The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 645 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 645

When the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon, Izuku opened his eyes slightly. He slept again just now. The dream in his dream is nostalgic.

"Pork chop rice heaven~ I think that my saliva will be left behind." Izuku wiped a handful of saliva on the corner of his mouth and got up and stretched out, "Well...I sleep really well!!" With a piece of clothing going out, Izuku opened the door, planning to go downstairs for a cup of coffee.

"Uh...what's the matter with you?" As soon as Izuku walked to the first floor, he saw all the classmates who were performing the first stage of action with him sitting there pale, each holding a cup of incense in his hand. tea.

"Although I am tired, I can't sleep at all."

"As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw the dead Nomu corpse and the dismembered corpse. I couldn't sleep at all." Yaoyorozu Momo said and took a sip of fragrant tea.

"Although... Although we say that we will accept this kind of thing sooner or later, Guru, I am really, very scared." Ida Tenya said as she drank a sip of fragrant tea, his hands were still there. Shaking, Izuku walked over and patted Ida on the shoulder, turned his head to look at Shoto Todoroki who also held the teacup, "Are you scared?" Shoto Todoroki shook his hand and looked up at Izuku, "Yes a little....."

"Papa." Red eyes suddenly appeared and clapped their hands. "Very good, it seems that you all feel the fear that comes from your heart." After the red eyes finished speaking, they patted Ida and Shoto Todoroki. Shoulder, "Now I feel like I am the omnipotent Heroes?" His voice was quite weird, like a piece of sandpaper scraping around your ears, the rustling made goose bumps all over the body.

"Okay, red eyes, don't scare Jun and Ida." Two coins were dropped in the vending machine, and a bottle of iced coffee rolled out.

"Kacha, gurgling gurgling ~ hiccups, delicious, the reason why this action will become bloody torture, I think it is because the doctor made it himself."

"How do you say?" The three of them turned their heads at the same time.

"Redeye and I have seen the scene, where almost half of the nutrition tank was destroyed. It seems that Nomu destroyed it out of control, and the corpse...cough cough, sword marks on the body. It was basically caused by Nomu. I think, um, it’s just my personal opinion. Could it be that Nomu’s loss of control caused them to suddenly break the nutrition warehouse and be killed by Nomu?"

"Um..." Ida Tenya pinched his chin with one hand. "It's not impossible...No, or it might be so..."

"But, it still feels disgusting." Yaoyorozu Momo drank a big mouthful of fragrant tea as if it could suppress the discomfort.

"No, we have to find something to do quickly and forget that strange feeling!"

"So, what are we going to do? Now we have nothing to do."

"And I was called to school suddenly, and I didn't even send out any books for class."

"Buzzing~" Ida Tenya's mobile phone rang suddenly, and he took out the mobile phone from his pocket, "Assemble all the students who are now in the dormitory to the class, and there is an important announcement."

"Huh? Who sent it?"

"Ms. Aizawa, call everyone over and go to the classroom."

"I'll call a girl," Yaoyorozu Momo stood up and walked up to the second floor.

"Then I will call the boys," Izuku drank the iced coffee in his hand and ran to the second floor quickly.

Ten minutes later, twenty class A students sat in their seats. Izuku looked at Bakugo Katsuki, who had just changed into his school uniform, with a piece of gauze wrapped around his nose.

"Xiaosheng, why are you injured?"

"Do you want to control it?!" Bakugo Katsuki's hands were burnt black.

"Okay, you chicks, are you still discussing how to solve a few Villains by yourself?" Aizawa Shouta said and walked into the classroom, followed by All Might.(Read more @

"Ms. All Might."

"Yeah, good afternoon, classmates!"

"Ms. Aizawa, do you want to do anything when you call us over?"

"Well, because of your participation, our operation to suppress the extraordinary liberation front was successful, so I discussed with the principal and decided that the school will be closed two days after tomorrow and the class time will be adjusted from the day after tomorrow to April."

