The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 664 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 664

Entering the room, Izuku saw a very beautiful lady sitting at the warming table. Two cups of steaming tea were on the warming table.

"Hello." With respect for adults, Izuku greeted the lady sitting at the warming table.

"Hello, you are Midoriya that Todoroki often mentions. I've long wanted to see you, but I haven't had time. I'm Boom Leng, Todoroki's mother, sit down."

‘Wow, ontology, this lady is Hongjun’s mother! ’

‘Shut up, don’t talk nonsense. ’

"Okay." Izuku nodded, and walked to the warming table in three steps. Kneeling on the mat, neither of them spoke. Izuku looked at the tea cup in front of him, two or three pointed tea leaves standing upright. Stand in the tea.

‘It seems that luck will be good today. ’

"Todoroki often talks to me about you in the hospital. I have never seen him so talkative." Izuku raised his head when the elders provoked him, and he had to catch Huadian.

"Did you live in the hospital before? Why?" Izuku held up the teacup and took a sip.

"That was a long, long time ago, kid, would you like to listen to it?"

"Of course, I'm very willing." Isn't that what Hong Jun did for?

‘But don’t we believe in and empathize with this kind of thing, that doesn’t exist at all? ’

‘People have empathy...’

"That's..... Probably when Todoroki was four years old. After Todoroki obtained the [quirk] of [Flame], Enji has been forcing Todoroki to train, and I felt more and more fear... .." Heng Leng said as the hand holding the teacup turned red, the heat from the teacup gradually disappeared, and Ms. Heng Leng's [quirk] accidentally activated.

"When Jun was four years old? I remember I played with Jun Jun when I was four, but Jun Jun seemed to be taken home by an uncle at the time. If I want to come, that uncle should be Mr. Endeavour. Izuku took a sip of the tea in his hand.

" should be him, he has been forcing him to train since he brought Todoroki back! I was always scared! He was more and more like his dad at that time! More and more extreme! Woo!" Ice crystals appeared on the back of Hong Leng's hand. Izuku looked at the ice crystal on the back of Hong Leng's hand with a hint of surprise in his heart.

"Finally...Finally, one night! I really can't stand it! I...I just use boiled water! Splash him! I don't want that! I don't want to That's it!" Not only the back of his hand, but also ice crystals began to appear on his face.

‘What the hell is this? ! ’

‘[ quirk] ran away! How to do? ! What to do? ! ’Subconsciously, Izuku crossed the warming table and hugged the [quirk] that was violent, and the cold tea fell from the cup to the warming table.

‘It’s cold! So ice! ’

‘Is she ice cube? ! ’

"Ms. Boom's cold!" Izuku's teeth trembled when he spoke.

‘Can’t let her [quirk] go on anymore! ’

‘Even if you get knocked out, this kind of [quirk] runaway will continue! it's too cold! The red eye came out from behind Izuku.

"She has to get her body temperature back to normal! If her body temperature is too low, she will die!"(Read more @

"Damn damn! What to do?! Use fire?! Okay! Shoto Todoroki, quirk: [semi-cold and half-hot]!" The red-eyed man turned into Shoto Todoroki's appearance after a while.

"DaDaDaDaDa~Ha~Can't you change your person? DaDaDaDa."

"Now I just want to use this." [Shoto Todoroki]'s left half of the body lit up a flame, using its own flame to scorch Kolen and Izuku.

"No! Body temperature is still dropping!"

‘What should I do? ’

‘Huh... can only... think of something else! ’

"Ms. Heng Leng...I believe you definitely didn't mean it that day. You didn't want to be that way, right?" The clothes on the inside of Izuku's arm were pierced with ice crystals.

"Woo..." Ms. Hong Leng cried in a low voice, and her tears turned into ice cubes under the action of [quirk], and fell on the warm table or the collar of Izuku's clothes.

"Ms. Hong Leng, I never doubted that a mother would not love her child."

‘It’s so painful, I feel blood dripping out. ’

"I firmly believe that every mother is great... so cold..." The rumbling mood gradually calmed down.

"I firmly believe that your decision at that time was a wrong decision you made when there was a mental problem. I believe that the action you made at the time was not your intention. No mother was cruel. I believe that Jun has forgiven you, so...huh..." Izuku let out a cold breath, slightly let go of his hand, and hugged Rong Leng again.

"So please don't be afraid and blame yourself, your family will be sad." The cold feeling gradually disappeared, and the temperature rose rapidly.

‘Huh... the [quirk] runaway was resolved smoothly. ’

‘Really, I didn’t expect it to be a heart disease. [Shoto Todoroki]'s body became distorted, and within a few seconds it turned red eyes again.

‘Heart disease still needs heart medicine, I am totally a placebo. ’

"Hug... sorry."

"Ms. Hong Leng, your [quirk] runaway is finally over." Izuku let go of the hands holding Feng Leng, his left and right forearms were pierced by the ice crystals just now, a few drops. Blood soaked in the black textile cloth, Izuku took a breath and retreated back to where he was sitting before. His New Year's clothes were soaked in water from melting ice crystals, and the warm table was covered with overturned tea. Izuku just Sitting there, waiting quietly.

"I'm very sorry! I let you see such an ugly state." Heng Leng wiped the tears from her face with her clothes, and her kimono was also soaked. Fortunately, it was dark, otherwise it would be embarrassing. Up.

"I didn't think it was ugly, Ms. Heng Leng, it was just a normal emotional release. For people with emotional changes, crying can ease the emotions." Izuku squinted his eyes, and he saw the chill at this time. The embarrassment, now I have to retire first, let Ms. Hong Leng be alone.

"Sorry to knock over the tea, I'll go get a cloth to wipe it." Izuku quickly took the two empty tea cups and quickly left the room.

"Swipe and pull." The paper door opened, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki looked up at the same time, seeing Izuku's wet clothes and a helpless smile.

"Hong Jun, Aunt Hong Leng has to take medicine well."

"How are you?" Shoto Todoroki stood up from the ground. He took a deep look at Izuku's whole body. It was soaked in water. If Izuku went back like this, he would definitely catch a cold.

"How is mother?"

"Auntie's body is weak, and she just went [quirk] violently, Hong Jun should take care of Auntie."


"Is there a place to take a shower here? I am not very wet when I am wet."

"Yeah, yes! Come with me!" Izuku and Shoto Todoroki directly ignored Bakugo Katsuki, whose faces were full of veins and were ready to explode, and walked directly to the bathroom of the bombing house.

"Ahhh! Fuck! You two! How dare you fucking ignore me!!!"

"Shhh... Xiaosheng, don't make a lot of noise here."

"Fuck!" Bakugo Katsuki was completely blown up, the kind that no one can coax very well.

Bakugo Katsuki exuded the kind of aura that didn't provoke me. Dan followed Izuku and Shoto Todoroki to the bathroom of Boom's house.

"The bathroom is bigger than my two rooms! It's really a big mansion." Izuku, who changed into a yukata in the dressing room, looked at the bathroom, which was almost the size of his two rooms, and wiped the non-existent saliva.

‘It’s really generous! ’

"My right hand, can I touch the water?"

‘Didn’t you touch it just now? See if there is any scabs. ’

"That's true, but let's wait a day for the hands and remove them tomorrow." Izuku said, raising his right hand and lay down in the bath.

‘I remembered something that was not very happy...’

"That is to say, I remembered something unhappy." The cold voice resounded in the empty bathroom, and Bakugo Katsuki stood outside the bathroom with his arms folded, his face still quite ugly.

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