insurance, understand?" Kou Kou fell on the ground, straightened his clothes, and walked away. When he reached Dr. Amada Minami's side, he patted her on the shoulder, then took out a wad of banknotes from his arms, threw them to the rand, and finally walked to the red eye and took out an ID card from his pocket.

"I'm Koko Hekmedia. Although I don't know who you are, it can be handed over." The ID card was thrown at the red eye. When the red eye checked the ID, the cigarette that Dr. Amada was holding in his mouth suddenly fell on To the ground.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is been been followed?, been the one I followed Jonah to follow these days to be?!

"Did you react at this time?"

"Then who the hell is he?!!!" Rand also collapsed, and he thought he was following Jonah these days.

"Identity check has been completed and it has been confirmed that it is Miss Koko Hekmedia, then the task has been completed. Dr. Amada will transfer it to Miss Koko Hekmedia, please." Redeye said, Rand and Dr. The two consciously walked to Farme's side.

"Then can we go?"

"It's not working for the time being, there is one more thing, which can be regarded as my name." Red eyes smiled, his smile looked quite disgusting to Kou Kou.

"What is it?" Farme became a little impatient, she put her arms around her chest, and one foot kept touching the ground.(Read more @

"It's my unintentional act. What exactly it is, it may be necessary for a government official to pass it over to Kou Kou."

"It's a mystery."

"Miss Kou Kou!" The female assistant finally arrived, and she took out her identity certificate.

"Ahem, I am a reserve security officer of the Neon Self-Defense Force. This is my identification."

"Just give me things, I don't need to know who you are." The red eye's tone was rather cold.

"Okay." The female assistant kicked All Might with her foot, and All Might reacted immediately and handed out the box in her hand.

"Delivery with one hand and let go with the other." The red eye said, and with a strong pull with his right foot, Shiina Shinta was pulled out of the tent where Jonah and the others lived.

"You can go back now, the transaction has been completed." The red eyes looked at him coldly, and one or two black hands suddenly appeared at the feet of the red eyes to help him untie the rope.

"This is a name-casting certificate made by me borrowing Kou Kou's name, please have a look." The red eye said and handed the file box to Kou Kou behind him.

"Let me see, what is it?" Kou Kou opened the box quickly. Inside the box was a document.

"Hoho, the white list, the port discount, and the economic information sharing agreement. It's a big gift. I accept it, but you can take off your annoying headgear. It's really not suitable for you." One sentence is obviously a subtext that surrenders your true identity.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm a bit messy, I'll sort it out." All Might raised his hand.

"Midoriya teenagers will definitely not be absent from the camping training. So, now you can dress up as someone who you know Jonah, and someone who is free these days..."

"Almost guessed, Mr. All Might." With a red-eyed smile, Kou Kou felt a little nauseous.

"Give me a reminder, someone I haven't seen these days."

"The missing"

"Hey! We don't have time to play the guessing game with you here, so hurry up!" Farme said, raising his left hand, and Rem became vigilant.

"Wait! I thought about it! You are red-eyed!! Only these few days you have not been here!!"

"Bingo!! Guessed right."

"Red eye? What is that?"

"Wow! I can finally take off the Arrancar mask." The red eye took off the mask and bowed to Koko.

"I am the [quirk] red eye of Midoriya Izuku on the body. Please advise me a lot in the future."

"Uh...please sack! I remember Jonah’s [quirk] isn’t enhanced?"

"This is another story. When the main body is free, let him tell you." Suddenly a black whirlpool appeared behind the red eyes.

"Red eye! Are you there?!"

"Ah Lei? What happened to the body?"

"The campsite was attacked! You come here quickly!"

"Immediately!!" The whirlpool disappeared in an instant, and the corner of his red eyes was slightly pursed, and he bowed to Kou Kou again.

"My body called me, so I am honored to meet you this time, and see you next time." With red eyes, his hands were drawn in mid-air, and a [Portal Gate] appeared in front of everyone.

"Wait a minute! The things about the place are also related to me and I will go too!" All Might said and ran into the [Portal] with Red Eye.

"Goo!!" As soon as they left the portal, they saw that Izuku was controlled by the two long whips. Izuku was still playing the five-string pipa. The random music really made the two long whips tremble slightly. , But it's not enough.

"Main body!" Red Eye cut off the two long whips instantly.

"Cough cough cough! Fortunately, you are coming with red eyes! Cough cough cough cough vomit~"

"How is the main body now?" The red eye helped Izuku up.

"Before it was the Villain Alliance, now there is another symbiote that I don't know where it came from. Spider-Man said that the symbiote can only use noise, and Erlang Xiangxiang and I are helping to attack."

"Midoriya! Come here soon! Ah!" Erlang Xiangxiang was also wrapped in a long whip around his neck.

"Red eye! Come on!"

"Is it so exciting when I came up?" A pistol suddenly appeared in the red eye's hand.

"Whoo!" The bullet pierced the whip.

"Red eye, it's good if you come! Let's go together!" Izuku was helped by the red eye.

"How are you going to play?" Redeye also touched out a five-string lute.

"Sound is transmitted by vibration. There are air, liquid and solid media. Just stick the pipa on him! See if it works."

"Then there must be screens and speakers."

"The cover is up to us!!" Spider-Man sprayed spider silk continuously at the symbiote.

"Then, go to the main body!" The red eyes stroked the five-string pipa in the hands of the two. There was a sharp thorn at the bottom of the five-string pipa, which can also be used to transmit sound.

"Go!" The two rushed towards the symbiote.

"Two goals, haha? Are you here to die?"

"Are you here to die? I'll know later!"

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