The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 616 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 616

When the other two came down, Endeavour's brows couldn't help but jumped, and the three of you dressed casually.

"Well..... They all said that I should make you dress decently."


"Cut, what's wrong with Laozi?" Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki got into the car and squeezed Izuku aside.

'cut! Didn't you expect to be robbed by Yin Yang face? ’


"Huh?" Izuku removed his eyes from the phone and looked at Shoto Todoroki who was sitting next to him without knowing when.

"How about my suit?"

"Um... I don't really see it, but Hong Jun has a very good figure, so he looks good in everything he wears."

"Don't just talk casually when you see reporters. All over there are reporters with cameras. If the image of our firm is corrupted, even if you are a potential newcomer, I will fire you." Endeavour turned his head, his face turned. He said somberly.

"Yes, I understand." Izuku nodded seriously.


"Hurry up, Endeavour." Shoto Todoroki gave Endeavour a cold look.

The car started slowly.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the city TV station. A stylishly dressed woman stood at the door of the TV station to greet him. Endeavour was the first to get out of the car and looked at the woman.

"Is the studio ready?"

"Almost everything has been prepared, but there is one more difficult question."

"Crack." The three of Izuku got out of the car.

"Our studio has only three guest seats and can only be three people, so..."

"In other words, one of the three of you must not be able to participate in this live broadcast meeting. This is something I didn't expect. If someone quits voluntarily, I will compensate him."

"Then, I'll quit voluntarily, but can I be on the sidelines?" Izuku stretched out his hand and said consciously.

"Is that okay?" Shoto Todoroki said and looked at Izuku.

"This live broadcast will greatly increase the popularity. Chou Jiu, are you sure not to participate?"

"Hahaha, after all, I am the no.3 of the sports festival. There will definitely not be more topics than Xiaosheng and Hongjun. It is better to let the two of you." Izuku laughed rather helplessly.

"Well, it's so decided. As for compensation, I will also consider your promotion to [Deku]."

"Thank you Mr. Endeavour."

‘Who wants that kind of publicity, let’s throw it out with just one identity, which one is not so handsome? Is it the body? ’

‘Don’t make trouble for me. ’

"Tsk~"(Read more @

The four followed the host and walked into the TV station, took the elevator, and came to the studio where the live broadcast was live.

"The three first go to the makeup artist in the backstage. We will start the live broadcast in 20 minutes. As for this one...I will send you a number plate. You can find a seat later."

"Okay, thank you." Izuku nodded, first found a back seat and sat down, watching Endeavour and others walk into the backstage.

"I don't know what their live broadcast will look like? It's not a normal curiosity." Izuku patted with both hands and took the phone out of his pocket.

"This is the work card of the staff here, you have to take it with you." A staff member handed a work card to Izuku.

"Ah, thank you." Izuku accepted the work card, thanked him, and then continued to play with his phone with his head down.

While Izuku was playing with his mobile phone, outside the TV station, a humanoid soul stood at the door of the TV station.

‘That thing, right here, huh, I’m going to build my own empire this time, go! Miscellaneous! Dozens of black hooded beholders gushed out from behind this soul and rushed towards what they were looking for.

‘The guy who got that thing! You can become an assault beholder, and you can advance to become a guard beholder, and you can climb up. After releasing the beholder, this soul turned and disappeared on the TV station.

A few minutes later, the Sky Temple, who was brought by You Liuxian's ears, also stood at the door of the TV station.

‘What are you doing, You Liuxian? ’

‘I feel it! It's the breath of beholder! It's in this TV station! ’

‘A beholder? No matter what they are going to do, I will stop them! It's going on! You Liuxian! ’

‘Chichichichi, I’m not a combatant, this kind of thing can only be left to you. ’

‘Why do you say that, I have to go and see it together anyway, let’s go, let’s go! ’

‘Wow! ’

"OK~ the ad will end in ten seconds, everyone is ready, eight...five...three, two, one, start!!" As more than a dozen cameras approached, This live broadcast officially began.

"Thank you all viewers for turning on the TV to watch this live broadcast at this moment. I am the host Sanzhen Huijia. Everyone knows the Villain incident in the city centre a few days ago. There are still many netizens and related people on the Internet. The staff is looking for the truth, so in this live broadcast we will bring you the most detailed and authoritative story. Why is it the most detailed? That’s because we invited the three of the Endeavour firm that was dealing with Villain at the time. Heroes! Welcome everyone!!"

"Cracking crackling crackling." The recorded sound rang out. At this moment, some reporters holding cameras walked in and sat on the seats that had been set. Endeavour, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki walked out of the background. Sit in the guest seat.

‘It’s started, it’s started. ’

‘I don’t know what will be fun? ’

With the gradual unfolding of live broadcasts, many viewers turned their TV at home into this temporary live broadcast channel.

"Swipe~" Dozens of invisible figures walked into the studio and began to look for what their great leader wanted.

‘Goo....Goo...’ A few beholders climbed onto the long beams of the studio, and a few lights suddenly shook, and then the lights shining on the host shook a few times.

"what happened?"

"Go check it." The two staff left their original posts to check the lamps.

"Ahhh!!" Suddenly, the ruby ​​worn by Sanzhen hidden fake chest suddenly floated up, and brought the host up.

"Goo! There is Villain! Sneak attack!"

"Clap!" A chandelier fell on the ground and made a sound. At the same time, the other lights in the studio shook. Just when Izuku decided to stand up, a swaying light hit his eyes.

"What's the matter?!" He immediately covered his eyes, going blind or going blind! Who turned the lights so bright! !

"Goo...Gooha!!" The moment he opened his eyes again, the beholders appeared.


"It's Villain!!"

"Why can they break in here?! Security!!"

Dozens of beholders rushed to the three truths and hidden fakes from different directions-the ruby ​​on the neck.


"Neck! The neck is about to break!!" Endeavour instantly tried to knock the beholder away from the ruby, but his hand passed through the beholder's body.


"Red eyes!"

"Got it!"

"Fuck! Endeavour, are you okay!!" Bakugo Katsuki also rushed up, facing the beholder, it was a double explosion, but the explosion passed through.

"Swish! Brush!" The rope tied with the ruby ​​was suddenly cut, and one hand grabbed the ruby.

"Main body! Catch the ball!" Red Eye threw the ruby ​​at Izuku.

"Pop! Everyone! Hurry up and leave from the special passage!"

"Goo!" Dozens of beholders looked at Izuku-the ruby ​​in his hand.

"Want to get it? I'll give it to you when I run over!"

"Goo!!" Dozens of beholders slammed out a short blade from behind and rushed towards Izuku.

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