The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 621 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 621

When night fell, the four of Endeavour who had worked all day came to Endeavour's mansion. Bakugo Katsuki was obviously quite upset, his forehead was full of tic-tac-toe.

"Obviously you can patrol at night!! Why come here for dinner!!"

"Okay, okay, Xiaosheng, since someone invited us to come, at least I have to thank you." Izuku waved his hand behind Bakugo Katsuki.

"Hmm...sister and brother, are there?"

"Well, Dongmei called Xia Xiong back, and we haven't had a meal together for a while."

"Crack, the door was opened, and Hong Dongmei held a spoon and looked at the four Endeavour in quite amazement.

"Dad?! I thought you would come here later."

"Oh! Todoroki!" Standing in the distance, Xiao Xiaxiong automatically ignored Endeavour, and waved to Shoto Todoroki and Izuku. Izuku nodded, but Bakugo Katsuki wanted to give Xiaxiong the middle finger and was stopped by Izuku, Hong Dongmei. Turning sideways, let a few people walk in.

"I'll give you some pairs of slippers. I'm making the last tempura, so you are here." Taking out the slippers from the shoe cabinet, Izuku said thank you, put on the slippers and walked into the mansion. Izuku looked at the hallway close to the living room area of ​​his home, and couldn't help pursing his lips.

"A big family in a real sense~"

"Todoroki, these two are your classmates, I'm Todoroki's sister, Hong Dongmei." Hong Dongmei first held Bakugo Katsuki's hand and shook it twice.

"My name is Bakugo Katsuki, excuse me."

"It's okay! I'm very happy for you to come! Ah! You are Midoriya, right?" Hong Dongmei turned her head and looked at Midoriya. Izuku was taking off her scarf at this time, and heard Hong Dongmei calling herself a little bit dumb. , Hong Dongmei quickly stepped forward to help him take off his schoolbag and scarf and then took his hand.

"I often hear Todoroki mention you. Todoroki didn't have any friends before. Fortunately, you took care of it." Izuku was a little frightened by the operation, and he quickly pulled out his hand, "No, no! It's Hong Jun taking care of me more. Some, with [double quirk], he is very popular in team formation in the class."

"Just his character? I don't know? I'm his elder sister." Hong Dongmei cast a glance at Shoto Todoroki who walked into the house, and then reached out and patted Izuku on the back.

"Anyway, I would like to thank you and Todoroki for being friends, otherwise I thought he would be alone for a lifetime." Izuku smiled and glanced at Shoto Todoroki, then took out his phone from his pocket, "How could it be possible? Our school’s official website is very popular, look at it.”


"Really real." Izuku and Hong Dongmei stood at the entrance of the entrance and studied the school's official website. When Hong Xiaxiong passed through the entrance with his backpack from elsewhere, they saw that they were still standing there and sticking out their tongues. "Dongmei, do you still want to make your tempura? The pot is almost exploding."

"Huh?!" Hong Dongmei turned around fiercely, a small piece of ice crystal appeared under her slippers, slid to the kitchen, and Hong Xiaxiong swept over Izuku's shoulder.

"Go, I'll take you to play for a while, play video games for a while."

"Uh...thank you." The two walked into the house. They first passed the dining room and then into the living room. The two sat in front of the large TV. "Do you know how to use the handle?" Izuku points. I nodded, anyway, I played it elsewhere.

"Just know how to play. Let's play monster hunting. It is very difficult to play with only one person." Hong Xiaxiong opened the game with the handle. His eyes never left the TV. Izuku lowered his head and studied the handle. .

"You use this character. Todoroki created it when I played with me. Don't be a pity." Izuku nodded, manipulated the handle to select the character, and started to enter the game. Once entering the game, the mission controlled by Xia Xiong was directed towards one. Go to the counter.

"Wait here for a while, I'll take a simple task and let you get used to it."

"Okay." Izuku nodded, and opened the status bar of the character he controlled with the handle: Mage, I'm used to using ice and fire magic.

‘Is it easy to use yourself in the game? ’

"Okay, I got the task, come with me, we fly over with flying birds."


"This game requires a certain amount of manipulation and awareness to continue playing. See your performance, remember to add buffs to me." The corner of Xia Xiong's mouth curled up, like a hunter about to hunt, Izuku pursed the corner of his mouth. Afraid of dragging this veteran hunter back.

Twenty minutes later, the mage once again added a halo of rebirth to the warrior, and then stepped on the thick tree trunk one step further, casting a blaze magic on the monster's eyes.(Read more @

"Successful hunt! Congratulations, you defeated the crazy ancient ape!"

"Huh, thank you so much. I didn't expect this guy who appeared suddenly to be so strong." Hong Xiaxiong put down the handle and wiped his pants with both hands.

