The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 615 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 615

After walking out of the [Portal Gate], Izuku was already standing at the door of the U.A High School principal’s office. He straightened his clothes and took off his mask, and knocked on the door with the knuckle of his right index finger.

"Ms. Aizawa."

"It's pretty fast, please come in."

"Yes." Pushing the door open, Izuku saw Aizawa Shouta, Toshinori Yagi, and the principal who seemed to be going out.

"Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Yagi, Mr. Principal, good morning." Izuku respectfully bowed to the three of them and said good morning.

"It's not too late, let's go right away." The principal put on a small hat, jumped on Aizawa Shouta's shoulder, and got into the restraint belt of his neck.

"Okay, red eyes, open [Portal]"

"Okay~" A black portal appeared in the office. Izuku looked at the three people standing in the office and raised a finger.

"I hope that the three of you will not mention anything other than that monster to others, please." After speaking, Izuku walked into the [Portal] first.

Aizawa Shouta and Toshinori Yagi glanced at each other and walked into the portal.


A [Portal Gate] appeared at the door of the food warehouse. Izuku was the first to walk out and stood next to the Portal. Then Kasawa Shouta and Yagi Toshinori also walked out of the [Portal Gate].

"Sniff~It's so fresh, it's worse than my black tea, but it's very comfortable." The principal hiding in the restraint belt poked his head out and took a breath of air.

"After all, it's a place far away from the city, then, I opened the door." I unlocked the security door with my finger, and Izuku opened the warehouse door. As soon as I entered the warehouse, the three of them saw lying in the middle of the warehouse holding a box. A dove-shaped Orphnoch eating compressed biscuits, there are hills of empty boxes around it that have been eaten up.

"Cuckoo~ You are really good at it."

"It seems that the effect of the anesthetic has disappeared." Redeye took out a pistol from behind and loaded the anesthetic bullet.

"Wait a moment." Izuku patted the red-eyed shoulder and approached the dove-shaped Orphnoch.

"Hello, do you remember me?"

Squinting Orphnoch opened its squinted eyes, and when it saw Izuku, he threw down the compressed cookies, and two wings hugged Izuku.

"Cuckoo!! Target brother is a good person!"

"Good good, good good~ I feel like you have become a lot fatter, and I feel like you have eaten up half of the warehouse, are you happy?" Izuku smiled dryly and touched the pigeon-shaped Orphnoch's head.


"Ahem, it looks like a monster that can communicate, so we will bring it back." Aizawa Shouta coughed twice.

"Hmm!! There are bad guys! Wow ah ah ah ah!!!" As soon as he heard that he was about to be taken away from this gourmet paradise, the dove-shaped Orphnoch immediately became unhappy, and started crying as soon as he sat on the ground, crying and fanning. With its wings, the gale kept hitting the two Aizawa Shouta from its wings.

"Um! This guy, a bear kid! It has to be quiet!" Red Eye held up his pistol while covering his eyes with his hand.

"Quickly give me peace! Otherwise, I won't give you food!" Izuku roared fiercely, and directly silenced the dove-shaped Orphnoch.

"Goo ~ huh ~ huh~" Dove-shaped Orphnoch sat there cleverly, his wings constricted, and teardrops kept falling from his eyes, alive like a broken child who was shouted by his own mother: Don't cry.

"Hey~ don't worry, these two uncles also have a lot of delicious food over there."

‘Yes, I’m not afraid that they will eat Yagi Toshinori poorly. ’

"Goo~Really?" His gray eyes were filled with unbelief.

"Hey, it's true~" Izuku reached out and touched his head again.

"Cuckoo, okay." The dove-shaped Orphnoch was quickly taken out of the warehouse by Izuku. Before leaving the warehouse, Izuku looked at the red eyes with the pistol.

‘Clean the garbage here to the garbage dump. ’(Read more @

‘OK. The red eye snapped his fingers, and two [Portal Gates] appeared. One of the portals transported the garbage in the warehouse to the trash can, and the other portal opened in front of Izuku and others.


"Hey hey~ Be good, there are really a lot of delicious foods over there~"

"Goo~" The dove-shaped Orphnoch nudged Izuku with his head, and followed Aizawa Shouta into the 【portal gate】

"The time is just right, almost ten minutes." The red eye said as he closed the warehouse door.