"Today is December 30th, that is to say, we only have to go to March! We can have a holiday again!! Cool!" Mineta Minoru raised his hands.

"Then, I propose! Tomorrow our class will go out to play!" All Might held up his hands.

"Good!!" Basically no one in the class refused.

"Then, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock! Let's meet at the door of the dormitory! Now! Disband!"

"Oh yeah!! I want to play the game and have fun!!!"

"I want to go back to catch up."

"Million sauce! Shall we go take a bath?"

"I have to go and eat something." In just ten seconds, all the people in Class A left the classroom. After Izuku walked out of the teacher, I didn't go there. He went straight to the fifth floor and came to the door of All Might's office. , He stood there waiting for All Might.

‘Ontology, why are you standing here? It's almost lunch time. ’

"I have one thing to confirm." Izuku leaned against the wall, listening to the footsteps of the stairs while he was swiping his phone.

"Where should I take them to play in this situation?"

"Go to the supermarket, buy things, eat and eat, and then take them to the temple to ring the bell at night. Isn't that day gone?" Aizawa and All Might's voices, Izuku put away their phones, but they seemed Instead of coming here, he walked towards the sixth floor.

"On the sixth floor, it's the principal's office. Are they going to talk to the principal?"

‘Do you want to keep up? ’

'of course. ’Quickly following All Might and watching them walk into the principal’s office, Izuku quickly followed and pressed his ear to the door.

"You are back, how are the children?"

"It seems that they didn't react excessively, Sikasi..."

"Even though Endeavour said that three supernormal liberation front buildings were suppressed, the main culprit was still not caught."

"Knock, knock." A knock on the door sounded.


"1-A Heroes class, Midoriya Izuku."

"Please come in."

"Yes." Izuku pushed open the office door.

"Teacher All Might, I'm sorry, I just overheared it outside. Although this operation was a great success, did it not catch the big cadres on the super-normal liberation front? Or... Shigeki and him His main subordinates did not appear in those three buildings at all?"

"How did you know?!"

"Did anyone tell you?"

"No, it's just my guess. After all, I have fought with Shiga. Shiga is a very difficult person. If he is caught so quickly, it won't be him." Izuku said while talking. While looking at the principal.

"It seems that you have a deeper understanding of the dead wood, talk about it?"

"According to what I knew before Shimiyamu, the three suppression operations this time were actually an operation to clear internal aliens for him. I think the Heroes actually planted a few undercovers in the supernormal liberation front. ? But Shiganmu seems to prefer to use his original subordinates, cough cough, sorry, digress, I want to say that these three locations are actually his bottom line detection mechanism for Heroes, once we check these three The construction starts, then, his resistance will come early. As for how far in advance, I am not very clear." After Izuku finished speaking, he closed his mouth automatically.

"Um... It's not unreasonable to say so... But... this kind of behavior pattern grows a bit too fast compared to the previous giant baby... ...No, uh... All Might, come with me to the Ministry of Defense."

"Ah? Oh! Yes." The two quickly stood up, and Izuku bowed to the three in the room, "Then, Mrs. All Might, Mrs. Aizawa Shouta, Mr. Principal, then I will go back first. After Izuku finished speaking, he turned and walked into the portal opened by the red eyes.

Using the portal to return to the dormitory, the red eyes jumped out from the shadow, "Ontology, why do you want to tell All Might and the others what you don't know?"

"It's not unclear, you should have found out where Himiko Toga is now?"

"There are a total of ten teams, each with 10,000 people, stationed in different cities. Except for the team of Deadlock Wood, I found all the other Villain troops."

"You said, what if I add a little bit of time to their dispatch? Use WORLDSNAKE's method."

"Ohhhhhhh~ I didn't expect the main body to be a badass~"

"I just used some reasonable and legal methods to do it. What's more, the Ministry of Defense should be about to complete the bill that I don't know about, and define the supernormal liberation front."

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