The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 575 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 575

"Teachers! Help us control the symbiote!"

"It really makes people call me,"

"This is also temporary, Midoriya! Let me see your musical talent!!" A group of teachers mobilized their [quirk] and weapons, barely controlling the symbiote.

"Then be optimistic! Mr. Hawkes!!" Izuku grabbed the red-eyed hand and shook it hard.

"Hey! Two people's PARTY!!!" The red eye pierced the crotch of the symbiote with the thrust of Izuku, and the five-string pipa in his hand slammed it hard and stuck it on the back of the symbiont.

"Haha!!!" The lute in Izuku's hand also plunged into the abdomen of the symbiont.

"It's coming!"

"Which one to play?"

"The first poem I taught the ontology!!"

"Okay! Hmm!" A few black whips were suddenly stuck on Izuku's back and feet.

"Ghaha?! Look, I corroded you fast! Or your hands are fast!"

"Try it! Red eyes! Hands!" The two hands flicked quickly on the strings, and a crisp sound exploded, and the sound of the pipa followed the thorns at the bottom of the pipa into the body of the symbiont.


"Reaction! Go on!"

"Gum!! You guys! Let me go!!"

"Never loosen it!!"

"Following...continued!!" Izuku's voice was a little weird.

"Cough cough! I'll help too!!" All Might coughed twice, took a leap, and hit the symbiote's face with a punch. The symbiote's face crooked abruptly, and then he came back straight.

"Sure enough, it's super hard."

"Goo!! Smelly kid!! You stop me!!!" A bubble of mucus landed on Izuku's head, and Izuku's back and chin were basically the mucus of the symbiont.

"Huh! How can you stop at this time! This has just reached the climax!! Red eyes!!!"

"Admiral troops!" The two played the pipa faster. Izuku's fingers were too fast, and blood leaked out of the skin because of the speed of the pipa. Yin, the people who control the symbiote seem to have seen hundreds of faceless soldiers holding their sharp blades at the symbiote, but the symbiote has not seen it, it can only feel a wave of vibration in his body It keeps bouncing around, and it’s about to reach an unacceptable level

"You guy!! Let me go!!" The symbiote couldn't bear it anymore, it shook off the Heroes that controlled its own hands.

"Did you say let me let it go? Hmm!" The symbiote's hands pinched Izuku's neck.

‘I really like to choke my neck! Uh! Red eye! ’

"Let go of your hand to Laozi!!! Bang~!!!" Red Eye pulled out his five-string pipa, turned over and smashed the five-string pipa directly on the symbiont's head.

"Quack!!" The symbiote's hand loosened slightly, giving Izuku a chance to breathe. He squatted and pulled out the five-string lute. Poke the symbiote's jaw straight.

"Last click!!!" Izuku's fingers furiously plucked the five strings on the lute.

"Zheng!!!" The last plucking made the symbiote completely unbearable, and the pitch-black mucus instantly turned into black water and fell on the ground.

"Red eye, is it over? Vomit!" Izuku only felt a tingling pain in his back, his eyes blurred, and sour water was vomited.

"It's over, it's over. The excitement at the beginning really scared me, hello! Main body! Don't faint! Hello?!"

‘I’m exhausted, let me take a break and see if I can help, so please help. ’

"Hey~ It really makes people call."

Extremely weird.

It's really weird. The girl from last night appeared in Izuku's dream again. It's not normal.

[who are you? ]

The girl floated there quietly, occasionally opening her blue eyes.

[Very cute kid, who is it? I can dream twice in my dream. ](Read more @

[But I hope I won’t see you again, otherwise I might have to sprinkle salt near my house. ]

"OPEN!" There seemed to be such a sound in the distance. Suddenly the girl floating there suddenly opened her pupils, the original blue suddenly turned into gold, and a dazzling white light flashed through. , Izuku had to squint his eyes.

"Can you hear me? Midoriya? Midoriya?"

'Ok? Who ですか? Izuku opened his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes, several heads surrounded him.

[You wake up, get up and move bricks. JPG]

"Great! Healing girl! Midoriya is awake!" Izuku's eyes gradually increased.

"Um... what time is it? Where am I now?"

