The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 577 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 577

At three o'clock in the morning the next day, Aizawa Shouta walked out of the basement. He stretched his waist. When eating last night, he had already called the police and other professional Heroes in Shizuoka Prefecture. They were working Catch up overnight.

"Huhuhuhuhu!!!" The rotating wings of a helicopter landed slowly in front of Aizawa Shouta, and a familiar detective jumped off the helicopter.

"Unexpectedly, you actually caught the cadres of the Villain Alliance, which is very helpful for the future progress."

"Zukauchi, I didn't expect you to come this time. I remember you were not in charge of Shizuoka Prefecture."

"I received three (no quirk) kidnapping cases here, and within two hours, the police here reported to me and asked me to investigate and pick up people."

"It's time to take people up, where's the bus?"

"On the way over, there is about half an hour left."

"Honestly!" Two Heroes from Hawkes & Associates pushed Kurogiri out of the basement and handed over to a dozen policemen.

"Hawks, you can go up too, take a lot of attention."

"Whatever." Hawkes flapped his wings and got into the helicopter.

"Fortunately, then, ha~ I'm going back to bed. At five o'clock, I will ask the boys to go down and take the car home."

"All right." Tsukauchi shrugged and patted the helicopter cabin.

"Take off! Super Prison! Super Prison!!!"

"Buzzing humming!!!" The wing of the helicopter turned slowly, slowly climbing upwards.

" noisy, what sound?" When Izuku opened his eyes, he found that his right hand was firmly grasped by Eri, and his small brow was frowned tightly.

"Ahhhhh, did Eri have a nightmare?" Izuku stretched out his left hand and touched Eri's little head.

"Woo~" As the little beast wanted her parents to caress her, Eri made a slight voice.

"Hi, hi~" Izuku reluctantly turned around, hugged Eri, and lightly patted Eri's back with his left hand.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Hmm..." Eri's frowning brows slowly opened, rubbing Eri's head with his chin, and Izuku glanced out the window.

‘It’s about three o’clock now, so sleepy~ I should be able to sleep for another two hours...’

‘Should I go out and see what happened? ’

'are not you sleepy? ’

‘I’m so sleepy! ! ’

‘I feel itchy on my back, please help me to tear it apart and see? ’

‘No! ! ’

'why? ’

‘Obviously, I’m going to treat you to barbecue when I see the main body! The body is shameless! ! ’

‘Hey, I will treat you to eat when we go back! Can’t it, cafeteria, you can eat as much as you want. ’

‘I’m really not a lie this time? ’

‘Relief, help me obediently. ’

‘I want to say [please] Oh! ’

‘Please help me obediently. ’

'Well! ! ! ’

"Boom!!" The bandage was instantly unwrapped, and several packets of ice water fell on the ground.

‘Oh, there is basically no problem. The recovery speed of the ontology is simply awesome, Kuku Kuku. ’

‘Can I treat this as a mockery? ’(Read more @


At five o'clock in the morning, a group of people were called up by teacher Aizawa and walked down the mountain with their suitcases.

"As a result, this co-stabling training ended in failure, Ba Gaya Road!" Mineta Minoru's nostrils sprayed out a stream of air.

"Last time it was the Villain Alliance, this time it was also the Villain Alliance! There is no end to it! Couldn't it be possible for us to have a good stay together!!"

"Okay, don't complain. Since the accommodation can't go on, then the tasks for the next stage can only be sent in advance. Then, everyone will get a social practice list later, everyone can choose A firm on the form will then go there for social practice. Of course, this choice is two-way. If the firm you choose does not choose you, you will only be selected. Do you understand?"


"I want to go to a well-known firm."

"What about you Ida, do you want to go to your office?"

"I want to try something new."

"I also want to learn something new, and I want to go to some special office."

"Midoriya, which office do you want to go to?" Kirishima, who was sitting next to Izuku, handed a form to Izuku, and then handed the rest of the form to the people behind.

"Let me see... Eh, Endeavour office is also on it, I don't know if I can get in."

"Izuku, do you want to go to Endeavour's office?" Shoto Todoroki poked his head out of the back seat.

