The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 620 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 620

"The coffee machine is gone...uuuu~" Izuku's head stood on the table, looking at the computer screen slightly sadly.

"Okay, don't be so sad, the maintenance staff is already on the way." The culprit who broke the coffee machine was leaning against Izuku's desk.

When Izuku came, they discovered that the child had an inexplicable obsession with coffee. It was obvious that he could rely on other places, so he had to lean against the coffee machine.

"Right! When there is no coffee! You have to use this method to boost your spirits!" Izuku quickly took the phone out of his pocket and opened the album.

"At this time, you have to watch All Might's personal interview!!"

"I'm down!" The colleague nearly fell to the ground, and he patted Izuku on the shoulder with a dry smile on his face.

"You are really optimistic."

"Then need to say! If it keeps going down! It definitely can't become No.1!"

"That's it, the ambition is very ambitious, you are still far from that position, you have to come on."

"I will definitely become a Heroes like All Might!!" Izuku raised his right hand.

‘I’m refreshed. ’

"[Deku], [Todoroki], Bakugo Katsuki!"

"Yes!" The three of them quickly got up, turned their heads together, Endeavour stood at the door of his office, the combat uniform was put on him, blazing.

"Today is the fourth to last day when you chicks are about to get out of our company! None of the three of you have passed the test so far! When do you want to sit there! Go out on patrol!!!"

"Yes!" The three quickly followed Endeavour who was walking towards the elevator, Bakugo Katsuki put on his cage hand, Shoto Todoroki straightened his wristband, and Izuku put on his own mask.

"Today is a full-day patrol, from morning to night, cheer me up!"


Four people walked on the sidewalk and began a day's patrol.

Now we turn our attention to ghost, ah no, it is the body of the sky temple.

At this time, the Sky Temple was looking at books of historical figures in the city library.

"It feels like from this point in time, it's completely different from our world." Sky Temple Zun pointed to the book report of a baby boy born in Qingqing City.

"From this time on, the whole world began to be covered by [quirk], completely unreasonable. After that, the whole world became a hell, and it didn't get better until the emergence of ‘Heroes’..."

‘In other words, have the great figures in this world turned from scientific figures to real professional heroes? It feels funny. ’

‘That’s right, it’s really funny. People don’t worship those traditional greats, but instead worship heroes who are no different from celebrities. It’s ridiculous. ’

‘And Xiaozun, you have to find those heroes’ eyes and souls, and it’s become more funny~chichichichichi~’

‘We have to go to the museum. The Sky Temple Zun put the history book back on the bookshelf, walked to the door, and then disappeared in a small corner.

The transparent soul passed through several tall buildings and stopped in front of a museum full of police cars.

‘What happened here? ’

"I don't know~"

‘Go in and take a look. The soul floated into the museum.

In the museum, several police officers are questioning several security personnel.

"In other words, did you see two monsters breaking through the glass of the museum exhibition room and then disappearing?"

"Yes...Yes! And those two monsters also took away the collections in the museum, but the curator took a lot of money to bring them back! Mr. Police! You must catch them! "(Read more @

"We will try our best. My colleague is collecting surveillance video, and the thief will be brought to justice soon." Quite a standard official tone.

‘The stolen collection? The transparent soul tilted his head and floated into the monitoring room.

In the surveillance room, two policemen are carefully checking the surveillance.

"It's only possible that [quirk] committed the crime, but it doesn't make sense. The things here are basically of no monetary value, so you can't steal them." A policeman said while using a mobile phone to videotape.

"I'll go back and ask the people in the technical department to see if they are buying these things on the dark web."

‘Chichichichichi~ This is nothing [quirk] committing a crime, the beholder found the possessive body, hero has become the beholder~’

‘You have to find them quickly. The soul went out of the monitoring room to the lobby of the museum.

‘In the name of respecting lives and the dead, beholders who have blasphemed life, your every move will be seen by the gods, and your actions will be severely punished! ’Several yellow particles floated slowly from the soul of the sky temple.

‘I will burn my life! Protect the human beings in this world! It will definitely stop your brutality! ’

"Huh?" Izuku turned his head and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong? Izuku?"

