The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 617 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 617

Looking at the shiny blade, Izuku couldn't help but stunned.

"Wow! Really cool guys." Izuku said while turning over the chair and rushing to the entrance of the studio, preparing to take these unknown Villain away from the studio and even away from the TV station. Go to a more spacious place to deal with them. Just as Izuku was about to rush out of the studio, he ran into a guy in strange clothes and he almost rolled back.

"Ah!" Izuku, who had stepped back two steps in a row, stood still quickly. He first glanced at the beholder who was chasing behind him, and then looked at the Sky Temple who had also stepped back two steps.

"Sir! Please leave here quickly! There is Villain here!"

"Those are not Villain, let alone human beings. They are beholders, and I am a ghost hunter, who hunts them. Leave it to me!" The Sky Temple placed his hands on his waist. , Kicked a beholder who rushed up and protected Izuku behind him, and a belt appeared on the waist of the sky temple.

"Go on! Beholders!"

"EYE!!" A ball appeared in the hand of the Sky Temple, and at the same time, the Sky Temple opened the belt with the free hand.

"Kacha!" The ball was put into the belt.

"BacchiriMina! BacchiriMina! (Keep your eyes open!)" A cloak ghost flew out from his belt and repelled many beholders.

"HENSHIN!!!" The body of the sky temple suddenly turned into a black human form, and the ghost of the cloak turned around him a few times, and put it on him like a jacket.

"Kaigan! Ore! Let'sGo! Enlightenment! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!" A burst of white smoke sprayed from the ghost's hem, and an extra horn and a horn appeared on the originally dark face. An orange face.

"Ghost ghostです, let’s have a good fight! Kid, I will protect you."

Who do you call the kid? ! Call senior!

Izuku Weiwei poked his head out from behind the ghost and glanced at the studio. The reporter and host had already left. Only the cameraman who was not afraid of death, the assistant director who was watching the soaring ratings, and the whole body were all left. The three Endeavour are on alert.

"Swipe!" Ghost didn't know where to get out an eye gun saber, and began to chop the beholder that rushed up.

"Oula Oula Oula Oula!"

'what? This time, it seemed that this mass-produced beholder was sent out, and even a beholder was not seen. ’

‘In other words, are they looking for an opportunity to evolve themselves? Fold the eye gun saber into a gun, quickly fired it to repel the beholders, and quickly turned his head to look at Izuku.

"Children, is there anything in your hand that attracts them?"

"It seems to be this." In order not to reveal his identity, Izuku had to be a child for a time. He opened his hand and the ruby ​​was shining in Izuku's hand.

"Hey, hey, this is not a ruby~" You Liuxian circled the ruby ​​twice and looked at the ghost.(Read more @

"These are eyeballs, human eyeballs~ Chichi Chichi~ Humans still have quite perverted guys. ’

"Oh, that's really scary, okay! It's time to end you!" Ghost pulled the lever on his belt twice.

"Open your eyes!!" Ghots threw away the gun and made a strange gesture.

"Burn your life!" The ghost ignored the gravity of the earth and floated on the spot, and behind him appeared a pattern of quite large eyeballs.

"RIDERKICK!!" With a familiar shout, Ghost quickly kicked out, directly extinguishing these beholders into ashes.

"Sure enough, the mass-produced beholder still can't help but hit it." Ghost stood up, clapped his hands and turned his head to look at Izuku.

"Next, can I ask who owns the jewelry in your hand?"

"Yes, yes, can't you tell me who you are? Why are those guys attacking the host?" Izuku threw the ruby ​​and looked at the ghost.

"As I said before, I'm a ghost hunter, and I'm here to hit ghost! It's a ghost~" The sky temple priest who lifted his transformation also ignored gravity and floated directly in front of Izuku.

"As for those beholders, they can be regarded as a product of another world. Of course, I am also a person from that world, Yo Xi, now that I have finished speaking, can I see this thing?" Sky Temple revealed. A pretty kind smile.

"Let's take a look, but I have to come back. This thing is not mine."

"Isn't it yours? Then it's a bit difficult." The Sky Temple took the ruby ​​and made a gesture on the ruby ​​with his right hand. An orange particle appeared, floating the ruby ​​in the air.

"Excuse me, those Villains, have they gone?" A head poked out from the door of the special passage, it was the host.

"I have been repelled by that young man." Endeavour got up from the ground, twisted his neck, and pointed his finger at the sky temple who was making gestures. His three views have not yet been familiar with this one. The strength of young people.

"Then my ruby..."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The orange particles fluttered on the ruby, made a sound, and then fell back into the hands of the sky temple.

"It really doesn't work."

"Hello, that ruby ​​belongs to me." The host's foot was obviously sprained during the fleeing just now, and he got a little twisted as he walked.

"Oh, okay, is it yours?" Sky Temple nodded to the host, and put the ruby ​​in the host's hand.

"Uh... I suggest that you go and check the material of this ruby. Maybe you will find something unexpected. By the way, if you still encounter that kind of beholder, please call me. It's my business card." A business card was delivered to the host.

"Wait a minute! Why do those black guys still show up."

"That... because this thing in your hand is a medium, and those guys need this medium to evolve." The Sky Temple replied honestly.

"Then why don't you get rid of all those guys! Are you not Heroes?!"

"Ah, Heroes or something, I'm really not... After all, I'm almost like a normal person except for having died once and having some special abilities, so it's really not a Heroes." The Sky Temple retreated as he spoke.

"I don't care! Since you can solve those guys! You have an obligation to protect me!"

"It's so unreasonable, this human being~"

"Actually, you can just throw that ruby ​​away, ah! Don't pull my clothes!"

"You must help me fix those things!"

"It's too unreasonable to make trouble!" The Sky Temple was so annoyed that he turned into a spirit body, passed through the host's body and stood behind him.

The host screamed when his hand fell.

"In fact, you can directly throw that thing directly into the sea, so that you won't be caught by the beholder."

"You! What the hell are you?!" When the host saw the sky temple who suddenly appeared behind him, he was scared and paralyzed on the ground.

"I, I'm actually just a ghost. If you don't throw away the ruby, those beholders will still come."

"Can you please explain in more detail?" Endeavour approached the Sky Temple.

"Of course there is no problem, and I also need people from your world to help me return to my world."

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