The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 647 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 647

Red Eye smoothly recovered his body before 1:41 in the afternoon. Although it was still a little swaying, it was finally able to stand up.

"Ontology, is this okay?"

"Well, it's okay." Izuku played with the phone and nodded with red eyes cheering and jumped into Izuku's shadow. Repairing the body in the shadow will make it smoother and faster.

"Then what should I do now? What to do? I feel boring suddenly." Izuku threw away the sword in his hand, walked back to the dormitory, stuck the sword in the ground, and quickly turned back into a shadow again. In the shadow of the trees, use and recycle.

‘Just pour a cup of tea and sit on the balcony while eating snacks in a daze...How about? ’

"Drinking tea? It seems a bit interesting... I'm going to buy sweet tea, snacks, I don't know if Sado-kun has made it, hehe, I want to eat it a bit."

‘Ontology, have you posted the video of that underground laboratory on the Internet? ’

‘Well, it’s posted, but not many people seem to watch it. ’

‘Of course no one will watch that kind of boring video, well, someone will see it, right? ’

"That's right." Izuku said as he walked into the dormitory.

Above U.A, in the six-kilometer area, a figure carrying a spear is watching U.A high in the sky.

"This is Sergeant Sherebyakov. The target person has returned to the dormitory. It is safe for the time being, OVER."

"Received by the tower, please continue to monitor, OVER." A man in a dark green military uniform put down his headset and turned to look at the young figure sitting on a bench in the distance drinking coffee.

"Second Lieutenant, Sergeant Sherebyakov has sent information, and everything is normal here for the time being."

"Sucking~ Villain should have done an action before, so it's not unreasonable to stay lurking for the time being. Tell the corporal to let her continue to monitor and return to the team at 12 o'clock in the evening. Other people will collect intelligence until 16 this afternoon I have to return to the team and hand it in."

"Yes, I will arrange it now." The soldier who received the order nodded and turned to continue debugging the instrument in front of him.

"The coffee in this place is delicious, but is this a special reward for ACE?" The young figure put down the coffee and looked at the crowded street.

‘This kind of life is so much better than on the battlefield, I don’t know how many times~ I really want to live here for a lifetime. He took off his sunglasses, and his blue eyes shone slightly in the winter sun.

"Second Lieutenant, Corporal Warren has sent a more important piece of information."

"Important information? Say."

"Yes, Corporal Warren sneaked into UA High School with a stealth technique to get a more important and important message. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Class 1-A of UA High School will take a break and relax in the city. Lieutenant, what should we do? "

"What else can I do? Let them come back quickly with intelligence, and tomorrow they will track the target mission all-weather."


On the street, Guy Neich and his teammates from the third squadron are collecting intelligence about the city.

"That's it, it looks like a place of high peace."

"Sergeant, the magazines in this place are really awesome! Look, look! Dahai!"(Read more @

"Corporal, be quiet, don't be like a hillbilly, you know?"

"Yes." Guy Nehy sighed and closed the magazine. Suddenly, his magic orb buzzed twice, and he immediately touched his ear.

"This is Guy Neich, who is on an intelligence gathering mission, please tell me."

"This is the tower. The task of collecting intelligence needs to be handed over at 16:00 in the afternoon. At the same time, there will be an important person to protect the target tomorrow, and we need to assign tasks at night."

"Guy Nehy received it, the third squadron received it." Guy Nehy put down his hand and looked at his third squadron.

"It's time for the third squadron to sort out the information. Those who are still playing, double the training."

"Yes, sir." The group quickly left the convenience store.

"The second squadron received it and began to return to the tower."

"Ah, the plane in this place can actually fly higher than ours, it's a bit frustrating."

"And it's still an ordinary civil aviation airliner, and the fighter jets might fly higher than ours."

"It feels so uncomfortable."

"Back to the tower, if you complain, leave it to me later."

"Yes..." The second squadron flew far away.

"The fourth squadron received it. Everyone, let’s go." Rainer Neumann kicked the bastard who hit him. He and his squadron had walked well on the street, but they were caught by the bastard. I caught sight of them, and then... of course, they beat them up. Can the punks compare with the professional soldiers? Can't.

"Then, these things, I'll take them away~bye~" A corporal took a bastard's wallet easily.

"Oh... Damn... Hehe, we die filthy Ba Zhai will, hehe, will not let you go! Wait for me! Ah!" The empty wallet was thrown to the yelling just now On the heads of people, banknotes and coins were thrown on the ground.

"Go back." The people of the fourth squadron followed Rainer Neumann into the sky, "The invisibility technique unfolds, target, tower!"

"Yes!" A line of ripples flew in the sky.

At 2:13 in the afternoon, Izuku got a lot of delicious food from Sato Rikido.

"Because I will go out to play tomorrow, I accidentally made too much, and there is no problem with how much I need to eat!" Sando gave Izuku a thumbs up.

"Thank you, but this, it seems a bit too much." Izuku walked out of Sato Rikido's room a little trembling with a lot of desserts.

"If there is not enough food, come to me to get it again."

‘Not only will it not feel that it’s not enough, but it’s a bit too much. A cold sweat was left on Izuku’s face, ‘Sado-kun is really amazing sometimes. Generally speaking, a cake will take more than 40 minutes, but he actually did so much in one go. The red eye jumped out of the shadow and took a cake from Izuku's hand with the palm of his hand.

"Hey, if you want to take it, take it all."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~ don't, this thing is completely tasteless to me~ ah, my finger fell." Red eye picked up his finger and stuffed the cake into his mouth.

"Don't eat anything that doesn't taste." Izuku turned around and opened the door with the key.

"Kacha, ah, it smells super good." The door next door opened, and a shiny head appeared.

"Aoyama-san, good afternoon."

"Oh, isn't this Midoriya? Today is also a very shiny day." Aoyama Yuga's eyes seemed to flash with stars.

"Hahaha, today is really great, by the way, what stage are you in?"

"Hmph, a shiny person like me! Of course it's in the third stage, but it also makes my stomach quite uncomfortable. I came back to sleep without even having breakfast or lunch, and now I'm so hungry. ."

"Then, do you want a piece of it? I brought a lot of delicious food from Sado-kun, and I also prepared sweet tea."

"Hey~ Then I'm not welcome." Aoyama Yuga rubbed his hands and followed Izuku into the room.

‘Huh huh? Someone has come to share the snacks, great! ’

‘You’re really weird, aren’t you? ’

Putting the snacks on the balcony, Izuku lowered his head towards Aoyama Yuga, "Aoyama-kun wait a moment, I will prepare sweet tea."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, then I'm not welcome! This cake looks the brightest and suits me best! I'm not welcome!"

"Ahhhhh! I found it!! Aoyama Light Ball is eating snacks! Those who see it have points."

"Huh? Mineta-kun? If you want to eat, let's eat one piece. Sunto-kun has made a lot of cakes. I brought some cakes. I originally wanted to eat them by myself."

"Eh! It's treacherous! Then I want to eat too! Ah! Patter! I twisted my ankle again!"

"Huh? Shang Mingjun?! Are you okay?!"

‘It’s getting lively again, isn’t it? It feels awesome! ! ’

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