"Well, huh~" Izuku put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky.

"Are you going to drink something?"

"How about milk tea?" Izuku made a drink.

‘Let us know what Mr. Endeavour is going to do. The red eyes pulled out a wicked smile.

"Anyway, there are still dozens of minutes, let's go."

"Drink milk tea and milk tea~ I want to drink milk covered!" The red eye smiled and opened a [portal door] The two walked in quickly, and they knew how precious it is to rest.

"Has he been out for ten minutes?" Endeavour put down the book Hawkes had sent, and looked at burning standing not far away.

"Yes, Mr. Endeavour, do you need to call him urgently now?"

"No, just let him play for another 20 minutes, and when he relaxes completely, call him immediately and fire him when he is five minutes late!"

"Yes, I understand."

Burning bowed to Endeavour, turned his head and walked out of Endeavour's exclusive office.

‘But the big boss, maybe you can’t get rid of [Deku] with this method, people’s [quirk], but it’s super practical. ’

"Sucking and sucking~ It tastes really good, this shop is really here." Izuku drank milk tea and watched the staff on the counter busy.

"How come my fried chicken is not ready yet... the body will give me a bite?"

"I want to drink it myself, but I didn't give you the money."


"The fried chicken is ready."

"Finally I'm done! I'm here!!" Redeye quickly ran to the counter, got a huge fried chicken nuggets, sat back on the chair, and started stuffing it into his mouth. It wasn't too slow to eat.

"Hmm, the fried chicken nuggets in this restaurant are really amazing! They are delicious."

"Eat slowly and be careful of choking."

"Hey, hey, don't worry about the body, here, do you want to eat it?" Red Eye sent the bucket with fried chicken nuggets to Izuku.

"No, I don't need it anymore. Drinking milk tea is already a great luxury."

"Why? It's been less than half an hour since we came out."

"Om~ Om~ Om~" Izuku's phone rang when the minute hand was pointing to six.

"Mosimosi? Who is it?"

"I am burning. Just now Mr. Hawkes said that he would conduct a temporary patrol. Come back soon!"

"Got it! We'll be back soon!" Izuku said, drinking the milk tea in the cup in one breath.

"Is it so fast? I thought it would allow us to play a little longer."

"Hurry up, we don't have time to relax now."

"Understand and understand." The red eye snapped his fingers and [Portal Gate] appeared.

"Go back." Izuku put down the milk tea cup and walked into the [portal] first

"Wait for me a little bit." Red Eyes held the drum of chicken nuggets and followed Izuku into the portal.

Endeavour stood in the large office, looking at the rotating hour hand, less than a minute after the phone was hung up.

"Boom~" A black [Portal Gate] appeared in the large office, Endeavour instantly turned his head, and a ball of flame suddenly appeared in his left hand.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm not late! Ah! Mr. Endeavour." Izuku quickly walked out of the [Portal Gate], and when he came out, he saw Endeavour standing there.

"Be at ease on the body, we are definitely not late, goo!" The red eye walked out of the [portal] and saw Endeavour. When he saw Endeavour, he was stunned, then quickly opened his mouth and stuffed all the remaining fried chicken into his mouth. Swallowed it in one bite, and finally threw the bucket of fried chicken nuggets into the [Portal] at a thunderous speed.

"The speed is pretty fast. Today, the task of the three of you is not to patrol, but to participate in a live TV meeting with me. I will give you ten minutes and put on decent clothes. I will wait in the car downstairs. You, pay attention, and dress appropriately." After speaking, Endeavour walked out of the office.

"Live meeting? Humph." Shoto Todoroki snorted and turned to the elevator.

"Fuck, decent clothes, I didn't bring much." Bakugo Katsuki cursed and turned and left.

‘Is it decent clothes? Suit? ’

‘No matter what you think, it’s troublesome to be photographed. ’

"Whatever you want, red-eyed, any ideas?"

"No, just toss about it."

"Okay." The red eyes turned into a black smoke and enveloped Izuku.

"A black hooded suit, matched with an orange jacket, and dark blue trousers. This should be fine. It looks pretty good."

"Then, let's set off first." Izuku finished speaking and walked to the elevator.

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