The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 578 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 578

Red Eye and Izuku finally sat in a self-service barbecue restaurant. Red Eye clapped his hands and watched Izuku bring the meat.

"Barbecue, barbecue, barbecue!" Redeye kicked his legs excitedly.

"Well, at any rate, go to a public place and pay attention to the image." Izuku said and put the barbecue in front of the red eye.

"What's the matter? I'm here for lunch anyway. Sniff~ It looks very fresh."

"Of course, the ingredients here are the freshest." A waiter brought two glasses of juice. The waiter looked at Izuku with red eyes and smiled.

"Are you brothers? They look alike."

"Yeah, we are family!! Hee!" Izuku swept his red-eyed head and smiled at the waiter.

"Really? I wish you a pleasant meal." The waiter said and turned to serve other guests.

"Ha ha ha ha! No Moses!! It's so delicious! Don't you eat the body?" The red eye picked up a piece of raw meat and stuffed it into his mouth before the waiter walked for a while.

"Me? I don't eat it. At least I don't eat raw meat. Give me the raw meat!"

"Eh! But I think raw meat is delicious."

"You are a shadow, of course I call it, but you still have to worry about other people's opinions. What if you become a pica?" Izuku whispered, using chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat and put it on the grill.

"But if you only eat barbecue, there is no taste at all, add salt and salt! You need to add a lot of salt!" Redeye picked up the salt jar and added a lot of salt to the meat.

"Let's put it less!" Izuku reached out and tried to pat the salt shaker on his red-eyed hand. As a result, one accidentally knocked the entire salt shaker onto the grill, and a pile of salt gathered on the grill to form a hill.

"Uh..." Red eyes twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"I told you not to pour so much salt, huh!" Izuku quickly reached out his hand, took the salt shaker and lid on the grill in one breath and put them on the table.

"Enough, may I ask, what happened?" The waiter saw the slightly stiff movements of Izuku and red eyes, thinking they were encountering some difficulties, and came over.

"Sorry, I accidentally knocked over the salt shaker. I don't know if I can change the grill." Izuku stretched out his hand and said.

"Yes, please wait a moment." The waiter said and turned to the counter.

"Wow!" Suddenly a car flew by the glass window where Izuku and the others were sitting. Both Izuku and Redeye were taken aback. What happened just now?

"Boom!" Two violent explosions attracted everyone's attention.

"Pinch hahahaha!! Don't want to die! Get up and running for me!!!" A tall green figure walked on the street.

"Wow, doesn't it look really tall?" The red-eyed face pressed against the glass and watched the green figure walking here, screaming everywhere.

"Boom! Run! Villain is here!!" The glass was knocked twice, and a pale man shouted at Izuku and the others, and then ran away.

"SHIT, why can't we take a good rest and eat one meal a day?"

"Stop talking nonsense, we should stop him." Izuku put down his chopsticks and ran to the door of the shop.

"I'm faster than the main body." Redeye grabbed three pieces of raw meat and stuffed it into his mouth, then went straight through the glass window.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

"Wow!'s very green, the main body, how do I hit it?" The two stood together, red eyes and smashed mouths.

"Look at the composition of this guy, it should be a creeper."

"You have to stop him here, right."

"Go on." The fists of the two collided with each other, and the two jumped up at the same time, and two Taito appeared in their hands.

"Swipe!!" Two white lights flashed, and the big green guy's arms were chopped off.

"Cut, cut, cut cabbage! Next comes the legs!"

"It doesn't matter if it's Heroes! Or something else! You all made a wrong decision!!"

"I really hope you, a big man, can show your true body." Izuku cut off the green creeper giant's head.

"Then let you...Let's take a look!!!" The creeper once again spread and grew from the big green guy, and more than a dozen hostages were exposed, forming the skeleton of the giant creeper.(Read more @

"Ah," said the red eye, jumping back a step.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!!! How! Don't you dare to do it?! Ah?!"

"Cut!! It's really troublesome! Mt.Lady!" The red-eyed hand was pressed on the ground, and the surrounding shadows gathered under the red-eyed hand. In the next second, a full-black version of Mt.Lady appeared in the red eye. before.

"Before this guy destroys the buffet shop, stop him!"

