The Hero Academia I Dream

Chapter 666 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Mime private 666

"Guru, I'm full!" Sasaki Ryo who put that piece of sushi into his mouth patted his stomach with satisfaction, Tsukauchi sighed again, and took out the recorder from his pocket.

"Then, Liang, I'm going to ask you a question, and answer it honestly."

"Okay!" Liang turned his head and looked inside the mound. His eyes were all black, and he couldn't even see the white of them, just like the eyes of a dove.

"So, do you have any memories before being injected with that medicine?" Pushing the button of the recorder, Tsukauchi began to ask Ryo Sasaki.

"No, um... Actually there is a little bit, I just remember... There was a person whose face I couldn't see clearly, and he poured a bottle of something into my mouth... .. Then he pushed me out of a place, so high, so high! There are several floors as high!" The mouthful of oil was bright, and he waved his hands.

"Moreover, I feel so light after becoming a pigeon, and I can fly! I can fly so high and so high! I can fly to the height of the target brother!"

"Big Brother Target? Who is it?"

"That's the big brother with green hair!"

"Is it a boy from Midoriya? The one with green hair and Madara tits here?" Tonsori Yagi pointed to his face.

"Yes, yes! Big Brother Target is very nice! Give me a lot of delicious food!" When it comes to Big Brother Target, his eyes shine brightly.

"Why do you want to catch that big brother?"

"I don't know... Gu..." Sasaki pulled a tissue and wiped his hands.

"Then, besides grabbing that big brother, what else did you have to do?"

"Goo..... I forgot, but it seems to be to expand the momentum or something... so hard to understand..."

"Okay," the three adults stared at each other after turning off the recorder.

"So now, what should I do?"

"Should I send someone to protect Midoriya?" Tsukauchi poked the desk with a finger. "He is still a student after all, if he knew that such a big organization was looking for him."

"No, each of us will basically be targeted, and let him be familiar with this feeling, right?"

"Aizawa, you are the real devil."

"Then what's next? If we don't tell the child, how do we ensure that child's safety?" Toshinori Yagi scratched his hair. "It is not realistic to let that child stay in school for a long time. After all, in the second semester, they should Found Tao's office."

"How about letting him into your office?" Aizawa Shouta said, picking up a barbecue, and looking at Yagi Toshinori.(Read more @

"Let him enter my firm? Impossible, impossible, my firm has been closed, and there are not a few Heroes working on my side."

"What about Yeyan's office?"

"Yes, Yeyan's office may be ok. His [quirk] can at least predict what will happen in an hour. If it is him, there may be a way."

"But I feel that the relationship between Yeyan and Midoriya boy and him is not very good. If Midoriya boy is forced to enter the office of Yeyan, it might be counterproductive."

"So this matter must be considered in the long term. Anyway, he should not have any problems in school, so what will the child do next? It seems impossible for him to return to society now, and his parents do not want to accept it. He, it is not easy to supervise him if he is put in an orphanage, let alone a child with [no quirk]."

"Wait, why don't his parents want to accept him?"

"Of course it's because Ryo Sasaki is a [no quirk] child." Tsukauchi touched Liang's head, "and their family seems to be a family that attaches great importance to [quirk]."

"It's no wonder that only 20% of people in this world don't have quirk. It seems that many people regard [no quirk] as deformed and disabled."

"I completely forgot that the world a decade ago was ordinary people [no quirk]."

"Hey, hey, I've digressed, don't talk about such a heavy topic here, so where do you put this child? It must be to ensure his safety and not let him feel that he is being discriminated against. And keep it secret... How about UA?" Tsukauchi looked at the two of them.

"Hello, U.A is not a kindergarten, and having an eri is enough for a headache."

"But there is no way. The medical equipment and treatment experience on your side is the best besides the official. It is also the place where the [quirk] has been studied the most. I can only rely on you."

"Then that's all there is, eh? What happened to him?" Aizawa Shouta pointed to Sasaki Ryo who was swaying slightly.

"Goo...I'm so sleepy."

"I want to sleep when I'm full? Are you really afraid of becoming a pig?" Aizawa tugged at her restraint. "If you eat so much, the school can't hold it, okay?"

"Goo! Ah! My stomach hurts! I'm going to the toilet!" Sasaki Ryo ran off his seat and rushed to the toilet.

"It's like going to the toilet after eating, it's really like a pigeon." Toshinori Yagi poked his face.

"I guess his living habits and genes have changed. If something happens, please contact me immediately." Tsukauchi said to the two professional heroes with a serious face.

"We will pay attention."

On the other side, Izuku, who was rushing to the house and soaking in the bath, heard the sound coming from outside the bathroom door, as if calling himself, he stood up and walked to the bathroom door.

"Didn't you hear it?" Shoto Todoroki knocked on the bathroom door again while holding the dry clothes. "Izuku, the clothes are already dried."

"Smelly long! You won't be fainted, right?"

"Swipe!" The wooden door was opened, and Izuku, wearing a wet dada yukata, appeared in front of the two of them. Izuku blushed and stretched out his hand and scratched his hair. "Sorry, Xiaosheng, Yu-kun, the bath has been a long time I'm a little dizzy. I'm so sorry that I didn't hear you two calling me." When the left hand was lifted up, the right half of the yukata fell on the bandaged right hand, revealing half of it. The red shoulders are like a lamb that has just woken up, without any defense.

"Get me dressed! It smells long!" The disconnected thread in his mind was reconnected, Bakugo Katsuki pulled Izuku's fallen yukata one step ahead of Shoto Todoroki, and knocked Izuku's head with a sword.

"Hurry up and get lost in the bath? Change my clothes quickly!"

"Woo..." Izuku squatted down slowly, covering the place where he was knocked with his hands.

"It hurts... so sleepy..."

"Ha, is it still soaking for too long? And the soaking is so comfortable. I want to go back to sleep." Red eyes popped out from behind Izuku, also squatting on the ground, yawning, "Main body, the two of us replied. Let's sleep at home, how about?"

"it is good......"

"Izuku, um, can you..." As soon as Shoto Todoroki finished speaking, the red eye stood up, grabbed the clothes in Shoto Todoroki's hands, and opened two [transports] beside Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki. Gate】

"Sorry... Hung Jun, I'm so sleepy, I want to go home to sleep, so I'll disturb." After Izuku finished speaking, he fell directly into the portal, and his red eyes faced Shoto Todoroki. A gesture, "We'll wash and dry the yukata and give it to you, so let's go first, Bakugo, can't you go back? You can stay here if you don't go back." Bakugo Katsuki glanced at Shoto Todoroki." Here, the boring is going to die, whoever loves to be treated." After speaking, Bakugo Katsuki walked directly into the [Portal].

"Then, let's say goodbye first." After the red eye said, he also fell into the [Portal].

"But!" Shoto Todoroki reached out to the two [Portal Gates] that were closing.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, to be a little better when you shoot, Todoroki." In the corner, the silver-haired woman tilted her head and looked at Shoto Todoroki, who was depressed, with the corners of her mouth cocked slightly.

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