The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 648 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 648

The end result is that there are four people in Izuku's room eating snacks together.

"Sucking~ha~Sweet tea is so delicious, really only this kind of tea is suitable for me who is so shiny."

"That's right, harp, Sato's snacks are also amazing, it feels like you can't stop your mouth." Mineta Minoru said while eating, his mouth never stopped.

"Sucking, ha, it's really comfortable." Izuku took a sip of sweet tea and watched the heat in the cup drift away and his thoughts slowly drifted away.

"Eh...sweet tea and snacks? I really want to eat..." Sergeant Sherebyakov pressed a hand to his lips, and the aroma of cake desserts seemed to come from the surface. , She opened her nostrils and sucked the air around her wildly, "Although it doesn't taste at all, it still feels delicious. Are desserts and sweet tea? I really want to eat it."

"That's not going to work, Sergeant Sherebyakov, if this mission is discovered, all previous efforts will be lost." A figure flew to the side of Sergeant Victoria.

"Corporal Warren, but it smells really good, even more aromatic than soda bread on the battlefield, sucking."

"I brought one from the cafeteria. It seems to be called...sausage bread, do you want to eat it?" I took a sausage bread out of my pocket.

"Ahhh, Ali Gado! I'm hungry." Sergeant Sherebuyakov tore the package and ate it directly after taking the bread. The taste was quite wild.

"Hey, sergeant, there is no shortage of food and clothing for you in the army, right? There is no need to eat so fast, right?"

"No matter how much you eat, you will still be hungry."

"Fortunately, sergeant, you are a soldier. If you are an ordinary family, you really won't be able to feed you."

"It tastes great, ah, it's comfortable, then, Corporal Warren, how is your intelligence gathering?"

"Yes, a lot of information has been collected, and the information and intelligence in the data room have been collected, and there is no omission." Corporal Warren lifted the magic orb in his arms.

"That's good." Sergeant Victoria took another look at U.A's dormitory after wiping the leftover breadcrumbs on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Lord Major has already sent the order to return to the team, leave a mark here, let's leave."

"Yes." After leaving a magic mark on the school wall, the two quickly flew back to the tower.

Control tower.

The second and third teams have returned to the three-story villa called the tower.

"Then, let's report, two squadron captains." Major Tanya Tigurechav sat on his desk, playing with the magic orb in his hand.

"Yes, Major. According to my investigation, the law and order here are relatively good. For the time being, there is no hostile organization worthy of our vigilance."

"As for me, the economic and social development of the society in this place is very stable, and people in this place seem to have a special ability called [quirk]."

"Knock, Sergeant Rainer Neumann asks to enter."

"Please come in."

"Yes." The office door was opened, and Sergeant Rainer walked in. As soon as he came in to get the sergeant, he made a fairly standard military salute.

"Sorry, my lord, I'm late."(Read more @

"It doesn't matter how late you come back, just return valuable information."

"Yes, Major, I haven't come into contact with the defensive power of this place, but I found that there is an organization similar to ours here, but it is relatively weak."

"Hoho? Is there such an organization? Interesting, let's just listen."

"Yes." After listening to Sergeant Reiner's report, Tan Ya nodded and waved to the three squadron captains. "You go out first. I'll think about countermeasures here."

"Yes." The three squadron captains turned around and left the office one after another. After watching the three subordinates walk out of the office, Tan Ya immediately took out a notebook and contacted her boss.

"I don't understand what you want to do, Mr. Midoriya." He looked at the man in a white coat with a hood and a white coat who was experimenting on the other side of the camera.

"What's the matter? Major Tanya Tigurechaf?"

"Bang!" Tan Ya's fist slammed on the desk, "Just speak frankly and honestly! You made us! What do you want to do?!"

"Huh? Are you actually doubting the value of your own existence? Is it really my condensed work?"

"Please explain carefully! Otherwise we won't be able to complete this task at all!"

"How much do you think you are worth?" On the camera side, the paper bag's head suddenly turned around. There were only two holes in the paper bag, and there was no perfunctory mouth drawn with a pen. It was full of oppression.

‘Damn, the momentum was suppressed all at once. Tan Ya gritted her teeth.

"You are just a new type of force that I made. If you perform the task properly, I might make you live to death, but if you are not obedient, I can't guarantee that you will explode all over your body due to the magic overload. "

"Fuck!" With another punch on the desk, Tan Ya's eyes kept jumping.

"So, you should perform the task well for me, the empire is over."

"Gan!! What empire! All are fake! Bastard." After a wave of venting in the office, Tan Ya sighed, ‘Now it seems that you can only listen to that guy’s words and perform the task properly? How can it be repaired! It's really unhappy. ’

"Knocking, my lord, Sergeant Serebyakov and Corporal Warren are asking to enter."

"Yes, come in." Quickly put away the notebook, Tan Ya crossed her hands on the table.

"Yes, excuse me." Two soldiers walked in.

"So, what's the intelligence of the two of you?"

"Yes, the target person didn't make any obvious movements when I returned. He was eating snacks with his classmates to fix it, but they did this in the afternoon. I only saw it at 12:23 in the morning. The target person got off the bus."

"In other words, didn't they go back to school before twelve o'clock? Warren, what about your intelligence."

"Yes, sir, the information is being photocopied on the side of Sergeant Bais, and it will be delivered later."

"Is there too much intelligence? Then ignore it for the time being, Corporal Warren, summon the three squadron captains and gather in the conference room in five minutes."

"Yes, I immediately called the three squadron captains and left first." Warren quickly left.

"Corporal Serebyakov, tomorrow's guard mission, I need you and me to act as sisters to personally protect the target person."

"Then what are the other three squadron captains doing in the conference room?"

"With perimeter protection, don't you really think that there is no strong Villain force in this place? If we let the target person die, even if we return to China, we will end up with our heads on the ground. Therefore, external protection is also very important. You can do it. Sergeant Serebyakov?"

"Ha!" The feet collided, the heels collided with the heels, and the right hand rose quickly to reach the tip of the eyebrows, "Guaranteed to complete the task! Major Tanya Tigurechaf."

"Yo Xi! Then, go to the meeting room!"


It was five o’clock in the afternoon, and the sky was already dark. There was still the last piece of cake in front of Izuku. The original hot sweet tea became cold. The other students have already gone back. As for Shangming, he is Went to the treatment girl to treat the leg injury.

"People take the tea to cool~" Red Eyes smiled and broke the last piece in half, and handed half to his main body.

"It's just time, sucking~ well, I'm tired of it."

"Ha ha ha ha, time, time, time is a guillotine that never shows mercy, the main body, do you want to drink this?" A bottle of iced coffee suddenly appeared in the red eye's hand.

"Where did it come from?" Putting down the teacup, took the iced coffee in the red eye's hand.

"Where else can I get it? Of course from the vending machine over there." Redeye grabbed the unfinished cup of sweet tea and drank it all in one breath.

"Do you have any money?"

"I used the two coins I picked up in the sewer before. I don't know who fell there."

"It's fine if you don't steal someone else's." Izuku took a sip of iced coffee into his mouth.

"It's a little idle now."

"Yeah, or else, study."

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