The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 607 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 607

Walking on the street, Izuku and Toshinori Yagi were quite quiet, and the red eyes escaped into Izuku's body before they went downstairs.

‘Hmm..... If, what I’m talking about is that if Koko’s plan is destroyed as Deadpool said, what does the body plan to do? ’

‘Once can’t work twice, twice can’t work ten times, ten times can’t work hundreds of times! There is always time for success! ’

‘So that’s it.... So, what about Mr. Ender and Mr. Di Qi? ’

‘We welcome collaborators, but we must kill all those who stumble our feet! Izuku grinned, grinning and even the roots of the teeth were exposed.

"Midoriya boy, is there anything wrong with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Ah? It's okay, I have nothing uncomfortable, I just thought of some unhappy things."

"Huh? Unhappy things? Midoriya boy, do you still have unhappy things?" Yagi Toshinori was a little curious. It was obvious that Midoriya boy looked like an optimistic person, even if he was troubled, he would not show it like that. Horrified expression.

"Huh? Why does Mr. Yagi say that? People are more or less unhappy."

"Well, that's true."

"Oh! I didn't expect there is a New Buck on this street! Mr. Yagi, would you like coffee? A treat?"


"Try to see if Newbucks has any new coffee." The two walked into Newbucks.

On the other side, Endeavour is still patrolling here. It seems to be safe today. They have completed the first part of the jurisdiction and are bypassing the jurisdiction of another office. The jurisdiction of this office includes the electronic street where Izuku and the others are located. .

‘It looks like I can go back to visit Izuku sooner today. Shoto Todoroki burned his left hand and continued to follow Endeavour.

"Tsk! Didn't that happen even the damn Villain didn't show up? It's really unpleasant! Eight quacks~" Bakugo Katsuki said as he walked, his palms flared for a few moments. Blasting.

'cut! I want to go back to find Feijiu now! Gee! ’

“If you are here, it’s easy to meet Heroes from other offices. Although you are an intern, you can’t make other offices feel that Endeavour’s image is poor. Try to convey the good side to others. People from the office." Endeavour walked ahead, talking to the two behind him, but Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki didn't seem to be listening at all.

"Black tea latte? Hmm...Forget it, give me a cup of Morro Guy coffee, what? No?"

"Yes, our goods for Molo Guy coffee have been sold out." The waiter said apologetically. The coffee beans of Molo Guy coffee have to be purchased from the United States, which just happened to be out of stock these days, so embarrassing.

"Forget it, then give me a Rwandan blue bourbon coffee, teacher, what do you drink?"

"Um... just a latte."

"A cup of Rwandan blue bourbon coffee and a latte? Okay, I'll come right away."

"Uh, let's settle the account first, this is a card."(Read more @

"Oh, okay." The waiter took the card, bent around and walked away. Izuku took the phone out of his pocket and rolled his eyes.

"Is New Buck? I haven't been here a few times." Although Yagi Toshinori also took out his mobile phone, but before turning on the phone, Yagi took a look at this New Buck. At this time, New Bucks was already relatively few people. Most of them are people who sit in New Buckley and work while drinking coffee.

"Hey, I said that guy left so easily, so he went to bid." Izuku said in a low voice, attracting Tosunori Yagi's attention. He tilted his head slightly towards Izuku. A piece of news about a Russian weapons bid. The news shows a picture of a young silver-haired man shaking hands with the Russian Minister of Defense.

‘Kashber Hekmedya, he also seems to be a very young weapons dealer. ’

"Coffee for two." Two cups of aromatic coffee were served on the table.

"Come here." Izuku put down the phone, picked up the coffee, and sniffed.

"Oh, it's pretty fragrant, I'm welcome~" Izuku just took a sip of coffee, and a fireball flew by the coffee shop window, followed by two blue and red silhouettes.

"Boom!!! Boom!" There was an explosion, and the supporting role had to be on the scene.

The explosion sounded so loud that the coffee shop shook, but Izuku's hand holding the coffee was quite steady.

"What happened?" Several guests by the window moved their heads over.

"Bang!" A huge brown figure was hammered from the other side of the street to the other side of the street.

"Ah!!!" The huge figure got up from the ground, unplugged the two telephone poles beside him, and threw it at Endeavour, which was still flying in the sky.

"Wow! Pop!" Endeavour turned around and grabbed two electric poles, which turned into two pools of copper water under the high temperature.

A beard like flame fluttered on Endeavour's face.

"Such a dangerous Villain, why didn't that office find out?"

"Who is that guy?"

"Looks like a wanted criminal."

"Found it! It's a Grade B wanted criminal! [Quirk] is [Huge Transformation] and [Acupuncture] have killed more than 20 people!"

"Double [quirk]?"

"Huh~ The coffee tastes good." Izuku put down the coffee cup and picked up the phone.

"Hey, you two, squat down too, it won't be good if Villain finds out!"

"Her Burning Flame Fist!!!" The red fireball rushed towards Villain with a soaring momentum. Villain roared, and the black leather armor on his shoulders instantly sprayed out thousands of needles, which were composed of needles in mid-air. A barrage stood in front of Endeavour.

"Boom boom boom!!" The super high flame burned all the acupuncture, and Endeavour's momentum was raised to a new level.

"Cut! Ha ah ah ah!!!" The two shook their fists at the same time, but Villain turned his right foot in one direction as he shook his fist.

"Nani?!" The power brought by He Burning Flame fist directly drove Villain into the new Buck next to him.


'In this case! Even if I am arrested! If the customer in the coffee shop dies! You are also an indirect murderer! Hahahaha! ! ’

"It's not right to disturb people drinking coffee."

"What! What?!" Villain turned his head abruptly, his body was blocked by a black net, his body was not crushed by anyone, just broke the glass of New Buck, a middle school student dressed in The boy in the school uniform stood there with his arms folded, looking at the Villain with disdain.

"The main body really hates someone interrupting him drinking coffee." The red-eyed eyes seemed to be igniting flames, and the corners of his mouth were raised at a terrifying angle.

"Are you ready to become a ball?"

"Red eye, you can't do too much."

"Understand~" The red eye snapped his fingers, and the net supporting Villain seemed to be alive, slowly wrapping Villain, and he could hear the sound of Villain's bones and ligaments being slowly torn apart.



"No, sir, your ligaments are really super hard, you still have to cheer." The red-eyed smile was quite strange, his limbs were constantly shaking like mollusks.

"You have to be like me... it's over."

In the scream of Villain, the black net directly wrapped Villain into a ball.

"Saying Nara~" Red Eye lifted his foot and kicked Villain out of New Buck.

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