"Well... it's really amazing. If you didn't cut off the tail of the monster and blinded one of the eyes, I would never be able to handle it." Izuku also put down the handle, and then At the same time, footsteps sounded.

"When do you two still want to play? It's time to eat."

"Oh! Right now, let's go, Mr. Midoriya, it's ready for dinner!"

"What about the game?"

"It's just that there will be no problem, hurry up."

"Oh, okay." Izuku got up and followed Hung Xiaxiong.

The originally happy atmosphere completely disappeared the moment Hong Xiaxiong saw Endeavour, he sat down quietly, and quietly picked up the bowl.

"I started." Izuku picked up a tempura with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth. The crispy and fleshy sensation jumped on his tongue. Suddenly, some powder fell into the trachea.

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough!!" Izuku quickly covered his mouth.

"You can choke anything when you eat? Too bad, right?" Bakugo Katsuki glanced at Izuku and pushed Izuku's miso soup in front of him.

"Cough cough cough! Thank you, cough cough cough cough! Grumbling." Picking up the miso soup, he quickly poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth to suppress the cough.

"Guru, ha~ I'm sorry to let you guys read the joke, but it tastes really delicious."

"Hahaha, you eat slowly, if you don't eat enough, I'll do it again." Hong Dongmei smiled and looked at Endeavour, who was also eating. Endeavour nodded while eating.

"It tastes really good, have you been practicing your craft lately?"

"Hey, hey, the old lady started to cook for herself after the aunt who made the food left, and she still pulled me back as a test item from time to time." Hong Xiaxiong had a hard time eating.

"Oh, I'm wronged you alone and happy everyone~"

"Huh, I'm full." Hong Xiaxiong folded his clean rice bowl and stood up from the mat.

"Don't eat more?"

"I can't eat it." Hong Xiaxiong stood up holding the plate, his head lowered, Izuku raised his head and looked at him.

"I still can't forgive Endeavour...After all, he gave Light Arrow to..."

"Xia Xiong! Stop talking!"

"What's the point of acting like this!" The scene suddenly became cold, and Izuku glanced at Endeavour from the side of the light, and his eating movements slowed down.

"I'm full." Hong Xiaxiong walked to the kitchen with the plate.

"Sorry, let you see the ugliness of the family." Shoto Todoroki said and drank a flavored soup.

"Guru, ah, the miso soup is really delicious, can I have another bowl?" Izuku stretched the empty bowl of miso soup to Hong Dongmei, and Bakugo Katsuki pulled a big mouthful of rice. "Laozi can No time to take care of the mess in your house."

Hong Xiaxiong walked to the living room and picked up the handle, and archived the current results.

"Om~ Om~ Om." Hong Xiaxiong picked up the phone, "Hey, it's me, what? Does Party A actually want to change the plan? Well, I'll go right now, what plan do those guys want to change? Plan B? Didn't they use A before? Gan!" Quickly packed his schoolbags, Xia Xiong ran to the door of the mansion and at the same time passed by the place where Izuku and the others ate.

"Sister! I'm leaving now!"

"Huh?! So fast? Don't eat any more? I even made dessert."

"The company wants me to go back and change the plan! I won't eat it! Let's go!"

"I'm full too, it's time to go back." Endeavour also got up from his seat.

"I'm full too." Izuku put down his chopsticks.

"I have eaten it a long time ago." Bakugo Katsuki burped.

"I'm done too."

"Since you are busy, hurry up, just leave it to me to clean up." Hong Dongmei pushed her glasses and stood up.

"But sister, what about these leftovers?" Shoto Todoroki looked at the uneaten food on the table.

"It's okay. If you pair these things with some good tea, you can have afternoon tea with your sisters."

"It's good if you don't waste food." Endeavour stood up, left the place to eat, and walked to the hallway.

"Uhhhhhhhhh!!" A terrifying shout suddenly sounded outside the mansion, and the spirits of the four were shocked.

"Xia Xiong!!!" Endeavour instantly turned into a ball of fire and slammed open the door of the hallway.

"what happened?!"

"Brother Natsuo!" Shoto Todoroki also rushed out, leading Bakugo Katsuki out.

"Sister Dongmei, hurry up and call the police! And hide in a safe place! Kurogiri! [quirk]: Portal!!" A black whirlpool emerged, and Izuku plunged in.

Outside the mansion, a weird man wrapped in gray-black bandages was manipulating a weird bandage to wrap Xia Xiong into a mummy.

"Stay away from my son!!!" The flame burned a bandage, and the weird quickly retreated, his head bent at a strange angle.

"Hahaha~ Sure enough, your son is your weakness!" The gray-black pupils were full of madness.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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