The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 608 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 608

"There is Nara." Red-eyed kicked the ball-shaped Villain onto the street, snapped his fingers, the black net disappeared, and Villain fell to the ground weakly.

"Ontology, how am I doing?"

"It's not bad, sucking and sucking~ Without Moses, the expensive coffee is delicious. How does Yagi-sensei feel?"

"The taste of the latte is not bad." Yagi nodded too. His trousers were stretched, his feet changed from thin to strong thighs full of veins, ready to attack at any time.

"Ahhhhh, the main body, this wanted man seems to be awkward, and he was upset in a couple of strokes." Red-eyed put his hands behind his head and sat on a chair, looking at the ceiling boredly.

"You won the Villain because of the sneak attack, grumbling, I finished drinking it, it tastes good." Izuku put down the coffee cup and looked at Yagi Toshinori who also finished the latte.

"Teacher Yagi."

"Huh?" Yagi looked up at Izuku, and Izuku pointed to his lips.

"There is milk foam on the teacher's mouth."

"Ah, sorry, sorry." Toshinori Yagi wiped the milk foam from his lips with the back of his hand, and a red figure pushed open the door of Shinbuck and walked in.

"Hmph, I thought you would wear it in the hospital honestly, it looks like you are recovering really well, [Deku]."

"Well, that's why I said I can go back to continue my internship tomorrow!" Izuku patted his right arm with his left hand and laughed.

"Tomorrow? Those two boys are improving faster than I thought. They are about to graduate. Pay attention to yourself."

"Is there a lot of progress? Then I can't slack off anymore! Mr. Endeavour! Please allow me to join the patrol today!"

"No, I said that tomorrow is tomorrow. Take a good rest on your own, and remember to arrive at the office before nine o'clock tomorrow."


Endeavour took a deep look at Toshinori Yagi who was sitting across from Izuku, then turned and left.

"By the way, the store manager should record the loss of this coffee shop and send it to our office. Our office will compensate."

"The main body, let's go back." Red eyes patted Izuku on the shoulder.

"Indeed, it's already this point. I should go home and prepare for tomorrow's patrol. I have to do some rehabilitation exercises. Then I will leave first, Mr. Toshinori Yagi, and please pay attention to safety on the way back." Izuku Station I got up and bowed to Toshinori Yagi.

"Hug hug hug... sorry, because of Villain's relationship, our manager announced that today everyone's consumption will be returned in full. This is your card." A waiter trembled and returned the bank card to Izuku, by the way Passed a small ticket to Izuku.

"Did you spend this amount? It looks okay, but did you return it? The body actually earned a cup of coffee for nothing."

"Yeah! Good luck today, let's go, let's go back."

"Okay!" The red eye drew a circle in the air, and the [Portal] appeared.

"Let's go, let's go home~ It's best to go home!" The small ticket was thrown behind by red eyes and flew in front of Toshinori Yagi.

"Roar! No! How expensive is a cup of latte and a cup of Rwandan blue bourbon coffee?! It costs 11 thousand yuan?! Isn't this a price hike?!"

Back at the slightly icy home, Izuku glanced at the hygiene of the house, and grabbed the red eye who was about to enter the room to sleep.

"Don't go to bed, do hygiene together."(Read more @

"Hmm! Can't the house hygiene be left to the cleaning staff?"

"It's reasonable to say that our family's economic level cannot hire cleaning staff. We can only hire once or twice at most, so we still have to do our own hygiene."

"What! Hygiene or something! The most annoying! Look at me! Clean up the house in minutes!!" Red-eyed hands stretched out, snapped their fingers, and the shadows in the room floated. , Formed a small person, holding a handle made of shadows and made a broom and a garbage bucket, and began to clean the room.

"That's all right, the body, shall we go to sleep? When we wake up, the whole house will be clean!! Don't worry."

"In addition to doing sanitation, you have to do rehabilitation exercises. You can't get away with red eyes."

"Huh? Why is that?" Red eyes pursed his mouth.

"Come on, turn on the TV. Let's watch TV while exercising." Izuku took off his clothes and put on a vest, and began to practice push-ups in the living room.

"Ah~ The main body really doesn't stop for a moment." Redeye sighed, turned on the TV with the remote control, and floated to the ceiling, doing training on the ceiling.

The line of sight came to Endeavour again. At this time, Endeavour, Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki had returned to their jurisdiction.

"You two, the patrol has been absent-minded today, do you still want to graduate like this?" Endeavour patted his shoulder, the scar on his face twitching slightly.

"Cut! Laozi is just a bit short today, okay?!" Bakugo Katsuki only had a hand cage in one hand, and the original mask was pulled to his forehead.

Shoto Todoroki had no obvious damage, but his combat uniform was stained with a lot of dust, which gave this cold, fairy handsome guy a trace of humanity.

"Hmm...speed? Isn't it Endeavour?" Shoto Todoroki pressed one hand to his chin.

"By the way, the guys who are internships like you will come back tomorrow."

"Huh?! Will Izuku come back?"

"Huh? Didn't you say that you have to spend a long time in the hospital for a month?"

"He said that the doctor exaggerated the injury. Who knows how he suffered?" Endeavour scratched the scar on his face.

The result of today's patrol is only the B-level wanted criminal, which is really bad.

After returning to the office, Bakugo Katsuki first took a shower, and then lay directly on the bed, holding a mobile phone in his hand. The phone screen showed Midoriya's phone number.

‘Do you want to fight? ’

"Fuck!" Bakugo Katsuki threw the phone aside and lay on the bed with pillows in both hands and looked at the ceiling.

‘I was taken the lead by that guy! ! Bhagaya Road! ! ! ’

‘So you’re angry that Shoto Todoroki preemptively confessed to Izuku? Then grab it back! ’

"You don't need to say! I'll grab it back too!" Turned over and took the phone, clicked on Izuku's avatar on LINE, and pressed the video call button.


"The body, it seems to be a video call."

"Call ~ video call? Huh." Izuku switched to doing push-ups with one hand.


"It seems to belong to the guy Bakugo."

"Xiaosheng's video call?"

"Do you want to pick it up?"

"Come here, call." Several villains brought the phone to Izuku, and Izuku stretched out the little finger of his left hand and opened the connection.

The faces of the two appeared in each other's mobile phones.

"Huh! Xiaosheng, what are you looking for?"

"what are you doing?"

"Do some rehabilitation training. After all, you will go back for an internship tomorrow, Xiaosheng, are you ready? I heard Endeavour say that you will graduate soon."

"Ah, indeed, the last few times I was about to finish Villain before Endeavour, just a little bit, and Laozi will definitely be faster than him!

"Huh, Xiaosheng is very powerful. You can definitely compare Endeavour!"

"That's just enough!" Bakugo Katsuki rubbed his nose.

"Huh...suck..." As Izuku whispered, his body continued to rise and fall in accordance with the sound.

"Are you doing push-ups?"


Between the two people, the awkward atmosphere flowed.

"That, smelly for a long time." Bakugo was silent for a while before speaking.

"Huh? Hey."

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