"In the treatment room next to the hotel, how do you feel now?" The treatment girl squeezed Aizawa Shouta's position.

"The head is a little dizzy, and the back hurts. By the way, what about that symbiote?"

"I picked it up." Spiderman's voice rang out of Izuku's eyes.

"It looks like this battle is a big success."

"You did a pretty good job! Midoriya boy."

"Just stop talking, All Might."

"Feijiu, it's been too long for you to faint, right now it's almost 7 o'clock in the evening." Standing next to Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki folded his arms and looked at Izuku who was lying on the bed with his eyes slanted.

"Sorry, sorry." As soon as Izuku finished speaking, the treatment girl put on a mask on his face.

"what is this?"

"A simple respirator. You spend too much time lacking oxygen. After you go back, you have to check your brain to see how many brain cells have died. I know a brain cell activation expert. After I go back, let her take a look. "


"In a little while, after the oxygen is finished, Shoto Todoroki and Yaoyorozu Momo come over and do me a favor."

"What do you want me to do?" Shoto Todoroki's right hand condensed with ice.

"Midoriya has serious back burns. In addition to my treatment, I need bandages and ice cubes for emergency treatment."

"Okay, I'll make a bandage." Yaoyorozu Momo nodded.

"Teacher, do we have to train again?" Ida Tenya pushed his glasses.

"There is no hotel anymore, even if it is for training, where do you sleep?"

"Mr. Cement Division..."

"Mr. Cement Division has already returned to school after finishing the maze yesterday. It is getting late. Everyone will rest here and the basement all night.

"Okay, no problem, but what about dinner?"

"For dinner, there are still some materials in the basement, so I can barely make a meal."

"Wow, let's make dinner together with other students who can still move."


"Ah, I'm so tired now, I really want to order takeaway."

"Where can I order takeaway? Do it yourself."


"I'll light it up."

"Take Hawks' wings as chicken wings!!"

"My wings are not chicken wings!!"

Listening to the noise outside the window, Izuku smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at the ceiling above him.

‘That girl is so cute, I don’t know who it is? With this thought, Izuku fell asleep again.

Izuku remained vaguely until about half past eight. He was awakened by a burst of ice. When he woke up, he was lying on the bed. An ice pack was already spread on his back. The ice pack was bandaged. Wrapped.

"In this case, there is no problem for the time being, oh, wake up, how do you feel?"

"On the back, it's a bit itchy and icy." Izuku told the truth, he also looked at his belly.

"The wound over there is almost healed, and your self-healing ability is pretty good."

"Thanks for the compliment, Gululu~" Izuku's stomach rang as soon as he finished scratching his head.

"You actually slept for so long, waste a long time, are you a pig?" Bakugo Katsuki walked in with a bowl of fried rice. As soon as Bakugo Katsuki came in, he heard Izuku's belly gurgling.

"The meal is ready."

"Is there any porridge? The old man has bad teeth."

"There is porridge, and Ida's grilled eel slices." Bakugo Katsuki gave way to the door.

"I'm hungry too, I want to go out to eat too!" Yaoyorozu Momo stretched and walked out of the treatment room behind the treatment girl. There were only two people in the treatment room for a while.

"Did Xiaosheng bring fried rice to me? Thank you so much!!" Izuku leaned on one end of the hospital bed, reaching out to Bakugo Katsuki's hands and removing the fried rice.

"The patient should be like a patient, you can only drink porridge!"


"Eh what! You deserve it! Do you know what's the matter with the burn on your back?! Use that little girl's [quirk] [backtrack] on your back, isn't it all right?! You are Stupid?!"

"It wasn't too late at the time, and someone had to take care of Eri at that time, wasn't it?"

"Anyway, you Fei Jiu can only eat porridge now, or you don't eat it! Hungry all night!" Bakugo Katsuki said, taking out a bowl of porridge from behind.

"I know Xiao Sheng won't care about me! Thank you Xiao Sheng!!" Izuku took the porridge happily and drank it directly, regardless of whether it was hot or not.

"Drink slowly! No one will grab you!"

"Cough cough cough! Hiccup!"

"Damn! Are you a fool?!"

"Xiaosheng! Hiccups, don't talk nonsense, hiccups, swear words."

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