The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 665 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 665

Shoto Todoroki used his own [quirk] to dry Izuku's wet clothes and quickly hung the clothes on the drying rack. Shoto Todoroki ran into his mother's room.

"Mom, do you want to change your clothes? Wet clothes are not good for your health."

"Hoo... I will go, but your Midoriya kid is really a good friend." The water on the kimono of Hong Leng did not know when it disappeared, and his eyes were filled with kindness and kindness. tender.

"Yes." Shoto Todoroki knelt and sat down not far from the cold, with a serious expression on his face.

"I really like him."

"I want to come." Heng Leng looked at the tea on the warming table, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and with a wave of his hand, a brown ice sculpture appeared on the table, just as Izuku hugged her.

"His hug is very warm and suitable for you. If you two can be together, then I can rest assured."

"You have no objection?"

"What am I against? I would be very happy if you can keep singing the opposite of your dad." The corners of his mouth became higher. "You have to entertain the guests. Go. I'll take the medicine."

"Okay." Shoto Todoroki lowered his head and closed the paper door gently.

"Invite him to have dinner at home." When the paper door was closed, a thunderous sound could be heard.

"I see." Shoto Todoroki said, standing up, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly, and his right hand clenched tightly.

‘Got it, mother’s permission! Then it's convenient! ’Shoto Todoroki's eyes flickered slightly.

On the other side, in an official laboratory, the pigeon-shaped Orphnoch caught by FAIZ finally recovered its normal body with the help of researchers, a five-year-old boy.

"Goo... I changed back?! Goo! That's great!"

"Puff..." Outside the one-way glass of the laboratory, the police officer in the mound and a dozen high-ranking officials swallowed clouds and smoked in the viewing room.

"Police officer, what do you think about this matter?" A high-level executive pushed the cigarette in his hand into an ashtray full of cigarette butts.

"The young man’s name is Ryo Sasaki, he is a [no quirk] person. I searched for a long time before I found his home, but his parents said that they had never given birth to this child. After DNA comparison, it was determined that the parents were His biological parents."

"So, what's the change in his body? Isn't it [no quirk]?"

"Yes, according to his confession, he was taken away by an unknown person one day while playing outside. His last memory was that he had attacked the city where the Endeavour office was located, and his clearest memory was when he encountered a red The silver man was subdued afterwards."

"Red Silver Man? Is there any specific information?"

"No, but it appears on the Internet that it has close contacts with a person nicknamed Tianmajun."

"Forget about the Red Silver Man and Tianma Jun, if this technology allows us to master, our international influence can increase rapidly."

"Rightist! Tell me honestly! This kind of human experiment will not be accepted in any country! Let alone our defeated country! We are being stared at!"

"Also, we don't know if our national strength and technology can be achieved. What if this is a foreign experimental product?!"(Read more @

"The Prime Minister, the Secretary of Defense and I will never agree!"

"Cough cough." The police officer in the mound coughed twice and brought the attention of the high-level people back.

"Dear senior officials, although I don’t know what the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense think, but I think if it is a foreign experimental product, we need to attach great importance to it. Then I would like to ask, what should I do with this child now? He goes back, still..."

"Does he still have research value?"

"All the necessary data has been collected. I still have a little confession to record. The others are of no value.

"Then the police officer in the mounds will take you back to record your confession. After that, you will arrange it yourself."

"Okay, I see." Tsukauchi lowered his head and replied, turned his head and walked out of the observation room, turned his head to the laboratory, at the door of the laboratory, met the doctor and his assistants who were taking off their masks , The little boy was transferred to the nursing room.

"Doctor, how is it?"

"How is it? Huh, I haven't seen any crazy guy who would actually do something on a five-year-old kid after doing experimental research for so long?! The kind of medicine that I don't know what composition has a great influence on the kid's genes. , If there is no timely treatment, the human beings who receive the medicine will always be like that, and will never return for a lifetime, and the intelligence and vitality will be greatly damaged, basically not living for five years."

"Then that kid..." The right hand in the mound unconsciously clenched.

"It's okay, at least I can live safely to thirty years old. After thirty, I don't know." After the doctor finished speaking, he took his assistants away.

"Can I only live to thirty? Damn it!" His right fist hit the wall fiercely, and shook his arm. Tsukauchi patted his face vigorously. How could this scary face be given to that kid? Look, he raised the hem of his coat and walked quickly to the nursing room.

"Goo... I'm hungry... Wow! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Goo! Goal brother! Goo! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

"Ryo, do you want me to take you to eat some delicious food?" Chinai stood at the door of the nursing room, holding a lollipop in his hand.

"Okay!" Sasaki Ryo's eyes flashed with desire to eat.

"Then put on some clothes, let's go." Moundai threw a set of clothes to Liang, and threw the lollipop in his hand.

A few minutes later, the mound drove Sasaki Ryo out of the hidden official laboratory.

"Sucking, uncle, where are we going to eat?"

"Let's go to the buffet." Tsukauchi said while pressing the call button.

"Call me All Might and Aizawa Shouta." The on-board computer called the two of them.

"Zukauchi, I think you can bring me good news."

"Tsukauchi-kun, how is the situation?"

"I will tell you the situation when you two arrive together. Now, come to this place."

"I have to go to class tomorrow."

"That place? I'll take a taxi right away."

"Don't talk nonsense, you two are the ones who brought him here. You must come."

"Well, where?"

"Sato cafeteria on C Street."

"Well, you have to pay for this meal."

"Hey!" Two phone calls hung up, and Tsukauchi sighed.

"Sucking and sucking~Does uncle hate talking to those two uncles?" Sitting behind Liang sucked the lollipop's clear black eyes and looked at the mound through the rearview mirror.

"No, I don't hate those two uncles. They just don't like wasting time. By the way, do you want to eat lollipops?" "Yes!"

At 2:48 in the afternoon, Tonsori Yagi and Aizawa Shouta came to the Sato cafeteria and sat opposite Tsukauchi and Ryo Sasaki.

"It seems that you are just ordering, so what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Heh, hehe, this kid has already eaten for a round." The black line on the face of the mound, fortunately, he brought this kid to the cafeteria.

"So, why did you call us here? If nothing happens, I'll go back and continue working on the lesson plan." Aizawa tugged at his restraint cloth.

"You are here to let you listen to this child's confession. By the way, the three of us will decide where this child will go in the future."

"Uncle, what is the testimony? Huh?" Liang was eating a piece of super thick sushi at this time, and Tsukauchi touched Liang's head helplessly, "It's okay, you eat first, and when you are finished, uncle asks you. You have to answer a few questions seriously, okay?"

"it is good!"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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