The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 646 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 646

Shoto Todoroki went back to his room to tidy up and took out his cell phone and dialed the number at home.

"Sister Dongmei, how is mom's condition?"

"I don't know very well. Mom seems to have been in a dazed state after returning home. She seems to be sick at any time. I plan to take mom out for a walk tomorrow. Are you free?"

"Well... I think about it, tomorrow I will go to relax with the other people in my class. I have performed a very difficult task in these two days, so the teacher will take us out to play tomorrow, ah, etc. Sister, you can actually take mom to play with us tomorrow."

"Yeah! That's a good idea! Tomorrow I will take my mother to follow you, and we will go wherever you go!"

"Sister, don't have to be like this..."

"That's it! I'm going to prepare something for tomorrow!"

"Mom, there are places where I want to go..." Before I finished speaking, I hung up over there. Shoto Todoroki sighed, knelt down in front of the coffee table, and made a cup of hot tea with boiling water. Take a sip, "I can only take one step and see one step."

Looking back to Izuku's side, Izuku and Redeye were using their laptops at this time, and the mobile Tianma stood behind them. It had just taught Izuku a USB flash drive containing a video of the underground laboratory for more than ten days.

"Hmm... I didn't expect this doctor to have only one head. No wonder the red eyes can't see it with shadow." Izuku zoomed in on the picture of the doctor with only one head left.

"As far as I know now, no matter which laboratory or company it is, there is no way to survive a guy with only one head. Could it be that a mysterious company developed the technology?"

"No, no, no, which mysterious company will put this kind of technology on this anti-human doctor, and I haven't found this doctor's boss recently."

"That's weird... Well, it doesn't matter, as long as he only comes at me, this kind of thing..." Izuku unplugged the USB flash drive and threw it to Mobile Tianma, "Mobile Pegasus, you go and give this thing to the police officer in the mound, remember, it's silent, and no one can find the handle."

"Yes." Taking the U disk, the red eye tapped the shell of the mobile Pegasus, "I said, Tiehuzi, tomorrow is the end of the year, do you want to play together?"

"Huh?" Mobile Tianma tilted his head.

"His appearance has been recognized by many people. If he walks with us, he will attract a lot of attention."

"What does it matter? The police and ordinary Heroes can't catch him anyway."

"Hmm..." Looking at Izuku by the optical lens of the mobile Pegasus, it glowed slightly in blue, "Um...well, but if something happens, the mobile Pegasus, I need you immediately Leave the scene and divert the public view."

"Yes, then I will send the USB flash drive to the police officer's desk in the mound now." After the mobile Tianma finished speaking, he took the USB flash drive and flew out of the room.

"But it wouldn't be nice to keep them entangled like this, if they capsize in the gutter and get caught by them, it wouldn't be nice."

"I plan to handle their work after Koko finishes World Snake. What do you think?"(Read more @

"This is safer, but they may also start early. It is better to pay attention."

"Well, I see. Before Koko completes the world snake, we accumulate strength. Once the world snake is completed, we will dispose of this overhaul card."

"Then accumulate strength quietly now?"

"There are still those guys on the super-liberation front, how can they be quiet? On the first day of the new year, we will give a big gift to those on the super-liberation front." Izuku stuck a tactical sword on the calendar.

"Even if it is a hundred thousand people, it can't interfere with Koko Heikemedia's plan." Izuku raised his right hand and put it to his ear, "For world peace."

"Let's go, let's go out for a stroll, and train by the way."

"Eh, do you still need to exercise during the rest days?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just go."

"Then I want to go through the window!" Red Eye stomped his feet and jumped out of the window and flew to the ground. Red Eye turned sideways in the air 360 degrees, landed safely, and raised his hands.

"Da da! Very!" After landing, the red eye hooked his little finger, and several black shadows gathered on his hands, gradually forming two sword.

"Your speed is quite fast." Izuku just walked out of the dormitory, and suddenly felt a swelling wind blowing towards him, turned his head violently, and a black sword slashed in front of him, his left hand shot instantly and held it. After the hilt of the sword that was almost flying past, he stepped on his feet, made a backflip in mid-air, and landed steadily on the ground.

"Red eye, what if it pierces someone?"

"The body is so strong, it will pierce people with ghosts, don't talk nonsense! Come on!" Red Eye raised the sword and rushed straight at Izuku.

Izuku frowned, holding the handle in both hands, knees slightly bent.

"Ha!!" The red eyes jumped up high, the blade rushed towards Izuku, ‘it looks like a straight chopping, but it’s actually a sword! ! Use this trick to blow the main body's sword! So I won! ’

"Dang!!" Both of them changed their moves at the same time. The blades of the two sword collided with one another. Izuku's sword pressed the red-eyed blade and pushed the sword directly into the ground.

"Smile, smile, I know what bad trick you are holding back, and it's true."

"Eh! Have I been seen through so easily?! Look at the feet!!" Holding the handle of the sword, he flew sideways and kicked Izuku away.

"Wow!!" Izuku didn't react, and was kicked back several steps by the red eyes.

"How about this trick? Ontology, I didn't expect it~" A terrifying arc appeared from the corner of the red eye's mouth, almost reaching the ears of his ears.

"Well, puff, I really didn't expect that this training will take extra time." Raising the sword with his right hand, the blade slid over the raised right hand, and the blade trembled slightly.


"Why is there a not-so-good feeling~" This time it was Red Eye's turn to feel dangerous.

'do not care! Get started first! ! Holding the handle of the sword back, he threw the sword in his hand as a javelin at Izuku, rushing out in an instant.

"Don't even need weapons? Whoosh!" The green electric light lit up slightly, turning around when the sword flew towards him, avoiding the sword, and using his sword to cut the red eye in half.


"Swipe it!!!" A few silver lights flashed, and Izuku finally played a sword trick and put the sword on his waist.

"I'll go! Ontology, you are a bit too cruel to start."

"Bobobobobobobo~" The red-eyed body turned into pieces in a banging sound, and even the fingers were cut into pieces.

"Not ruthless, how can you keep your memory?"

"Eh!! It takes a long time to recover like this!"

"If you can't recover, don't participate in tomorrow's event either."


"Five minutes for you. It's 1:36 in the afternoon. If it's not repaired at 41, don't think about playing outside. I'm serious, and start timing."

"Fuck! The body doesn't take you like this!!!"

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