"No, it's okay." Izuku turned his head and quickly followed Shoto Todoroki.

‘What’s the matter with this weird sense of identity? It feels the same as agreeing to something, which is really strange. ’

Shoto Todoroki looked at Izuku with his head down and tilted his head.

"What are you thinking about?"

Izuku raised his head slightly, "It's okay, it's okay, we have to work hard to get rid of Villain before Endeavour. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we can't finish the job? I won't be able to look up in front of others, so I have to work hard! Izuku patted his face vigorously with his hands.

"Don't worry, even if we only have four days, we will graduate successfully." Shoto Todoroki stretched out his left hand, and the flames rose.

"Double [quirk] is really easy to use, it's getting warmer." Izuku moved closer to Shoto Todoroki again, and Bakugo Katsuki walking in front of them couldn't stand it anymore.

"You two! Do you still want to graduate?! Endeavour has already solved most of today's Villain!" Bakugo Katsuki's whole person is about to explode. The relationship between Shoujiu and himself is still normal, but the yin and yang face and stinky Jiu’s relationship has clearly soared, so fart!

"But Endeavour is really amazing." Izuku scratched his head.

"What about your counterfeit?! Wouldn't it be [portal]?! Why not open it?! Do you look down on Laozi?!" It was the familiar collar pull link again.

"No, no, I think I have to improve my speed. After all, if you encounter a situation that [Portal] cannot solve, you can only rely on yourself, so I don't want him to use it."

"Cut!" Bakugo Katsuki got the answer and let go, and Izuku's lit foot fell on the ground.

"Huh, are the three of you still free to fight?" Endeavour turned his head slightly and smiled contemptuously.

"In your case, it's better to get out of my office earlier."

"Crunch~Boom!" As the Izuku trio were looking at Endeavour, a billboard on the top of the street on the opposite side suddenly fell to the ground after making a noise. On the ground, a pair of mother and son were passing by.

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

"Boom! Whoop!"

"Kurogiri! [Portal]!!!" With the appearance of a black vortex, Izuku appeared under the billboard in the next instant.

"SMASHKICK!!" The billboard was kicked into two pieces in an instant, and Endeavour also flew to the street at this time, stretched out his hands and grabbed the billboard.

"Hey ~ bang bang!" The two billboards quickly turned into fly ash in his hands, and all the passersby were shocked.

"Are you okay?" Endeavour fell to the ground, looking at the still a little confused mother and son.

"Mom... It's Endeavour! It's Endeavour of no.2!!" The child screamed because he saw the famous Endeavour, and the child's mother saw the dust in Endeavour's hands. A little surprised.

"Please... Did we encounter something just now?"

"You are fine, so I'll go first." Endeavour turned his head and looked across the street. Izuku was waving his hands while saying something to Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki.

"That doesn't count, Endeavour said that he would defeat Villain earlier than him. The billboard is not Villain."

"Can you be more flexible in your mind?!" Bakugo Katsuki kept poking Izuku's forehead with his finger.

"I agree with this point. This situation can be regarded as an emergency. If it doesn't work, it's better to just quit and practice alone." Shoto Todoroki nodded with his arms folded.

"What are you talking about?" Endeavour fell back to the street and looked at the three of Izuku.

"Endeavour, I want to ask, [Deku] Does this action count as a graduation?" Two pairs of eyes looked at Endeavour, wanting to get an answer.

"Xiaosheng, Hongjun! It can't be like this!"

‘Rules are rules! ’

"Um...Almost, although I still feel a little worse, but overall you are considered to have graduated."

"Huh?" Izuku was stunned. Is this okay? !

Endeavour patted his neck with one hand, his eyes slightly tilted upward.

"For the remaining two, you have to graduate faster. I think the worst one graduates sooner than you. Are you two going to eat?!"


"Jiangfa is a little old, Endeavour."

"Beep~beep~beep~" Endeavour's cell phone rang.

"You know if it's exciting." Endeavour took out the phone from his belt.

"This is Endeavour, who is it?" On the other end of the phone, Hong Dongmei held the phone in one hand and a spoon in the other.

"Dad, can you let Shoto Todoroki and his classmates come to our house for dinner tonight?"

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