"Ah, uh... after all, it is the second largest office after All Might, so... I should be able to learn a lot there, um, it should be like this, I I chose to go to Endeavour Office." Izuku took out a pen and wrote his name in the space next to Endeavour Office: みどりやいずく.

"Whew." Shoto Todoroki retracted his head and frowned slightly as he looked at the form he had just received in his hand.

"Fei Jiu, do you think you can enter that kind of office if you want?"

"Slightly! How do you know if you don't try it?" Red eyes poked his head out of Izuku's shadow and made a grimace at Bakugo Katsuki.

"Tsk!" Bakugo Katsuki stepped on the red-eyed head, and the red-eyed head retracted when he stepped into the shadow.

‘This counterfeit is really so popular! ! ! ! ’

"After I finish writing, I will hand it in uniformly. After I go back, I will rest for two days. Two days later, I will post information about who was hired by that firm in the group."

"it is good."

"Bakugo, which firm did you write about?"

"It's your shit, idiot face." Bakugo Katsuki pushed Kaminari Denki while writing his name next to Endeavour's office.

The crowd arrived at Shizuoka Prefecture Airport three hours later and hurriedly boarded the plane bound for U.A.

"As a result, ha~ I didn't even buy a souvenir. It feels a pity." There are three people on the plane. Uraraka sits on the right of Izuku, and Kirishima Eijiro sits on the left of Izuku. Uraraka sadly covers his face.

"Come in a hurry, come back in a hurry, this is a dark secret."

"Big guy, please have tea!!" Sero Hanta and Mezo Shoji raised their tea cups to Tokoyami Fumikage sitting in the middle at the same time.

‘Although I didn’t buy a specialty from Shizuoka Prefecture, I received a nice gift. ’

‘It’s really rude to say that we are seniors or something. ’

'makes sense. ’

"Xiaojiu-kun, Xiaojiu-kun?"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Izuku turned back and looked at Uraraka, who was sitting on the left.

"What do you want to eat? The stewardess has already arrived."

"Are you eating now? Yeah, we don't seem to have breakfast."

"Why did you react now? Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Any pork chop rice?"

"Should... yes." Uraraka scratched his head and looked at the stewardess who came by.

"Please give me a milk bread and a pork chop rice, Kirishima-kun, what do you want?"

"I want beef rice bowl!! Super-manly kind!!"

"Okay, one milk bread, one pork chop rice, one beef rice bowl, wait a minute."

"There really is pork chop rice." Uraraka smashed his mouth.

A few hours later, the plane landed steadily on a clearing in U.A High School.

"Yeah!! Anyway, it's the most comfortable place here~" Uraraka got off the plane and stretched out.

"That means, ha~ It's a great sleep!!"

"Papa pop! Everyone gather." Aizawa Shouta clapped her hands and looked at the people who had just walked off the plane.

"Next, you will have two days off. Don't stay at home all the time. You have temporary licenses anyway. Go out and walk more. You can help as much as you can. Do you hear it?"


"Okay, disband!"

"Main body! Go eat barbecue! Go eat barbecue!!!" A black whirlpool took Izuku's suitcase directly, and red eyes suddenly jumped out of Izuku's shadow, holding Izuku's hand and walking towards the gate of UA. , Ran quite fast.

"Huh?! I still want to go shopping with Xiaojiu-kun!!"

"Huh?" Izuku turned his head and raised a hand.

"Sorry, Uraraka, I have promised red eyes before, and I will go shopping with you when I have time tomorrow!"

"Then it's a deal!!" Uraraka finished shouting, carrying his suitcase and running with Luffy.

"Gan! Big pancake face!" Bakugo Katsuki shouted and rushed to the school gate carrying the suitcase.

‘She got ahead of her! ! ! How can it be repaired! ! ’

"Tomorrow? One piece." Shoto Todoroki said and touched his chin, made an ice path with his feet, and slid towards the school gate.

"Now I am so envious of their [quirk] running like flying!"

"I now point to hurry back home and hold my double X for a whole day of fun!!"

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