"Boom!!" Mt.Lady quickly grew bigger, pushing the giant creeper back with both hands.

"Aren't you afraid of hurting the hostages?!"

"It's enough to stop you, not solve you." Redeye's Tachi in his left hand changed into a spear.

"Hey, the main body has found you, then, you don't have a place to hide, die!" The red eye jumped high.

‘You can’t kill. ’

"Hate bad rules!!"

"Shushushushushu!!!" Two sharp blades kept slashing on the right chest of the creeper.


"Have you been caught? Then you can't let it go!"

"Swipe! Caught it!!" Izuku caught the true manipulator of the creeper giant.

"How can it be repaired!!"

"Be honest! You have violated the "Quirk Use Law" and the "Criminal Law" and are about to be arrested!"

"Who do you think you are?! Heroes?! Huh?!"

"That's really unfortunate. I'm just a temporary Heroes with a temporary Heroes license." Izuku held up a sword and took out his temporary license from his pocket.

"Same as above, I am also a temporary Heroes, can I break the law?"

"damn it!!"

Ten minutes later, several policemen and several Heroes rushed to the scene, but only saw a dozen hostages who passed out and Villain tied up with tortoise shells.

"Suck, huh! The juice is so delicious."

"Be careful, don't drip it on your body, the clothes are hard to wash, come on, eat a piece of meat." Izuku picked a piece of meat and put it in a bowl with red eyes.

"Add salt and soy sauce and add MSG!!" Red eyes yelled, and a few drops of juice splashed on the clothes.

"Ah! I told you not to spill juice on your clothes."

"It's okay."

"Excuse me." The waiter who served them juice came over and whispered.

"What's the matter?" The two looked at the waiter at the same time.

"Uh... just a few policemen want to find two to give a confession." The waiter pointed to the two policemen and a Heroes standing at the door.

"Hey, we just had a good time." Redeye ate the piece of Izuku meat in his bowl in one go.

"Well, it should be seen by the surveillance video. Can you please keep our table?" Izuku wiped his mouth with a piece of paper and stood up.

"no problem."

"Then, let's go, red eye."

"It's really troublesome." Red Eye wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and followed Izuku. The two followed the police out of the cafeteria.

"This is our temporary Heroes license." Red Eye took out his temporary license from his pocket rather impatiently.

"No wonder you will come out to fight back Villain." A policeman took Izuku and Redeye's temporary license and turned on the phone.

"It's a duty after all, so, can we leave?"

"I found it, it's a U.A student, and it's a one-year class A."

"Heroes is really a teenager. I remember U.A has winter training. If possible, our office will recruit you."

"We don't need it, eh!" Before the red eye was finished, Izuku's head was knocked down, and the two of them bowed their heads at the same time.

"Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing, but one thing I want to know is, where did you learn such standard tortoiseshell binding? Huh? Or do you have that kind of interest as a kid?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Izuku raised his head sharply and said.

"You are so annoying, Ben...Brother, let's go back to eat barbecue."

"Can we go back, please?"

"Okay, okay, here are the temporary licenses for the two of you, please take them." The two temporary licenses were returned to Izuku and Redeye. Izuku lowered his redeye and bowed to them, before turning back.

The two finally returned to the cafeteria, and the red eyes began to yell as soon as they sat down.

"Really, after coming and going like this, I don't even have the interest in eating barbecue."

"If you can't finish it, you will be fined."


It wasn't until about four o'clock in the afternoon that Red Eye reluctantly ate all the barbecue, not including the raw meat that Izuku ate when Izuku went to get the drink.

"Hiccup~ I think I don't want to eat barbecue for a while."

"Hiccup~ I'm super full too, let's go and check out."

"Go home~"

As Izuku and Izuku settled their bills and headed home, the Heroes who had chatted with Izuku and them suddenly appeared behind Izuku and followed them.

"Yes, they came out of the cafeteria, um, I will temporarily monitor them, yes, I will keep them safe." The Heroes said while pressing one of his ears with one hand.

"You just need to look at them, Koko Hekmedia's people, it's impossible to protect yourself. If necessary, make some friendly contacts and brush up on your good feelings."

"Yes, Minister."

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