The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 614 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 614

At 7:40 in the morning, Izuku and Redeye collapsed on the ground together. Izuku wiped the sweat from his face with his left hand.

"Manipulating barriers and human figures is really exhausting me." Izuku let out a long sigh.

"Although the technique is not very good, I can't hold too many people, and I'm exhausted~" The red eye slumped on the ground and hugged one of Izuku's thighs like an octopus.

"It's so hot, red-eyed, I get up, go to have breakfast and take a bath... there are still twenty minutes before the internship in the morning."

"Use [Portal] to go back." In the next moment, Izuku and Red Eye fell on the bed in their dormitory.

"[Portal] is simply a super easy-to-use big toy! Isn't it? I'm going to prepare breakfast, and the main body will take a bath!" Redeye stretched out a few hands from behind and pushed Izuku out of the bed to wash the bathroom.

"Thank you." Izuku nodded to red eyes.

Just as Izuku and Red Eye left the training room, Shoto Todoroki, who had been exercising in the next room, walked to the door of the training room.

"not here?"

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Izuku, who had washed and eaten breakfast, came to the office of the office. As he walked out of the elevator, Burning was directing several workers to erect plastic panels.

"Miss burning, good morning, what is this doing?"

"Oh, [Deku] Good morning, when you came back yesterday, Mr. Endeavour said that he would decorate your office space, so he bought something overnight. By the way, which chair looks the most expensive is for Shoto Todoroki Oh~"

"That's it." Izuku nodded.

"By the way, there is also a computer, so you can get timely information at any time, and prepare you for finding the right Heroes company in the future."

"Heroes company?" Izuku raised his head slightly.

‘I don’t know if WORLDSNAKE is abandoned? ’

"I'm knocking~" A hand sword was lightly knocked on Izuku's head, instantly regaining his senses.

"What are you thinking about? The first person has the first choice. Where do you want to sit?" Izuku scratched his head as he watched the three tables quickly set up in front of him.

"I'll choose the one next to it. I prefer to lean against the window."

"Okay, when the computer and the network are ready, you can sit without standing by the coffee machine. After all, standing is pretty tiring, isn't it?"

‘I actually like leaning against the coffee machine. Izuku pouted carefully.

"Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, come with me to eat?" After burning, he took Izuku's hand and walked into the elevator.

"That, eh eh eh?! I have already eaten it!"

"Can't you accompany me after eating? Walk around!" The two walked out of the office and came to a shop opposite the office, which was a breakfast shop.(Read more @

Burning ordered two burgers and a cup of soy milk. Izuku sat opposite her and watched her eat the burger.

"Isn't there a restaurant in the office?" Izuku rubbed his hands and sat in a chair slightly uneasy.

"The soy milk here is first-rate. If I don't drink it once a day, I'll feel bad all over!"

‘Is the soy milk here with poppy*shell? Still addicted to drinking? ’

‘Maybe the soy milk here is really delicious. ’

"Hey, hey, grumble, grumble, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"By the way, there are so many customers here."

"There are a lot of guys who come to Endeavour for news~ I haven't given a reply to these guys who want meat a few days ago."

"So, it's no wonder that many people come with cameras." Izuku nodded.

"Twelve, thirteen...Is it only one less than yesterday? I really didn't get the bones and didn't let it go. I told them about the specific content of the incident. We don't even know it."

"Stupid people don't usually believe in the truth." The red-eyed head quietly popped out, and then flinched back.

"That's right! Hahahaha!" Burning smiled and drank the last sip of soy milk in the cup, then took the remaining burger and Izuku out of the fast food restaurant and returned to the office.

"How many'dogs' are there today? burning?"

"Thirteen, only one less than yesterday, mum, the burger you want." Throwing the burger to his colleagues, burning pushed Izuku to the position he had chosen before.

"In this case, you will officially become a temporary worker here. Enjoy it, because you don't need to write a copy, so now is the time to fish! Feel free to play whatever you want."

"Will it be too good to fish? After all, you are all working."

"As long as you don't get caught by Endeavour, it's fine, haha, I should go to work, goodluck." Burning finished, patted Izuku's shoulder, turned his head and walked to his desk.

"That's it! Do you treat us as full-time employees?! Thank you so much!!" Izuku yelled in a low voice, opened the seat, and sat down.

‘Although it’s a bit horrible to say that, BUT, don’t you think it’s a bit strange for the body? Obviously, he ignored us two days ago. ’

"Well, as long as you have done a good job or something, there is basically no need to think about other things. Let’s make an incident report first. I have seen other career Heroes work before. Yes, let’s open the editor and use This...then just start typing."

‘How do I start? ’

‘Start at the time of the event. Izuku put his hands on the keyboard, and when Izuku started typing, rows of words began to appear on the burning computer, burning one hand on his head while looking at the computer.

'Ha, I didn’t expect Endeavour to put this kind of thing on my head and let me see whether [Deku] fished, it’s really troublesome, big boss~ I want to fire him and I want to find a suitable reason, big boss It's hard to guess his mind. ’

"Om~ Om~ Om~" the phone rang in the pocket around his waist.

‘Whose phone will it be? A black arm stretched out from behind Izuku, opened the small bag and took out the phone.

"Mosimosi, who is it?"

"I am Aizawa. It's the fourth day. It's time to take us to see the monster you caught." Aizawa Shouta's voice was a little impatient.

"Oh oh! I almost forgot, where are you teacher Aizawa? I'm going to find you now."

"We are in the school principal's office, come here as soon as possible."

"Yes." Izuku hung up the phone and got up from his seat, looked at burning, and walked quickly to her side.

"Miss Burning, I would like to ask, if it is not during working hours, can I enter and leave the office at will?"

"I don't know this very well, when is your patrol time today?"

"Yesterday was morning, today is afternoon."

"If you go for an hour, there should be no problem."

"Okay, then I will go out for an hour. If there is an emergency, please call me."

"Don't worry, if you need to be dispatched urgently, I will definitely call you."

"Please, red eyes, open the portal."

"Understood." Red eyes jumped out of the shadow, waved and opened a [portal door] leading to the school.

"I'll leave first." After speaking, Izuku and Red Eye stepped into the [Portal].

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